April 2010 Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by descantus »

Hugely excited! This surgery has been 2 years in the planning and about 15 years as an ambition, so it's the realisation of a lifelong dream. 8)

I've no doubts about whether i'm doing the right thing, and am confident in my surgeon's abilities to do a good job. The only things i'm dreading are going into the hospital itself (I'm terrified of them) and the moment I wake up from surgery. I'm working on meditation routines which will hopefully help me calm down a bit during these times, and will bear in mind the old adage 'this too shall pass'.

Anyone else have specific moments they're fearing?
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#17 Post by Audra »

Descantus - I'm sure the meditation will help quite a bit. Like you, this has been almost 2 years coming, and about 20 before that knowing that at some point if I wanted to fix my bite, this would have to be the way to do it.

I got a pile of stuff from the Health Region in the mail today:

- Lab Requisition for "Type and Screen", which is a pre-transfusion thing. I'm hoping it is a "just in case" type of thing that they do. I've been asked to have it done sometime between April 1 and 9th and I'll have to wear the armband that they put on from the time of collection until discharge from the hospital.

- info about surgery and what to expect at the hospital. Everything from checking in, to pre-surgery, operating room, recovery room and post-surgery.

- Info on pain management.

- Blenderized diet pamphlet

- Info on corrective jaw surgery. Indicated that I "may" spend first 24 hours in intensive care unit for monitoring and then moved to regular unit.

- info on stopping vitamins 7 days prior to surgery, herbal supplements 14 days prior, no NSAIDS 2 days prior. No food or drink after midnight.

- Phone number to call the day before to get my surgery time and what time I need to show up to the hospital.

So, I'm feeling pretty prepared now, and was happy to see how comprehensive the information was.

Tomorrow is records appointment with surgeon in the afternoon.


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#18 Post by blindboarder2008 »

best of luck to all the april buddies!!!!! audra: wowers you sound like you are well prepared!!!! will be looking forward to your updates!

I had the bite registration done prior to surgery as well and from what I got from the person who did it they wanted to make sure that my bite was in the correct position or they got the bite good. not the greatest stuff but def nicer then the gooey trays of molds aka impressions lol

supposed to be going in for another check up with my surgeon, been having some post op jaw pain and clicking so they want it to be looked at

good luck april people!!
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

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#19 Post by CoastieAsh »

Hello All!!

I am scheduled on 06APR2010 to have the Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander procedure. I am pretty excited about it! I am growing more nervous by the day though, especially seeing the pictures of blogs of people who have had the procedure. I guess I didn't really think of what I would look like after the surgery but now I have ideas and I guess that is what is making me nervous. Probably the thought of having to answer millions of questions when people see me after the 21 days of convalescent leave.

I am in the United States Coast Guard stationed in Washington, DC. Thankfully the Coast Guard is paying for all of the procedures that I am going to endure on this journey :). After the SARPE, I will wear braces for somewhere between 9 and 12 months. Then I am scheduled to have my lower jaw broken in three places and moved forward.

I am a Class 3 dental case. I have a open bite. I think my biggest complaint as I am now is that I can't bite things off with my teeth. When eating a sandwich I pull peices off and then put them in my mouth.

I look forward to going through the procedures knowing that I am not the only one out there having it done! :D Can't wait to see how we all progress!


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#20 Post by descantus »

Hi CoastieAsh, welcome to Team April :lol:

That's a long journey they have planned for you there, but at least you'll see a big difference right away. You sound pretty calm with a week to go, I think i'll be scared stiff by that point!

Keep us posted!
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#21 Post by Audra »

Hey everyone!

Blindboard - yup, I think I'm pretty prepared. Nerves are just starting to kick in now. I'm not scared, just nervous. Sorry to hear about your jaw pain and clicking. Hopefully they can sort it out for you. Let us know how it goes.

Welcome CoastieAsh. Wow, you're just starting out! I hope the SARPE goes well for you, and the rest of your process also. A couple of years will fly by and then you'll be done. I also can't bite things right now. I either break things up and then put it in my mouth or I try to bite and just tear (like with sandwiches). I'm so excited to think I'll actually be able to bite into food properly in a few months.

So, yesterday's appointment with the surgeon went well. He did the wax impression for the upper splint. Then he put it on the facebow and did all the tightening. The plaster mold then fits into the wax impression and sits on the facebow. What he does with it from there, I don't know. He said he'll do the mock surgery on the molds this Saturday. He also took two wax impressions of my bite, and that was it. The phone interview with the pre-admission clinic was pretty straightforward. Medical history taken. Told me where to go day of surgery. Said I'd have a bag of iv antibiotics before the surgery, and gave me her phone number in case I have any more questions between now and April 16th.

Not much else to do now but wait.


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#22 Post by descantus »

Hi Audra,

What's a facebow? Don't think my surgeon has used anything like it on me, i'm seeing him a week monday so might ask if it's something important...

Thanks, Discantus
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#23 Post by Audra »

The facebow is a caliper like thing. It's hard to explain. First he took a wax impression of my upper teeth. When it hardened he put it on a metal bite plate that had a handle on it. The facebow has two long arms like stethescope arms I guess that fit into your ears. You hold them there for the surgeon while he adjusts the piece that fits to your hose and then there's all these things that he tightens on it. When he removes the bite plate, and I let go of the ear piece, it's comes away as one piece with the bite plate attached. He then put the plaster model of my upper arch on the was impression. I believe he uses the facebow when doing the mock surgery on the molds.

He said it's an important step apparently. I believe it measures the relationship of your jaws and bite to the joints. I'm not sure though. It's typically done at your records appointment a few weeks before surgery. My surgeon will be away next week so I got it done early.


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#24 Post by Audra »

"nose" - not hose. LOL


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#25 Post by CoastieAsh »

Hello Audra and Descantus! Good luck with your upcoming surgeries! It does look as if I am way behind :). I get the RPE on Monday of next week and then Tuesday I have the SARPE surgery.

I asked today when I went to get spacers placed in, exactly how many millimeters my palate needed to be expanded. Orthodontists says 5 or maybe 6 mm.

I am getting anxious! Ready to get the train on the tracks!

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#26 Post by Audra »

How exciting Ashleigh. Are you nervous?

I hope everything goes well for you next week.


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#27 Post by DrBlur »

I just posted the details in my thread in the "Our Stories" forum but I should be having my procedure done sometime by the end of this month, I'd reckon. I'm waiting to hear back from the surgeon's office for when they'll schedule it...fun fun!
32 years old, total time in braces=30 months

-Braces and palate expander on 4/15/10
-RPE Surgery 9/15/10
-Expander removed 3/11
-Braces Removed 9/7/12
-Retainers in 9/7/12

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#28 Post by descantus »

Ah, thanks for the explanation Audra, I think I know what you mean. Have my next (and I think final) pre-surgery appt with my surgeon on 12th April so will see what he does.

It's getting closer and closer for both of us now, and it feels like the time is FLYING by!
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#29 Post by Audra »

Descantus, you probably will have the facebow done at that appointment if your surgeon does them.

My final appointment with the surgeon is April 14th for the splint fitting. Tomorrow I go for my blood type and screen. The 15th is surgical hooks and that's it. I have nothing left to do, so it's making me crazy. So, I've started spring cleaning at home to keep me busy.

Yes, it's pretty close for both of us. Two weeks for me and three for you. Time does fly doesn't it?


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#30 Post by nineeyes »

Thought I'd join in. First post, but I've been lurking for a while.

I'm scheduled to have my surgery tomorrow morning at 10AM (April 1st). I am having both jaws done to correct a class 3 malocclusion, open bite and cross bite.

Just had the hooks put in yesterday, so it looks like things are set!

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