Shortening "long face" - what are the options?

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Re: Shortening "long face" - what are the options?

#16 Post by Anna5 »

Thanks for your very wise message, Nat123. It really helped me in my own struggle with accepting my imperfections.
You are right that personality counts much, much more in the end and the right people will easily accept you the way you are, imperfections and deformities included. We are often so hard on ourselves, focussing on our flaws whereas others don't even see them and if they see them, they don't mind and won't judge you because of them.
On the other side, I think we should do what makes us happy. So, Rylai, I really hope that the surgeries will makes you happy and feel better about yourselves. But you don't need to change for people to accept you, I am sure you are loved and accepted the way you are, and I truly think you look fine already!

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