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Re: Having 3-Piece Le Fort next week

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:24 pm
by palm55
sirwired wrote:I don't recall liver function being on the list of side-effects for opiates. APAP (Tylenol), CAN effect the liver, but only when taken at amounts far higher than the prescribed dose. (This is a lower amount when combined with alcohol, but I'm assuming you haven't taken leave of your senses and decided to combine opiates and alcohol.)
No way re: alcohol (won't be drinking for several more weeks) but I'm taking percocet, which also has acetominophen. My surgeon said this definitely can effect the liver. Either way, looking to get off meds ASAP but unfortunately still in pain.

Re: Having 3-Piece Le Fort next week

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:49 am
by sirwired
Tylenol is one of those medicines that at the prescribed dose is utterly harmless to your liver, which can easily metabolize it. (Chronic use is known for kidney problems, not liver issues.)

Where ordinary people get into trouble with it is not realizing they are taking multiple medicines that contain it. (For instance, Hydrocodone/APAP, and then an OTC cough syrup with APAP because their throat is dry, maybe followed by some plain 'ol Tylenol, because of a mild headache or whatever.)

Think of the liver as a small bowl with a hole in the bottom. As long as you don't pour water into the bowl faster than the hole can drain it, it won't overflow, even if you keep it up for weeks. But once you pour that water in faster, it'll overflow in a hurry.

It's odd that your surgeon is so concerned about it; if he was so concerned about your liver, why didn't he just prescribe straight Hyrdocodone (without APAP)?