again questions

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by phil »

Hey Meryaten!

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm very nervous at this point, as you can well imagine.

BTW, do you have a link to the article that specifically addresses the double surgery and stability? I'd like to read that again.

Thanks, and John, my apologies for temporarily highjacking your post!


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answer to b

#17 Post by kate0310 »

hi there,

for your question b) about getting hit after surgery, my surgeon told me that at 3 months post-op you should be able to take a solid hit to the face without damage if your bones are in normal condition.

I have to wait 3 months before I can get back on my horse, because he said if I fell off before then, things could shift or shatter --> but in the long term it won't be an issue.

jaw surgery teaches you the meaning of 'patience' :!: :!: :!:

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#18 Post by john21 »

If my upper jaw is ok,is it necessary to operate it,so the lower jaw will be more stable?it doesn't makes much sense...

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#19 Post by phil »

Jumping in on the discussion...

I would think, John (remember, we're all laypeople--consult the professionals for the real scoop!) that the distance of movement is going to be a crucial factor. Quite honestly, I would be happy if my mandible were set back as little as possible, and the maxilla moved to match, but stability in the outcome is the most important factor to me, not aesthetics. I want to have a bite that functions in a healthy way for the rest of my life, and if that means having not so strong of a chin, then I can live with that.

And, of course, there is still the issue of genioplasty, which may come up in my consult tomorrow, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it--and it appears that I can see it just a little bit in the distance now!

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#20 Post by john21 »

I discussed with the OS.he said that probably only the lower jaw will have to be operated.But he also told me to make x-ray,so he can tell me sure.

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#21 Post by jjames »

John, I'm not sure if it helps, but I agree there is way too much misinformation out there based on people who fear the surgery. I was told by several people over the years as I pondered having my lower jaw surgery and getting braces that the bone had a big chance of breaking again, and the surgery simply "didn't work." Which, I suspected then and know now, is just not true. Also, I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet in this thread, and I don't know how it would apply to you, but I've read in some instances on here of people having the screws taken out after you begin to heal. I think it has something to so with your body's reaction to the metal, though.

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