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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:50 am
by thisisme
2 sleeps!! :crazy: I have to be at hospital at 7:00 AM and surgery is scheduled for 8:30 AM. I got my surgery hooks today and they took off my colours (boo!). I'm more excited than scared at this stage. I just hope my mum can stay in my room with me, but I'm 18 now so it's not likely they'll let her.

Sorry they postponed your surgery, Laundraholic! At least we're still March buddies. I'm in the public system so my surgery can be cancelled right up until the last minute :(


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:04 pm
by bracedfaced
thisisme wrote:2 sleeps!! :crazy: I have to be at hospital at 7:00 AM and surgery is scheduled for 8:30 AM. I got my surgery hooks today and they took off my colours (boo!). I'm more excited than scared at this stage. I just hope my mum can stay in my room with me, but I'm 18 now so it's not likely they'll let her.

Sorry they postponed your surgery, Laundraholic! At least we're still March buddies. I'm in the public system so my surgery can be cancelled right up until the last minute :(
Good luck!! Can't wait to hear how it goes! :-)


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:22 pm
by suzanna
thisisme wrote:2 sleeps!! :crazy: I have to be at hospital at 7:00 AM and surgery is scheduled for 8:30 AM. I got my surgery hooks today and they took off my colours (boo!). I'm more excited than scared at this stage. I just hope my mum can stay in my room with me, but I'm 18 now so it's not likely they'll let her.

Sorry they postponed your surgery, Laundraholic! At least we're still March buddies. I'm in the public system so my surgery can be cancelled right up until the last minute :(
Good luck! You're mom might still be able to stay. I'm 25 and my nurse asked me if my twin sister was going to be staying with me overnight (she wasn't) so you never know! I'm a nurse too and we let one family member stay overnight with the patient as long as they don't make our jobs any harder lol!


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:15 pm
by thisisme
THEY CANCELLED IT!! :-(( I'm so disappointed. How hard is it not to smash your face???? I know I sound insensitive, but I'm just really upset.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:30 pm
by I love my teeth
OH this is me! I am soooo sorry to hear that :heart:

It must be so hard to have your surgery cancelled!! Were they able to reschedule quickly for you? why did they cancel? Hang in there, it will be OK :thumbsup:


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:05 pm
by suzanna
thisisme wrote:THEY CANCELLED IT!! :-(( I'm so disappointed. How hard is it not to smash your face???? I know I sound insensitive, but I'm just really upset.
Ahhhh man I'm so sorry!!! So I guess an emergency surgery bumped yours? You must be so upset right now :(


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:21 am
by thisisme
Yeah :( I was told a man came off his motorcycle without a helmet. Why you wouldn't wear a helmet I don't know.

They rescheduled me for March 25th, which feels like centuries away when I was meant to be having surgery in 7 hours! I'm finding it hard to see any positives in waiting longer. Except now I think a few of us are having surgery within a week of each other? That's something, as we should all be experiencing similar things around the same time :)


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:52 am
by jonathon003
laundraholic: that sucks, for the both of us! lol. you were my surgery date buddy. oh well a week isn't too bad like you said.

thisisme: i'm really sorry to hear that; that's terrible with such late notice and all. but yeah on the plus side there's a lot of us going under around the same date, so at least you won't be experiencing everything alone. i dunno, that's all i got *shrugs* lol.

suzanna: i'm 25 too. i see a few of us are relatively young; let's hope our youth comes through with a speedy recovery!

i had my pre-op appointment yesterday. i'm a little relieved b/c i thought i'd have a catheter and i really wasn't looking forward to that lol, but nope. the only thing that makes me a little uncomfortable is waking up with a tube in each nostril (and having them pull it out eventually). i'll probably be so drugged up though i won't even notice. anyway 3 weeks away, to the day.


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:15 pm
by Laundraholic
thisisme wrote:Yeah :( I was told a man came off his motorcycle without a helmet. Why you wouldn't wear a helmet I don't know.

They rescheduled me for March 25th, which feels like centuries away when I was meant to be having surgery in 7 hours! I'm finding it hard to see any positives in waiting longer. Except now I think a few of us are having surgery within a week of each other? That's something, as we should all be experiencing similar things around the same time :)

Oh no..... :(
I was only rescheduled for a week later and it feels like a lifetime.. it must be so tough having to wait an additional 3 weeks!!


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:45 pm
by thisisme
I hate waiting :( With no work or school (put both off for surgery) I'm soo bored.


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:03 pm
by arieswithbraces
thisisme wrote:I hate waiting :( With no work or school (put both off for surgery) I'm soo bored.
:cry: :cry: :(
I'm sad to say, I think my surgery on the 16th is going to be delayed! My f**&#@! insurance approved me the 1st time with a surgeon out of I had to switch to one in network and they are dragging their a**** with this approval! It's the same freaking procedure...just different Dr.s. I'm so bummed. My FMLA was approved and everything. And I just had these god awful surgical hooks soddered to my archwire. I need a glass of wine. :-((


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:09 am
by Laundraholic
arieswithbraces wrote:
thisisme wrote:I hate waiting :( With no work or school (put both off for surgery) I'm soo bored.
:cry: :cry: :(
I'm sad to say, I think my surgery on the 16th is going to be delayed! My f**&#@! insurance approved me the 1st time with a surgeon out of I had to switch to one in network and they are dragging their a**** with this approval! It's the same freaking procedure...just different Dr.s. I'm so bummed. My FMLA was approved and everything. And I just had these god awful surgical hooks soddered to my archwire. I need a glass of wine. :-((

Oh no!
When will you know by sure?


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:51 pm
by jonathon003
yeesh, not a good start for the march buddies at all :( ...hopefully not a sign of things to come.

lucky for me i'm going to punta cana this sunday, for a week, then my surgery will be 3 days after i come back (24th). so this week will be a nice farewell to my old life/face and a good excuse to take fulllllll advantage of all inclusive food/beverages as i imagine the next couple months post surgery will be dreadful. k well i'll probs check in the night of the 23rd before my last sleep.


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:33 pm
by Laundraholic
jonathon003 wrote: lucky for me i'm going to punta cana this sunday, for a week, then my surgery will be 3 days after i come back (24th). so this week will be a nice farewell to my old life/face and a good excuse to take fulllllll advantage of all inclusive food/beverages as i imagine the next couple months post surgery will be dreadful. .
Have fun!
And DEFINITELY take full advantage, as it will probably be a couple of weeks at the very least post-surgery before you can begin to eat "proper" solid food.

I'm already planning what my last meal will be pre-surgery -- I want to make it worth it :crazy:


Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:53 pm
by dtdtdt
I just found this forum and have been reading it all day. I will have BSSO on Tuesday, March 15. So nervous!
Good luck to the other March buddies.