Updated everyones arguing over me - oops

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#16 Post by JayC »

well i guess only time will tell. swelling has gone down since yesterday and its about 30 hours since ive been on my antibiotics. crossing my fingers this was only a slight hump in my recovery...

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#17 Post by loulou123 »

Ive been on the antibiotics for a week now with no real improvment at all :? tho it is slightly less painfull, so thats one good thing.

Not sure if its the infection or the fact ive had alot of antibiotics, but im feeling pretty run down, which isnt so great. And i keep managing to snap my elastics, so im practising aiming them at people, as suggested in another post lol :lol:

JayC how are things going with you know?

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#18 Post by JayC »

im doing a lot better but the AB's are making my stomach bleh.... i updated on my thread so i wouldnt have to hijack yours hehe

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#19 Post by JayC »

im doing a lot better but the AB's are making my stomach bleh.... i updated on my thread so i wouldnt have to hijack yours hehe

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#20 Post by loulou123 »

Got 2 hospital apps tomorrow, one in the morning with the surgeon, to 1)find out if i can be unbanded and if theyve prevented a relapse (fingers crossed for me please :D ) and number 2) to set a date hopefully for the removal of the plate :roll: tho that depends on what tomorrows xrays show. :roll:

Then in the afternoon ive got an appointment with the ortho. All great fun lol.

Theres still no improvement from the infection, so im just hoping that the bone is healing and they can schedule the removal of the plate, as then i can move on from this.

Fingers crossed and good thoughts would be much appreciated! :wink:

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#21 Post by zou »


I've been gone from the board for a while but remember that you were just getting ready to surgery as I was getting ready to be unwired.

I am so sorry to hear that things have not gone smoothly with your procedure. I had a slight setback after my operation, but nothing like what you are being challenged with.

Best of luck with tomorrow's x-rays and I hope they can get your next surgery scheduled so that you can get back on the healing track.



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#22 Post by loulou123 »

Thanks meryaten and Zou :D (and sorry to hear of your probs too zou :? )

Well had my 2 appointments at the hospital today...heres what happened, now ive calmed down enough to tell it :roll:

Firstly-the issue of the infection-its still there (which hardly comes as a surprise seeing as its still swollen) and on the xrays they can see what looks like infection around a screw (or in that area) which in a funny kind of way is the good news, as at least SOMETHING has shown up. But the jaw bone on the left side is showing no real signs of starting to heal, and they wont remove the plate until the jaw bone is healing. So they want to wait at least another 6 weeks before removal :roll: obviously this is pretty aweful for me, as its painful and quite franky i look abit silly too!

Then one of my oral surgeons, collegues said i really needed the molar taken out asap, so im booked into have that removed on the 11th april (really scared about that which i know is silly, but have a real phobia of extractions whilst awake, even tho ive had some) at this point i got a huge shock, as its become apparent that my surgeon took out the molar on the wrong side :shock: during my jaw op. (slightly embarrassing for me too, as its been 6 weeks and until i saw todays xrays compared to the ones pre op i didnt notice i was missing a tooth!) even worse hes trying to deny he did it, tho the xray pre surgery clearly shows the tooth there 3 weeks before op, and i think id remember having it out somehow. :evil:

And then to cap it all off, my roms gone from 2 finger widths too, barely even one in the last 2 weeks, due to the swelling etc, and because the muscles have got tight its very hard for me to open my mouth.

Oh and im still on no chew, to avoid putting extra stress on the bone as it tries to heal.

There is SOME good news too:

Ive been released from the tight bands and am now on guiding elastics, which feel fantastic :lol:

Im keeping my mouth and teeth clean

So far my bites still good and the ortho seems very happy.

So things could be much worse, still have to admit that i did have a little cry :cry: as it just seems to be one thing after another and i just want to be able to move on, and now its looking likely to be nearly summer before i get the plate removed. :? [/b]

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#23 Post by Andantae »

OMG Loulou!!!! OMG! OMG! I literally just read your post, sat up and gasped, as my mouth fell open.

WHAT do you have to put up with next!??! :cry:

Cry? CRY?!!? I would be having a tantrum and screaming @#$@* through my tears!!! ...and then your OS tries to DENY it!

Things to consider right now:

The overriding importance to all of this is correcting your bite and THAT you have accomplished and don't have to worry about anymore --I am so happy for you there!

The guiding elastics sound like such a relief compared to being tightly banded; maybe these next 6 weeks won't seem so long...

You are my new role model. If I ever make the effort to grow up, I wanna be just like you. In the meantime, I want to fly over the biggest, meanest looking dog I can find to take with you to your next appointment with your OS.

Sending all my positive thoughts!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#24 Post by JayC »

lou.... you shoudl sue the surgeon.. well ... i duno do something at least... if not for the wrong molar being taken out, you have to wonder if he could have prevented the infection as well after all this negligence that has come up.

cant they put you on a drip or a least do something to decrease the swelling.. unless the infection is so localized to the exterior of the bone and behind the muscle wher there iS NO blood flow at all?

im wondering if the lft side will heal with such infection. i read tht areas of infection tend not to heal. how is the right side in terms of healing? i guess the surgeon knows best but.. i would think they would go in your left cheek remove the screws.. disinfect everything.. put clean plates and scerws in and put you on AB's for a solid 2 weeks while the new hardware is in u?

i mean having an infetion like that cannot be good and isnt there a chance it will spread as well?

neways good luck and i hope all goes well. 6 wks is a mighty long time.. to think by then you should have been all healed up from the initial surgery.. best wishes.. stay strong. ur doing great thus far

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#25 Post by loulou123 »

Thanks everyone :D reading all the kind replys has made me feel much better.

Meryaten-oh im irate about the extraction mistake dont worry about that! Sat in the car park afterwards and just said lots of sentances mostly containing words i wont use here and my surgeons name :lol:

Andi-the biggest meanest dog made me laugh :D imagine my surgeons face if i did that! Also thanks for reminding me there is still some good to come out of this.

PS-im really not that grown up....i hope! lol

Jayc- to be honest i cant be bothered with the fight of sueing the surgeon, as the legal system in the uk makes that sort of thing pretty hard etc (i work as a legal secretary) all i want is for it all to be over, not dragging through solicitors and things for months, even years. Thanks for the suggestion tho.

I dont know why theyve picked the do nothing aproach, but guess i have to trust they know best :roll: tho they have said if it gets any more swollen then to come in and theyll go down the intervenous antibiotic route. The right sides doing ok, app it looks about on target for 6 and half weeks, so thats a relief.

Will keep everyone posted, thanks again. :D

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#26 Post by loulou123 »


Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#27 Post by JayC »

couple of questions... 1) did they take tests to see if it might be MRSA and thats why the antibiotics arent really doing much

2) are you still working or did you take a leave of absence from work?

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#28 Post by loulou123 »


1) They havent taken any swabs etc for mrsa as far as i know, but they did test me for it before the op (to see if i was carrying it) because of my previous issues. Am guessing that if it was mrsa then it would be getting much much worse by now.

2) Im a temp as a legal secretary, and told the temping agency that i wouldnt be available to work for at least 4 weeks (this is what my surgeon said to do before op) but i havent been back yet, as up until yesterday my bands were too tight for me to talk clearly and without a regular "understanding" boss to go back to, it was unlikely id be offered a temp position.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#29 Post by Rach »

OMG I cannot believe all of this is happening to you Lou :( and I have to agree that if I was in your postion I would probably be constantly in tears, so hats off to you for being so calm (the odd cry is more than acceptable in this circumstance) I don't believe he is denying all of this either?! How can you even deny it if the proof is there? Well lets hope they can take the plates out in about 6 weeks. I think youve been so brave through all of this.

Big hugs heading your way :)

Rach xx
Feel free to take a look at my SurgeryBlog




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#30 Post by tazzle »

lou this is a reeeaaaly quick reply as I only have VERY linmited access to puter till next week when I get home and its takem me a while to find . read your saga :wink:

big huge hugs gal............. weel gentle too :)

sorry you have more surgery ..... but echo others ... good side looks REALLY good !

will post more when I get home next week



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