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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:38 am
by boatsink
Yikes, going to the hospital in 20 minutes! I want to throw up at this time :?

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:23 pm
by SLiM2590
Good Luck, boatsink!

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:21 am
by boatsink
I'm post op day #2! It has truly been a struggle indeed. My tx was was revised: lower jaw + genio, instead of 3 piece lefort 1 + lower + genio. Knowing what I've been through, I am definitely happy it was just one jaw surgery. The surgery was almost 3.5 hours. I can't imagine what it would like to be like to have undergone my original plan. i can only admire those who had multiple surgeries and or have undergone double jaw surgery. I was discharged yesterday; I spent one night in Kaiser, had a private room. Was treated really, really great. I don't have any pain whatsoever - just swelling and overall discomfort. My bottom lip and chin is numb. I've had some twitching episodes yesterday, which I got excited about because I'm hoping the nerves are deciding to reconnect. I am taking liquid vicodin regularly just to avoid any pain, but I plan to ease off it soon as it makes me drowsy (but I don't mind sleeping!). I'm currently wired shut and have about 2 weeks to go. It's not a great feeling. The worse experience I have is nasal congestion. I had such a bad panic attack yesterday I was so tempted to cut my wires. I have the cool mist humidifier running. The saline solution spray doesn't help. I've had to use Afrin once only to one nostril to breath. I really do not want to build a dependence on it, but I can't breath through my mouth because of the splint + saliva. Another worse thing is getting the stuck phlegm out from the back of my throat and nose, it's so hard to clear. I can't wait for the swelling to go down and be able to open my mouth. I could barely see the results, but as far as I can see, my lower jaw is definitely under my upper jaw. So until the swelling goes down, can't see the full results. Time to head to drowsy zone (and feeling hungry).

Thanks for the best wishes, slim!

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:32 am
by underbiter
Im new to this board had to introduce myself because im thrilled that my surgery date is in 2 weeks (28th september) as far as i am aware i am having my bottom jaw moved back and top jaw moved forward, exactly how far they will move it depends on how it goes in theatre. Im having it done at the queens medical centre in nottingham. Cant wait! I had surgery nearly 10 years ago just moving my top jaw forward with a distraction device (halo) but it didnt work so im hoping by moving it manually it will work better. I also managed to bend one of the screws that was holding the distraction device on my skull after the last op by banging the frame on a xray machine cos i couldnt judge the height lol! Hopefully its a case of second time lucky. Good luck to everyone having surgery x


Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:53 am
by Marian
Boatsink - you've done it!!! Congratulations. :gavel: :gavel: :gavel:

I hope that you are now back home and feeling better for being back in your own surroundings.

How are you feeling now?

I have a load of questions for you but don't want to bombard you - I'm sure you are exhausted...

Just a quick one - how quickly were you up and about after your op? (Did you expect to have your jaws wired shut?)

I hope you are managing to get lots for rest and relaxation and that there is someone there looking after you.

Very best wishes


Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:39 am
by boatsink
Thanks so much Marian! I've been very lazy over the last few days; however, more recently I've had much more energy to do things. I've actually emerged out of the darkness and into daylight yesterday and walked around my block. Prior to this, I'd take walks around my neighborhood in the evenings as the sunsets. People sure looked, but with what I went through I didn't care. My lower lip (except for the left corner) and chin are numb. They definitely twitch a lot throughout the day, but have not had any significant changes in terms of sensation. My swelling peaked a few days ago, so I can only expect my face to get smaller from here. I definitely have someone taking care of me and I definitely recommend someone be there for you. I'd say after day 3 or 4 things became more manageable for me. Up to that point, I probably would have just slept and not take meds, eat or drink. I sound like a light weight huh? :lol:

How quickly was I up and about post-op? It definitely was less than 24 hours, but I definitely needed assistance for safety. At the hospital, I didn't get up to walk around because I didn't want to bother the nurses because I had the IVFs attached. But, I'm sure if I was more persistent I would have been able to get up in the evening. I came with it around 1:30PM and by 7/8PM I felt less groggy. I would recommend if you want to get up sooner than later compared with me, you'd want to start daggling your legs at the edge of the bed first, get assistance with transfers and either stand by assistance or contact guard w/ the actual ambulation part.

Going into the surgery, I was mentally prepared to be wired shut. When I regained consciousness, I was really, really too groggy to talk. I heard a nurse calling me several times to get me to respond and at that point I only had the energy to open my eyes. At the same time, that's when I realized I was wired. Additionally prior to my surgery, the anesthesiologist said the way they do their magic is that when you come to it, it's a slow transition so you are not in complete shock. For me, it went exactly how it was described.

Feel free to ask me all the questions you want! I have nothing, but time at this point of my recovery. How are you holding up? Are you getting nervous?

Welcome to the September Buddies Underbiter! Just in case I forget, goodluck in advance!

Take care!

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:17 pm
by Marian
Oh well done Boatskink :jump: :jump: - it sounds like you are progressing really well.

I have an appointment with the technician at the hospital tomorrow for more impressions/moulds to be taken (for me having these done is the worst bit - I start heaving as soon as they start mixing the 'gloop' up). They are going to make a 3D model of my head so that the surgeon has all the measurements etc to work from. I guess this is all normal practice.

So, back to you? Are you just on a liquid diet? Have you been able to brush some of your teeth (the taste after surgery must be horrible)?

I'm guessing that sleep was out of the question in hospital. Did you use an iPod or similar to try and 'remove yourself' from the ward? I've put some upbeat music on my MP3 player and some mellow tunes - hopefully either of these will do the trick!!

I wish I was where you are now... still, come Christmas this will all be over for all of us September buddies!!!! Can't wait.

Write back when you have the energy.

Take care of yourself, Marian

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:00 pm
by boatsink
I'm pretty much on a full liquid diet at this point. I can have pureed soups thinned out with broth; however, I'm so sick of it at this point I prefer to not have any. My vice - chocolate milk. I can probably survive the next week just on it alone. It's a comfort food (er, beverage) for me - I haven't had it since I was little. When I want something more filling, I'll have a milkshake. But the cold hurts my teeth after a while.

I started to brush my teeth post op day 1 w/ a baby tooth brush. At least I was able to use adult toothpaste to clean. First few days I was super gentle, making sure each brush was away from the surgical site. My current regimen is brushing my teeth at least 3-4 x/day; Rx'd mouth wash (chlorhexidine gluconate) 4x/day; and salt water rinses 3-5x/day. So far this has been working, although my poor tongue - it's trapped in the cage and has nothing to do. So it finds itself running along the back teeth and brackets only to find gross things and taste bad stuff.

I brought my iPod too! I, however, was not able to enjoy it. I was in and out of sleep so frequently that it was not a benefit. They pushed pain meds often, and the liquid lortab made me drowsy. Also, when I was with it, I was just so curious with the hospital environment as a patient. I have a totally different perspective from being a pt than to work in one. It was my adventure of sorts =). I did make use of their TV though.

I can't wait for Christmas. When Christmas comes, I'll have a toast for you *cheers*. I can't wait to pig out muahahahha. I've been watching the food network channel and travel channel - Man Vs. Food, Iron Chef.... how I wish I was on the show as a judge or taking on a food challenge right now.

Looks like you are on your way with the surgeon getting the numbers together to do a practice surgery. My surgeon says the practice surgery and all the planning is what takes so much time. When it comes to surgery, it is much less time involved.

Take care,

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:43 am
by Marian
Hi Danny

So that's your first week done and dusted!!! You sound very upbeat - well done you. That has to be the way to get through this!

Had impressions today - didn't gag on the bottom one :jump: , unfortunately i went to town on the top one :yuck:

I have to hand it to the technician though, he had me laughing halfway through the top impression - no mean feat - I thanked him a lot for that afterwards.

So, about this (ahem) healthy diet that you're on (although I have to say the chocolate milk sounds great!!) - how would a smoothie go down, or do you think it might be a bit too 'acidy' for your mouth at the moment.

I am loading our freezer up with equal at the moment - great comfort food which I'm hoping I can slurp down. I think that that, and cheesy mash should work a treat.

Are you managing to sleep through the night?

Best wishes


Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:58 am
by Marian
Hi Jo

How are you doing?

Are you excited? I go in for my op the day before you so we'll be going through all this stuff at more less the same time so we can hold virtual hands.

I am looking after my friend's dog this coming week (a great distraction to help pass the week). Also I've got a busy week at work so that will make the week pass quickly too hopefully.

As you will see from my message to Danny I had my pre-op impressions done today (I have quite a phobia of this!!!), so feel a step closer to the op.

I have to say that it is a HUGE help hearing from Danny and how he's getting on. It sounds like he's doing great - I hope that you and I do as well as he is doing.

what are you plans to make this week pass quickly?

Best wishes


Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:37 pm
by underbiter
Hi Danny it helps to hear from you about your experience about things so thank you for that.

Marian im jealous you go in on the 27th lol how daft is that one day earlier! looking after a dog will be a great distraction, ive asked for a few extra shifts at work so i dont have to make so many shifts up when im recovered, ive only just finished as on the bank to a official worker, so im not entitled to the full sick pay only a little bit which sucks! can i ask where abouts are you having the operation, im guessing you're also from england? im also going to a spa half day on tuesday straight after my pre op on tuesday so at least ive got that to look forward to!

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:59 pm
by boatsink
Hey Jo and Marian! Looks like both of you are well on your way to surgery and only a day apart (or hours). That's so awesome - you two can hold virtual hands together. I'm glad sharing my experience has been insightful. I definitely got so much support here myself from reading others' experiences and chatting with cool beans who are on the orthognathic surgery journey.

Marian - smoothies and acid content; I would caution on acidic foods at first. Some say it can irritate your mouth/surgical site...for me I had no discomfort whatsoever. I had no pain and was numb so didn't feel irritation from what I drank - other than the cold. Although acidic, it's highly recommended to increase vitamin C intake for wound healing. If you think you are deficient in zinc, together may optimize wound healing. From what I have read in the past, some people avoid seedy fruits like strawberries, raspberries and blackberries because of the seeds and it potentially getting suck in your suture sites, which ultimately can pose a risk for infection. I'm jealous of you and having a dog for a week. I wish I had a dog I can pet sit for. I actually roam the streets where I live looking for friendly cats to play with in my evening walks :D.

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:16 am
by Marian
Hi Jo and Danny

The extra dog will certainly be a distraction this coming week. We already have one ocean spaniel and a big brown cat, so the addition of another ocean spaniel will certainly liven things up!! Walking two of these lovely dogs at once is (ahem) quite a challenge, so me and hubby will be walking them when I get home from work. Guaranteed it will be wet this week, so both dogs will need a bath when they get home. (This week is going to whizz by!!!)

Thankfully my mum loves our dog so she is going to have him when I'm in, and just out of hospital.

You're right Jo, I do live in England, in Gloucestershire. Where do you live? Have you done your shopping yet for your new jammies for hospital?

Danny, thanks for the advice about smoothies - the pips didn't even occur to me - it could have been a disaster!!!

Here's a question for you both. I am 42 and three things made me decide to go down this long old journey of orthodontics and surgery:

Hubby and I went on the euro tunnel and in the toilet there was a mirror in front of me and one at the side and I saw a side angle of what my teeth looked like (didn't like it at all), also my husband's grandson said "Marian, why do your teeth stick out" (you can always rely on kids can't you??),and I had my 40th birthday looming and thought it's now of never.

I was referred to the hospital for an initial consultation and they said they would have to do surgery. I remember thinking No way!! and off I went, unable to make a decision. I thought it would be months until I got my official letter saying come along and get some braces fitted, but it was more like 8 weeks, and I thought if I don't do it now, in 3 years time I'll be thinking "Damn, it could have all been over with now" - so decision made.

How did your journey's start off?

Sorry for such a long posting - it's just so nice to talk to you guys who are going through all the same things.

Marian :crazy:

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:24 pm
by underbiter
Hi Marian

I live in nottingham, and yes ive got some jammies from primark button up ones so i havent got to put them over my swollen face.

Danny good thinking about the pips that wouldnt have occured to me! Hows your recovery at the moment, can you smile yet?

Jo x

Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:22 am
by boatsink
Hey Jo - my recovery is coming. To be honest, I went out on Friday for a bit - bookstore and electronic store - and after I was very tired. I just plopped myself on the couch immediately after. My energy level is no where near baseline, but is higher than immediately after surgery. As far as my smile goes, I can kind of smile, but the swelling prevents me from smiling really big. I'll post some pictures soon.