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Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:04 pm
by clairet707
Oh Lou, more infection, fingers crossed the AB's work this time and this look up for you soon


Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:10 pm
by sauerkraut
Just seen this as I've been away for a week. Hope things are looking up a bit more for you now. All the best. :)

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:12 pm
by Delag
How are you feeling today?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:20 am
by Andantae
Ditto Delag's question, Loulou; How are you feeling now? Any traces left of that infection? How's the swelling?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:32 am
by loulou123
oops double post :roll:

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:32 am
by loulou123
Hey Guys :D BIG Thank you to everyone for there support over last few weeks :D :D sorry i havent updated you all, been abit fed up :( but feeling more cheerful today.

Think im progressing in the right direction, my temperature has certainly gone down, along with alot of the internal swelling. Meaning i can at least now see what the inside of my mouth looks like. Externally i still look like i have a egg or pool ball in my cheek, which is so not the best look! Everything inside looks ok, did have some redness round some of the stitches but it seems to be easing off. Properly just being abit negative, but still have the feeling that the infection isnt going to give up that easily, hopefully im wrong. :?

In myself i feel surprisingly ok, im still abit tired (but guess thats the anaesethic and antibiotics again) have found myself getting bit fed up, but thats hardly surprising. Theres still quite abit of pain but its only a week post 2nd op again i expected that. Have an appointment with the surgeon next week for a check up so guess ill know more then.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:52 pm
by tazzle
hi louise ..... i not been on here for a while , just caught up with the news

glad you have had thet ughy plate taken out at last ........... not surprised you are feeling up and down what with anaesthesia, infection and pain :cry: :cry: :cry:

(gentle) hugs and I do so hope it all gets better and better........

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 3:28 pm
by JayC

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:01 pm
by loulou123
Hey :lol:

Seeing my surgeon tomorrow, so hopefully ill know more then. But things are so so at the moment. Pain wise im doing pretty well, swelling is still very noticable on left side. Im praying and crossing everything that its now just residue swelling from the old infection and having my gum cut open again. :?

Am managing to keep my mood abit more cheerful at the moment, so thats a good step from a mental point of view. (im planning a holiday and thats always cheering! :D )

Meryaten-am hoping that the surgeon will say things are looking ok tomorrow, but if not i want a new plan, as this has dragged on long enough now.

Will update tomorrow with news.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:40 pm
by tazzle
20 more fingers and toes crossed :wink:

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:56 pm
by cmeyer115
Got some more crossed for you in NC!!! Hope all goes well :lol:

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:31 am
by loulou123
Thanks for all the crossed fingers and toes :lol:

Well im back from seeing the surgeon and its good and bad news (isnt it always) at the moment, hes confident that there is no infection in the incision site (YIPEE :D) and im managing to keep it all clean and nice. Which is obviously fantastic news. More absolutley brilliant news is that ive been given permission to chew, well try and chew. Tho only very very soft things as i still have stitiches in and its early days since plate removal. :D Trouble is i dont know what to chew as my "1st thing". Hmmm. But sure ill find something. :D :wink:

On the bad news side, they are sending me for tests for diabetes etc, as app they think there might be an underlying medical reason for my bad luck, with the infection. :? Also there is still something wrong with the left side of my jaw, and they are now trying me on topical steroid cream in my mouth to ry and reduce the swelling. They think that the left over swelling at the moment is a combination of scar tissue and where i am STILL chewing on my cheek. (the chewing has resulted in a thickening of the inside of my cheek,) and the only way he could suggest of stopping me chewing it, if the steroids dont work was to wire my mouth shut for 4 weeks until its healed, as its become a vicious circle. Am REALLY hoping this doesnt need to be done. Could also need another small operation if the scar tissue becomes a problem to remove it, as its near the muscle. (dont really understand that!)

So a mixed bag, some great news and some not so good news. Hsve to go back next week, as they want to keep a close eye on me now. :?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:25 am
by loulou123
Quick update

Still no sigh of the infection returning :D so actually beginning to believe that it might have gone. Tho at same time, cant quite believe it yet :?

It sounds a good idea about the barrier meryaten, i will ask the hospital about that on thursday, as ill try anything to stop it.

Am finding eating very very hard going, my jaw and teeth just dont seem to be in the "right" places anymore (which i guess to me there not) and its all abit frustarting. Guess thats all to be expected after over 3 months of not chewing tho.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:25 am
by dubnobass
I found re-learning chewing quite difficult - everything moved, and it took ages to get used to, along with the jaw stiffness.

I still find chewing hard, 10 months down the line - I'm OK on the right-hand-side, but I manage to nip the inside of my mouth with the koyabashi (spc?) hooks every time I chew. I have to really concentrate - and 'make' myself use the left hand side of my mouth as my natural inclination is to chew on the right.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:46 pm
by JayC
yea the new bite feels weird. i coudl chew properly... my jaw muscles were also very stiff. itll be A ok within a matter of weeks