Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

#16 Post by Beebop »

[quote="keeponsmiling"]Please can someone give me some perspective? I have an open bite and was scheduled for Lefort 1 and BSSO later this year. However, we just moved house and I had to transfer my treatment. The new surgeon wants my wisdom teeth out and then suggests genio to reduce my chin at the same time as the Lefort and BSSO. The genio I'm fine about because I always hated my chin, and I thought I was ok about the wisdom teeth too because I was really surprised when the first surgeon said he was leaving them in place. But now I have two issues.

First, I already had four premolars out as a kid, so after losing the wisdom teeth I won't have many left! Since one of the reasons for my surgery is that the open bite was causing wear and tear on my back teeth, surely removing the wisdom teeth will put even more wear and tear on the ones that are left?

Second, I'm freaking out about the whole issue. Having my wisdoms out in two days makes the 'big' surgery feel more inevitable and I feel like I'm running out of any chance to escape from major surgery. When I made the decision to go ahead with treatment and had the braces fitted, the surgery seemed like such a distant issue I just ignored it. I got good at putting it out of my mind and just concentrating on getting adjustments and feeling my teeth gradually get closer together. Now that the reality's drawing nearer there's a huge part of me that just wants to pull out. My teeth are straight now, the bite is a bit better though I still have a 3mm gap and crossbite and I think maybe the lip incompetence will improve once I don't have to stretch my lips over two rows of metal. Then I catch sight of my hideous reflection and see the sunken cheeks, the constant 'sad' expression because my face is dragged down with excess vertical height, the droopy gormless mouth and big puckered chin and think that I'm just wimping out of surgery when I should be ecstatic that there is a way to fix my problems. But it seems as though all the pro-surgery thoughts are based on aesthetics, because even though my bite is still open I could easily live with it if I thought my appearance was attractive.

My husband says I'm trying to counter my fear of a couple of weeks of pain against a lifetime of misery about my looks and the functionality of my teeth has become a side issue. He's completely right, and I also worry about whether I will suffer TMJ, headaches etc in the future if I don't go ahead, but right now I'm totally stressed out and confused. Does everyone else have this ongoing fight in their heads about what to do, or did you all just know you wanted surgery and got on with it. I'm going so mad thinking about this and obsessing about it I really need some opinions from people who've gone through it. Thank you all so much![/quote]

Wow - Just stumbled over this thread, sounds very much like the way I'm thinking at the moment as well, need to have wisdoms out very soon plus some pre-molars, not done yet but once done then I guess thats it - away we go! I'll keep an eye on your prgress "keeponsmiling" :)

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Re: Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

#17 Post by keeponsmiling »

Gosh - I'd forgotten all about that post - and I almost feel a bit sorry for the me that posted it! For the record, I did struggle for a long time to get my head around it all but my surgery is booked for next Monday and I actually feel fine about it. And no one's more surprised about that than me! Perhaps it's just coincidence, but since Christmas I've been getting shooting pains in my jaw joint and a constant ache. It's as though my body is reminding me that this surgery needs doing, whether I like it or not. I'm lucky too that my ortho is a friend of a friend and I met some of the nurses who'll be looking after me when I had my pro-op last week and they were really reassuring. Sorting out practical issues like childcare, meals etc is also helping to make this whole situation feel more like an event or an issue to plan around rather than focussing on fear and pain etc. That said, I still reserve the right to be very stroppy and emotional until at least the end of January!!

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Re: Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

#18 Post by awags »

I say.... IF you have an oral surgeon that you absolutely trust, do it. don't wait! I knew I needed the surgery when I was 17 or 18 but due to various reasons, just had it done a month ago (I'm 28 now). I had a 3 piece LeFort 1, and BSSO. The first week sucks, the second week it starts to get better, and then from there it keeps improving.

I was SO nervous prior to surgery and it was all I thought about for months and months. It's done now though, and I know by this time next year, I should be 100% done with everything, and that will feel good. I know if I didn't get it done, I'd constantly be thinking about the "what if's."

Good luck!

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Re: Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

#19 Post by Beebop »

[quote="keeponsmiling"]Gosh - I'd forgotten all about that post - and I almost feel a bit sorry for the me that posted it! For the record, I did struggle for a long time to get my head around it all but my surgery is booked for next Monday and I actually feel fine about it. And no one's more surprised about that than me! Perhaps it's just coincidence, but since Christmas I've been getting shooting pains in my jaw joint and a constant ache. It's as though my body is reminding me that this surgery needs doing, whether I like it or not. I'm lucky too that my ortho is a friend of a friend and I met some of the nurses who'll be looking after me when I had my pro-op last week and they were really reassuring. Sorting out practical issues like childcare, meals etc is also helping to make this whole situation feel more like an event or an issue to plan around rather than focussing on fear and pain etc. That said, I still reserve the right to be very stroppy and emotional until at least the end of January!![/quote]

Oh gosh, not long to go now then is it - It has taken me a long time too to even get this far but I guess once you make the decision thats it you have to keep on going. I wish you the best of luck for your surgery next week, hope it goes well I'm also going in but for a consultation next week - so much easier than you for sure!

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Re: Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

#20 Post by keeponsmiling »

Well they just cancelled my surgery until 5 March and I am totally devastated. I can't even bear to see my reflection on the computer screen I was so sure I only had a few days left of looking at my 'old' face. At least that proves I'm 100 per cent commited to going through with it now! When I get pre-surgery jitters I'll remember how gutted I feel right now and maybe that will calm my nerves. (Yes, I am desperately searching for the silver lining to my humungous cloud...) Good luck with your consult beebop.

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Re: Going crazy!!! Were you sure you wanted surgery?

#21 Post by Beebop »

[quote="keeponsmiling"]Well they just cancelled my surgery until 5 March and I am totally devastated. I can't even bear to see my reflection on the computer screen I was so sure I only had a few days left of looking at my 'old' face. At least that proves I'm 100 per cent commited to going through with it now! When I get pre-surgery jitters I'll remember how gutted I feel right now and maybe that will calm my nerves. (Yes, I am desperately searching for the silver lining to my humungous cloud...) Good luck with your consult beebop.[/quote]

Oh no thats not good, especially as you have worked yourself up to this point. Has it been cancelled because you're not ready? I always think things happen for a reason so perhaps you're not meant to have it done next week and it will all become clear later on :) - Thanks for the good luck by the way, I am going to think long and hard re questions to ask this week.

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