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Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:08 am
by keeponsmiling
This time next week I'll be unconscious!!! There are so many bugs going round my kids' school I'm getting more worried about catching something and having to cancel surgery than actually having to go through with it. Is that crazy?

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:55 am
by PrincessLea
Haha definitely not!! I'm so scared it will get cancelled. Its a lot to work yourself up to! I saw my surgeon today for the final appt pre op. She still hasn't FULLY decided whats happening. She says she thinks it will be top jaw only - lefort 1 posterior impaction - bringing the bottom jaw down at the back. but looking at my xrays she says they look like i need bottom too. So she said after doing the top she will see what she thinks. To be honest I think she will just leave it after the top.

she said if i'm still not happy with my profile after she will do a genio on a day case when I'm fully healed. At least she is responsive to my wants and needs! So hopefully I will be happy with everything! if they only do my top jaw she said I'll only be in hospital for one night!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:36 am
by keeponsmiling
Well you sound more positive, and it makes sense that the surgeon can't be sure about the bottom jaw until after the top one is moved. My surgeon said that in my case he didn't think the bottom jaw would rotate far enough on it's own (though of course it might), but even if it does rotate enough to close my bite at the front there's no way the cant can be fixed without BSSO. Without that complication I guess I would be in your position, not knowing whether or not the bottom jaw needed surgery. Coming home after one night would be brilliant though! It still seems weird to me that upper jaw surgery is less complicated than lower. I get what the surgeons say about nerve damage etc being more of a factor with lower jaw, but there's something about moving the upper jaw that just sounds more major to me. I've no idea how long I'll be in hospital for. I kind of hope it will be the end of the week so the kids won't have to miss too much school (they're going to my mum's the day I come out), but then again I'd probably be more comfortable at home. Great news that they'll do genio later if you want it! It'll be a piece of cake compared to jaw surgery.

Can't believe it's so close after waiting for years and years... I feel like I'm sat in a rollercoaster that's just reaching the end of that slow, steep uphill bit before the gut-wrenching plunge. Good job we know the rest of the ride will be less stressful! I'm hoping for the splint to be out by Easter, and braces off by the end of the summer...

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:00 am
by PrincessLea
Yeah I am and I'm not! Parts of me do feel a bit like I don't feel as if my case is being taken seriously! They still have done no photos and she hasn't done the 'operation' on the moulds! She just seemed to say my case wan't that bad.... why put me in for the surgery then? anywho I'm ready for it now and can't wait til its done and I can eat properly! I just hope I manage to get rid of some of these demons I've picked up along the way obsessing over every part of my looks - face wise!

yeah I thought the same as your top jaw is actually your skull! She did say to me though recovery wise it doesn't matter what you have done its pretty similar its just that you can have more complications with a BSSO due to the nerve damage. That would be good if your kids don't have to miss too much school!! I know someone else getting it done on nhs and she was told by surgeon 3-5 days in hospital but the pre op nurse told her 7-14!!! oh my god!! My surgeon likes to get people home and I was told that if i had bi max she would still aim to send me home after 2 nights!

I know its crazy isn't it to think its here now! are you ready for it?? the only thing i need to buy is a V shaped pillow but can't find one I like! hmmph! need to get my butt in gear though! I was told I probably won'[t have a splint in after I wake up. And yeah I'm hoping end of summer at the latest to have naked teeth again!!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:30 am
by keeponsmiling
7-14 days!!!!! That's crazy! In my head I'm thinking Thursday (3 days post-op) but to be honest I think a lot of it depends how pressurised they are to give the bed to someone else.

It suddenly occurred to me that a V pillow might be good. Luckily my mum's bringing one up at the weekend. I think I've done everything I need to do for myself, I just need to get everyone else organised now - keep forgetting everyone else in the house will still want normal food!

I feel strangely calm, which is a bit weird. I'm sure that when I got this close to having my wisdom teeth out I was already a wreck. I think perhaps it's so monumental that I've got all my worrying and panicking out the way already. Here's hoping...!

I know what you mean about the demons. It's like I've become hyper-critical. I keep mentally dividing people's faces into three horizontal proportions when I look at them, assessing the angle of their profiles etc. I'm even starting to question what aesthetic benefit I'll get from the surgery, which is completely crazy. Like I told my husband, having a bunch of experts poke and prod and declare that you have 'excess lower face height' etc etc is like being told you are clinically, officially ugly. But hey ho, I'm trying to concentrate on the day when I can eat in public without making more mess than a toddler, rather than whether or not my nose will get wider!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:12 pm
by catsteeth
keeponsmiling, just thought I'd pop over and wish you good luck! Hope you have an uneventful surgery.

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:17 pm
by lattiee
keeponsmiling stopped by to wish you good luck on your surgery

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:08 am
by PrincessLea
Good lucky Keeponsmiling!!! Looking forward to hearing from you! just three more days for me!

Next time we speak it will be over with for you and you'll be on your way to recovery!!! :)

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:08 am
by keeponsmiling
Thanks for all the good wishes. All went well, didn't need to be wired, but I swelled enormously - even the surgeons were surprised - and so they only let me home yesterday, after six days! I was bruised and swollen from my eyes down to the bottom of my breast bone! It sounds silly now but I didn't expect to swell internally - my tongue was touching the roof of my mouth and I kept choking on all the congestion running down the back of my nose. Truly disgusting. Just breathing was enough of an effort, and then the nurses started to complain because I wasn't willing to syringe custard into my mouth. Custard - come on, it's hardly a liquid is it?!!? Anyway, the ortho came round on day two and fixed elastics to bring my bottom jaw forward so my teeth went into the splint, which opened my airway a lot thank goodness. But of course then the pain started. There were only a couple of occassions when it got really bad, but although codeine wasn't enough to stop the pain it knocked me out enough to sleep. I'm just addicted to Ibuprofen now - I'm like a junkie waiting with syringe in hand, watching the clock til my next dose!!

I was thinking of you Princess Lea - wishing you a speedy recovery and not too much pain or swelling. Day 3/4 was definitely a turning point, and by day 5 I was just getting so annoyed at being in hospital still. I know the nurses are busy, but waiting an hour in pain when all you want is a sodding paracetamol is very frustrating! I'm glad to be home, but very very tired, and hope you are home and recovering soon. Get lots of R&R. x

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:25 am
by PrincessLea
WOW! Sounds like you really have had it rough!!! :( Glad you're home now though and doing well!

I had mine on thursday last week and didn't feel to bad thursday night/fri morning (came home friday afternoon). Then they came and had a look at my bite and said it was not right at all. I could have cried. They got me to go and see my ortho and he banded me fully shut - ouch!! Was not expecting this. Its been really painful as my bottom jaw isn't where they want it so they are pulling it with the bands. Had all sorts of crazy muscle spasms and my jaw keeps jutting forward in front of my top jaw when i relax. Honestly this weekend I have been asking myself why I've done this and actually gone through with it. Still feel pretty rough but definitely better than I have been!

Saw my surgeon today and they are happy with how its going but the tight bands are staying on for now and they wouldn't let on when they will be loosened! went to docs to get some more pain relief as I was running out of some and he has decided to give me morphine (very low dose) as nothing is stopping the pain in my bottom jaw and the muscle spasms. Its stopping me from sleeping and generally making me feel rubbish!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:13 pm
by AWSeibert
I just came over to check on you Keeponsmiling! I am glad your date didn't get rescheduled again and you made it out safely to the NEW side! Sorry you have been having a rough go at it, it will get better. I am 5 weeks post op tomorrow! Only one more week for the splint!

Princesslea, wow your story is just amazing! I mad shocked out how laid back your surgeon was before your surgery, and to have to go through what you are going through after the surgery, I feel for you dear! I hope it gets better really soon for you!!

Hang in there ladies!!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:46 am
by keeponsmiling
Morning ladies! What a difference a day can make. Today is eight days post-op and I feel human!! I had friends visiting yesterday and realised I have a lot more energy now. It's a beautiful day and I think I'll attempt a short stroll to the footpath behind our house. My swelling is much improved and I'm tempted to stop the drugs, but think I will carry on just in case it all comes back. I see the surgeon and ortho tomorrow and am keeping everything crossed that they will loosen the bands. They're very pleased with my bite but I'm not convinced my jaw is strong enough to hold it in place without some kind of support. Also, it's a bit freaky when I cough or yawn - I'm assuming it's normal to feel grinding and rubbing, like you know the bones are broken? And last night I checked out my new profile - I swear I was so excited I didn't sleep for hours! My lips and lower jaw line are still swollen but I can already see an amazing improvement, which is definitely raising my spirits.

Princess Lea - what did you get done in the end? From your short stay in the hospital I assume it was just the lower? I hope the bite starts to behave itself and that you are coping ok with the syringing. Is it just me or is it really heard work? By the time I finish a milkshake my heart is racing with the effort. Hope everything is ok with you domestically too, I know you were worried about a whole load of other things and I hope they don't impact on your recovery.

Ashleigh - what can I say, having experienced half your amount surgery, I am so full of admiration for you! In fact, all those people who mananged to take photos and post on the board so quickly and regularly after surgery - I just don't know how you had the energy, but it's very encouraging that you did and I'm sure there are hundreds of grateful people out there.

Take care!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:08 am
by keeponsmiling
Princess Lea - we're in the same boat again! Just got back from seeing the ortho and surgeon and they say that because my swelling is still pretty monstrous they don't want to remove the bands just yet. I'm gutted, to say the least. I'm usually the sort of person that bounces back from knocks quite quickly, and having this totally out of my control is sooooo frustrating. I have to go back on the 20th, and hope by then they'll agree to take off the bands at the front so I can at least use a spoon. Then when I got home I discovered that my lovely stash of homemade soups are all way to thick to syringe so I'm going to have to massively water them down (ie take all the taste out!), and then they're so thin I need one of those disgusting hospital Milkshakes to fill me up. Life is poo today!! Trying to find a bright side. I have permission to clean whatever small parts of my teeth I can reach with a kids toothbrush. It's only 12 and a bit days till the 20th and I've already done 8 and a bit on liquids, so nearly half way....

How are you getting on with the syringing? Any top tips? I'm still getting through heaps and heaps of kitchen roll to mop up spillages and eating with a towel wrapped round my neck - is that normal? And I seem to be constantly dribbling - I feel like a toddler! Anyway, sorry for the moaning. Had to vent. Hope you aren't having too much pain or swelling. x

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:41 am
by PrincessLea
Hey sorry I've been rubbish at replying this week! Number one i've felt a bit rubbish and number two my bf has been working from home using the laptop all day. By the time its got to night I wanted to just chill with him!!

AWSeibert - awwh thanks so much for your kind words!! Retrospectively I just think was I just being a big moaner?? ha but yeah I know it felt like hell at the time! I am feeling much better now but I still am worried about my bite. I saw my surgeon today and when he took the tight bands off my bottom jaw does go a bit back. I've gone down from 14 bands to just two now - WOW! They are still tight and i'm banded shut but I've been given the go ahead to take them off to eat! :) Yay! stopped taking the morphine the other day as it was making me hallucinate and I didn't like it!

Keeponsmiling - I ended up getting just the upper in the end but was still so glad to leave the hospital after just one night! Very normal for all the grinding etc. I've been doing it. I can actually hear the bones where the jaw has been broken cracking and creaking. VERY unnerving. I asked the surgeon about it and he told me its completely normal and can be for the next 6 weeks! I started just drinking the milkshakes from a cup in the end. It was just taking too long with a syringe. I suppose I have the luxury of that though because my bottom lip isn't numb!

Ohh no... so sorry to hear you have had a set back! Just think though... a couple more weeks of hard work and it truly will pay off in the long run. You'll have that amazing bite you've always wanted! It will be worth it! I bought a cheap turkey baster before my op maybe you could use that for soup. Cut the end off it a little bit? and you would get the more thick flavoursome stuff in??

To be honest my swelling has come down massively but I still have a lovely frozen face. People are so rude when you go out? have you noticed that?? They really stare at me :/

My main concern at the moment is relapse as my ortho mentioned it to me again today. It does get me down but I'll just have to hope I'm one of the lucky cases! I've managed visitors this week which was lovely and my living room is like a florist. So thankful for friends and family!!!

Re: March 2012 buddies!

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:17 am
by keeponsmiling
Wow - you are making quick progress! I don't understand about the relapse though. Are they suggesting they might do the lower jaw as well at some point? Try not to think about it! One of the surgeons mentioned something one morning in hospital about my mandible being 'set back a little too far', and that being why I was struggling to breathe. So if they've pulled it forward with elastics, like yours by the sounds of it, does that mean it should end up staying further forward than was planned surgically? Like the elastics stretch the jaw, if you get what I mean?

And are you getting out and about too? I must be a real wimp, as we tried to go for a walk today and I was back in the car after ten minutes, barely able to breathe it was so much effort. I kept a huge scarf wrapped round me like a film star so no one could see my face!

My real problem, now I've got over the strop of being tight banded for what will be a total of three weeks, is getting enough calories. The dietician gave me some milkshakes that are 600 calories each, and I've been having three a day, plus juice, soups, milk and Ovaltine, so well over 2000 calories a day, and I've lost 7lb in 10 days. Trouble is, I was a little underweight before the surgery, so I hate to think how I'll look in another 12 days of liquids. I've sent my husband to buy coconut milk, avocados and peanut butter to make some recipes I found online that claim to be good for calories and energy.

That's great your boyfriend is working from home. My husband's got next week off too because the kids are coming back from their grandparents, and there's no way I'm going to manage all the school runs etc. I have to admit I way underestimated the recovery. I fully blame the swelling, because it made it too hard to take in much more than water for the first couple of days, so I got off to a bad start, and then the continued swelling means keeping the bands for longer, and yesterday it felt as though nothing was going to plan any more. But hey ho, nothing anyone can do about it. Must learn some patience!

Hope you continue to flourish!