
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by Mart »

Could bbsadmin or other admins please move this thread over to 'Our Braces Stories'. My thread's turned into a braces journel of sorts now that i've gone ahead with treatment. Cheers,


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#17 Post by Mart »

hey, just a small update. Finally had that appointment with my surgeon just to go over a few things about my 4 wisdom teeth extractions and to check im in good nick, all should go ahead within the next couple of months, ill also be having the front of my gums between my two front teeth snipped, so that they can bring them together with braces. Anyway hope everyones plodding along ok with their treatment, ill likely update after my surgery and let you know how it went, kinda nervous! :)

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#18 Post by Mart »

the picture i've posted shows the progress over my first two months in braces. the first photo was taken brace day and the other just a few days ago. I think my front gap has closed maybe a mm :) Nothing to celebrate but a move in the right direction! :)


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#19 Post by science teacher »

Looking good!!! I can't wait until my gap starts closing.
SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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#20 Post by freerideuk »

hey mart your gap is starting too close =]

and also if you look closely you top arch has expanded slightly and you arch doesn't look ssooo narrow its looking good you should be stoalked took me ages too see any good amount of movement in my teeth

and btw that link too the video on you tube sun screen song ta =] i love that song soo much and it brought back soo many memories don't you just think it is an amazing song with soo many messages =]


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#21 Post by Sweet Escape »

I've got to get surgery eventually, hopefully December. My friend just got it done the other week.


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#22 Post by Mart »

Hey everyone, time for an update i think! three weeks ago i went into cheltenham general hospital for what i thought would be a regular checkup... but i'd progressed far enough to move onto a thicker wire! woop woop! no pain either, infact i haven't had a single niggle of pain except for pesky ulcers since i started my braces journey back in january! *touches wood* The next big thing in my treatment plan happens on june 27th when i'll have all my wisdom teeth plucked and my gum snipped at the front, it hasn't really sunk in yet that i'll have to been under general, i'm worried and excited and is such a big day for me! Here's how i looked about three minutes ago:


science teacher: thanks! means a lot :)

freerideuk: Hey Monique, Its great to hear from you! I can't believe the last time we spoke was 4 months ago! seriously crazy! You said to me time would fly but i never thought it actualy would. I hadn't noticed the change in my arches but your right, they've expanded loads! thanks for noticing :) its really embarassing looking back at my old teeth, they were soo wonky! I know what you mean about sunscreen, really struck a chord the first time, i watch it every few weeks to top up on some advice :) I hope we can speak again soon and catch up.

Sweet Escape: hey, hope your friend's doing fine, how far are you through your treatment?

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#23 Post by freerideuk »

wow am actually quite jealous at how much movement you have had in 4 months

your teeth look amazing if you keep up at this rate you mite be on the same surgery timeline as me lolz

and yea 4 months goes fast i bet your glad you started the whole treatment now and you have too tell me how the removal of your wisdom teeth go

casue mine have just started coming through and i can tell at my next oppointment there gonna suggest removal for me :|

it scares me quite a bit though probly more then my jaw surgery lolz


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#24 Post by Mart »

Meryaten- Thanks! i'm happy with the amount of movement so far, the braces have made up for their annoyance in just 4 months :GapToothed:. i think general is a bit extreme too, maybe there's more types than just general and local and they just lumped it under general for my sake :Questions: i trust ill be in good hands though, my experience with my nhs surgeon has been really positive so far.

freerideuk- the race is on! :thumbsup: i think i'm going to be more worried with the wisdom surgery because it's my first time under general, but its not like i have to do anything, just take a nap, should be easy.

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#25 Post by freerideuk »

lolz yea GA is awesome

even when you wake up your still a little out of it

and hahah you better not beat me to surgery all not be happy


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#26 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

I once had twilight for a minor surgical proceedure. Don't remember a blessed thing from when I 'went under' till after I 'woke.' That seems true for a fair number of people.

I'd rather not remember someone digging into my mouth and bone, thank you very much.
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced

Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.

All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.

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#27 Post by Mart »

bored so here's some more pics i've made to add to my 'before' collection, these shots show my underbite more, very unflattering :paperbag: and harder to post :( but to be honest i though it was much worse :D my guess is around a cm? strange considering it was only a couple mm when i started, must have been hiding it well, sneaky sneaky.




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#28 Post by Delag »

Speaking as someone who has yet to post a picutre - my hat is off to you. They are great pictures and you have no idea how helpful it is to others to see them. I can't wait to see these photos together with your after photos!

(If I weren't so inept at all things tech I would post my before pictures. My family is always bugging me to e mail pics and I haven't figured out how :oops: I had better learn or they may come visit :wink: )

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#29 Post by Mart »

New ligs!!!


i thought "Lilac and blue,,,, pretty different colours right?" aparently not, and lilac causes my teeth to look yellow! lol never mind...

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#30 Post by freerideuk »

don't be silly your teeth look nice and white

oh and surgery in septempber =]

i relli hope you then too have someone to go throught it with

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