what if the jaw condyle displaced by a hit or pressure

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#16 Post by loulou123 »

Ive got an interesting question then if removing wisdom teeth (lower ones) make the "jaw move backwards" how come as part of my jaw advancement surgery (to move jaw forwards) i had my wisdom teeth taken out? My surgeon is highly qualified and im sure he knows exactly what hes doing.

Your right tho, i dont know how my face may have looked with my wisdom teeth, but i never would have as they were impacted in the gum anyway. As they were in the way of the site of my operation they had to be removed for the op to be undertaken.

Im really really sorry that your having a rough time, presumably after wisdom tooth extraction, but do you really want to scare others, as thats the way its coming acrossed. Ive had several problems with my teeth myself but that doesnt mean that whats happened to me, will happen to anyone else, nor does it for you. Please get professional help for your concerns over your jaw and teeth. I wish you good luck.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#17 Post by dubnobass »

Yep - I had been pencilled in to have both lower (impacted) wisdom teeth taken out during surgery, but the roots of the tooth on the left were too close to the BSSO incision site and extraction then would have weakened an already too-small jawbone. So, I still have one runty little wisdom tooth buried deep within my gums on the lower left, and long may it stay there!

The issue of wisdom teeth is just too variable for ANYBODY to advise that wisdoms should always be kept OR extracted. Every patient is different, every set of teeth is different, every jaw is different. You simply cannot extrapolate your own situation to other peoples'. I would have loved to have 32 healthy teeth in a nice big jaw - I have had to settle for 26 nice healthy teeth in a small, underdeveloped jaw instead.

My upper wisdom teeth came through when I was 20 or so, and both teeth developed instant cavities, the first cavities of my life. They were runty, misshapen, poorly developed teeth that my dentist promised me could be guaranteed to need many more fillings in the future. He offered to drill 'em or pull 'em - I opted for the latter. £12 a tooth, god bless the NHS!

One of my lower wisdoms came through a little bit a few years ago and never got any further. It was stinky and sore - another runt tooth, already with cavities before it had even fully emerged. That's history, gone. I don't WANT my wisdom teeth back - there's is nowhere for them to GO. No room at the inn.There was simply no room for the teeth I had, let alone the extra 4 wisdom teeth. When they started coming in, my teeth became even more crooked and both arches looked like a pile of books that had toppled sideways.
Braced May 2005
Bimaxillary surgery Aug 2007
Debraced Jun 2008

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#18 Post by ohmyjaw »

I had all 4 wisdom teeth extracted at age 13, and it didn't change my face or jaw.

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