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Re: Dr. Kevin McBride?(shopping for affordable surgical opti

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:08 pm
by sarz
You are right guys, I did not sign a confidentiality agreement when I started this treatment so I have named the people that provided this treatment.
I am very much looking forward to naming the people that are finishing it for me :rose:

Re: Dr. Kevin McBride?(shopping for affordable surgical opti

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:57 am
by lexchomp
[quote="I love my teeth"]moonpie-

There are several on here who had surgery with Dr. Bloomquist. I do not know if they had ins. coverage or not. But I had my insurance reject the first time around, so I had surgery with him anyway in Jan 2011 with his private pay structure (BSSO was around 8K)...I am still appealing and trying to recoup my costs, but I saw the unadjusted bills, and the cost would have been roughly 25K, so even if I don't get $$ back, it was a deal!!

And worth it, he was great, everytime I saw him!! He definately knows what he's doing, I had no problem with the office staff--they were all very helpful each time I went in. I did read so negative reviews also, but you know how it is, there are some people you can't please and there are some people who just don't have a good experience. He knew I was traveling 3hours each way to see him (generally back and forth in 1 day)--so he was mindful of that when scheduling my followups...always had an assistant available by phone. And in general there were no suprises with the surgery--I was fully prepared for just about everything. I had no bands or elastics after surgery, which surprised me, and the surgical assistant said it's a little different for each case depending of how good of an occlusion he gets during surgery.

My OD was thrilled with the results so far.

Any other questions feel free to PM me[/quote]

Hi! I was just referred to Bloomquist by my ortho after my local surgeon was far out of my price range. I too saw bad reviews on Bloomquist which has left me very worried. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about your experience and his procedure... I am new on here so I'm not sure how to PM... could you pm me perhaps?