October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#16 Post by Jsmith1972 »

@double jawbreaker - Thinking about you to day. Prayers are with you, Good Luck!

Any one in this group have blogs?

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#17 Post by planetpluto »

Wow this is quiet.. Originally thought I'd have a Lefort 1. Just told today I need lower jaw surgery and will be banded shut and on liquids only for 6-8 weeks. Lord help me. I'm such a foodie. This is not going to be a pretty picture.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#18 Post by Adriae »

It is quiet!

I'm about 11 days from surgery myself and getting very anxious. I've not even really went shopping for necessary items (such as soup, etc.), which I should probably start gathering up. I just really don't want to buy unnecessary items. I guess I'll research it more. The surgeons office said to get a humidifier that it would help breathing at home a little easier.

I just finished doing my xrays yesterday and tomorrow I have to do lab work and then next week I'll meet with the surgeon and then it'll be time to get this over with. I have to say I'm pretty scared and nervous right now. I'm just not great with hospitals and the whole process but at least the waiting part is almost over with.

I hope all that just had surgery are doing well and I'll be alongside you shortly.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#19 Post by Minerva »

I hope you're all doing well.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#20 Post by planetpluto »

Adriae, I am not good w/ hospitals either. I was actually on the bed and checked in for surgery-had the IV in my arm, but surgery was postponed till Saturday due to some medication issues and an interpreter issue. I really was freaking out, so I'm going to ask when I go back if I can get some Xanax or something liquid like that so the presurgery isn't so scary. I'm scheduled for a bimax-a 3-piece Lefort 1 and some adjustment on the bottom jaw-I think a BSSO? Already couldn't sleep well Tues night or last night. Very tired today. I want Saturday over with.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#21 Post by Adriae »

How terrible to be checked in and at the last minute abandoned for another day! I hope tomorrow goes smoothly for you and check back in when you feel better.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#22 Post by planetpluto »

well surgery is over with,but didn't go as well as hoped. my lungs filled with blood and i woke up the next day to a nastro tube and my arms in soft splints.. luckily, i was able to leave the hospital on monday-surgery was saturday morning.

and let me tell you-a humidifier is a MUST. not even optional. had upper and lower jaw surgery. very weak and dizzy, but getting better each day. banded shut, so now eating is an ordeal. hoping it gets better.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#23 Post by Adriae »

Oh that's terrible! To wake up with those complications.

I'm getting anxious now. Not sleeping and very nauseated all the time. I know it's just nerves but still.

I'm also (perhaps) developing a cold. Last night went to bed with congestion in my sinus and woke up this morning and it hasn't went away. I'm hoping it passes cause I honestly don't want the surgery to get postponed due to a cold. I just want it over with.

I hope you feel better soon Planet - I'll be having double jaw surgery also so I'll be with you in spirit (hopefully) on Monday.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#24 Post by littlemouth »

Mandysjaw - Thanks for posting your age. I am 54, and depending on upcoming evaluations, I may go down a similar path. I think it takes some courage and optimism to do this for yourself, so I'm happy for you!

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#25 Post by planetpluto »

Adriae-your surgery will go well. The worst was Day 3, as the surgeon predicted-when everything swelled up. Don't worry-it IS scary, but you are SO out of it afterwards, you can't be nervous anymore.

Be prepared for the uglies to hit at Day 3 too!!

The things that will help you..

Get up and walk as soon as you can after surgery-this gets stuff moving. Even if you're dizzy, try a round or two at your house.
Water mist-feels so good on your face

Steam your face when the clots hit your nose-that helps soften them up too. :) I'll definitely be w/ you in spirit on Monday. Rest up this weekend so your cold gets better. And eat!! Eat!!! I'm banded shut for 2-3 more weeks and boy, would I just lurve a burger right now!

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#26 Post by Adriae »

My "sickness" passed so I think it was just the case of me stressing myself out (or wishful thinking)! I did buy a humidifier this past week and tried it out last night and I could see how it could be beneficial. Today was my last day at work for a while, so I have the weekend to rest up and prepare myself. I plan to have a family meal on Sunday and everyone keeps asking me what I want to have for dinner since it'll be my last substantial one for a while.

Did you experience the feeling like you couldn't breathe because of how much you were swollen? That's honestly my biggest fear. I'm already a mouth breather and if I can't breathe through it easily and my nose is congested I'm worried I'm going to have a panic attack.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#27 Post by planetpluto »

adriae-yes the swelling was worst (as the Dr warned) on Days 2 and 3. breathing was a CHORE on Day 3. I knew it would be, thanks to this board.

your nose is full of dried blood and snot, so that doesn't help matters.
STEAM will help. Steam your face twice a day for as long as you can stand it on day 3-4-5. this will help stuff come out of your nose immensely. leave the clots alone-or at least, i did. some clots stil in my nose-i'm leaving it alone unless it wants to come out.

you will have avery tough time breathing. this is not fun. i won't lie. just keep breathing. you'll most likely be too drugged up still to have a panic attack, honestly.

i got some calendula cream for my nose, lips, etc that i put on the dried up clots-that encourages them to come out w/o me picking at them.

best of luck on monday! and yes-this weekend EAT everythign you want. especially that meat-that's what i'm craving now because it's impossible to get any sort of meat between these teeth now as i'm on a blender diet.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#28 Post by Adriae »

I'm home now and this is so hard. I researched this surgery for so long so I'm not sure why I am struggling so much. It's only day 1 and I am so swollen and its scary that I'm already so big.

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Re: October 2011 Surgery Buddies?

#29 Post by DRG »

Congratulations to all the October buddies!

@ Adriae - Welcome to "the other side". You will be fine, I'm sure. The first few days of adjustment to the recovery process are the toughest, as you know. Soon things will improve each day and everything will slowly get a easier.

@planetpluto - Sounds like you have a good handle on things already (keep moving!). As a fellow wired-shut patient, I'm glad to see your recovery is going well.

Braces: 1986-1988
Open bite was not resolved
Braces again (at age 35): 15 APRIL 2010
Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
Unwired! 25 MAR 2011
Braces removed revealing my perfect bite: 4 JAN 2012

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