orthognathic surgery twice?

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#16 Post by ArchWired28 »

MrNovember wrote:When I had the surgery, the surgeon's objective was to rotate the jaw to lower the right side by 3mm so that my teeth would be level. I think we did come close to acheiving that goal. However we didn't take into account my natural head tilt, so the final result fell short of the degree of symmetry I was hoping for.
I am not sure I completely understand the whole situation, but... How about retraining yourself to not tilt your head? If you don't tilt your head, will everything be level? I would personally be hesitant to even do the 1st surgery, but the 2nd one seems kind of insane, especially knowing that even a surgeon does not recommend it.
Unfortunately, in your eyes you may just never achieve the perfection in the symmetry. It is impossible, and I am sure you have been told that many times. I do understand you though, I am a perfectionist in symmetry myself. However, we are not machines, we are live humans and our bodies are never symmetrical. I bet you anything, that your spine and skull are not symmetrical, and by trying to manipulate the mandible seated on an asymmetrical base you will never achieve perfection. I know it may be hard to comprehend, as I am still comprehending it myself LOL :lol:
Ask yourself what will happen if one day you stop tilting your head, or start tilting it another direction? Another surgery? Just a thought from someone who is really obsessed with symmetry :D
Had full mouth metal braces for 21 months. Debonded April 2013. Now wearing clear plastic retainers every other night.

I have no formal dental or orthodontic education. Hence, all opinions expressed by me on this forum are those of an "informed consumer" and by no means intended as an expert advice.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#17 Post by MrNovember »

Thanks for the reply Archwired! My head tilt is not the cause of the assymmetry. Actually its probably the other way around. I only mentioned the head tilt because when I had the initial surgery the surgeon determined that I needed to rotate the jaw 3 mm for the jaw to be level. However if we had taken into acccount ny head tilt, we wouldve seen that a bigger measurement was needed. Not sure weather or not that's clear. Anyway thanks for the feedback. I have been called a perfectionist before but in this case I would settle for a normal or average degree of symmetry, but I am hoping for better :).

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