September 2011 Buddies!!!!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#151 Post by boatsink »

Hey everyone,

Not much really going on for me as things have been relatively the same. My appointment w/ my surgeon today got postponed to Monday so I don't have the okay to chew just yet - darn. Range of motion is still the same. My lower lip and chin are still at the same level of numbness as the last update. I did shave today for the first time since surgery and it was such a weird experience shaving my chin - I can't gauge if I'm shaving hard enough or if it's too hard. Luckily I didn't have any cuts.

Marian - I don't have really sensitive areas like you are describing. Hopefully as you heal, the issue resolves. I'd hate not to be able to hide under a duvet when winter comes.

Jo - consider Benefiber - mix that with water, juice, soups - it dissolves well. It'll increase your fiber intake. Glad to see you are such a strong trooper, second surgery and getting by =).

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#152 Post by Marian »

Jo, don't worry about 'too much information' - that's why we're all here - to be buddies :wink:

I'm sure you have been drinking orange juice to help with going to the loo, but have you thought about carrot juice or tomato juice? I'm sure it would be nice for you to have some flavours that aren't as sweet as other juices and these might fill your tummy up a bit more too. They'll also give you more roughage. Another recommendation for your visits to the loo - a good book!!

Calpol is a brilliant idea - I remember the soluble paracetomol that they gave me in hospital - and they put it into just enough water to dissolve the tablets - yuk - I had to top the cup right up before I could event attempt to swallow the medicine.

Danny, it's nice to hear from you. You must have felt like you were shaving someone else's chin!! Wierd!!!

By the way, am I the first one to swallow an elastic? I had mashed potato, soft carrots, cauliflower and sprouts with gravy last night. I started to slot it in through my teeth, and got frustrated with the elastics, no nipped upstairs to remove them, lost one in my mouth, but wanted to get back to my tea. I gave up hunting in the end and tucked into my tea. Who knows where that elastic went :? Perhaps the ortho will find it when I go in for my appt this afternoon!!

Jo, is it tomorrow that you get wired up?

best wishes all, Marian xx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#153 Post by underbiter »

thanks marian glad to know i didnt gross anyone out..yet! todays been a lot better with my tummy have added a cup of prune juice at each meal plus im having lactulose at nighttimes so hopefully that should sort it. Went today to my ortho and surgeon explained how i panicked last night cos my bottom jaw was moving forward and i put my own extra elastics on just to be on the safe side, they said id done the right thing, ortho told me he was going to put double the chain elastics on , good job i took tramadol before i left as i think i would have been in agony otherwise, it was a bit painful but i do think i have a lot higher pain threshold than most people.

It took my ortho 3 attempts to get my elastics on one side and pinged it twice good job i havent got to pay for it i think my strong jaw would cost me a fortune! in the room there was my surgeon, my ortho, a dental nurse and a trainee ortho who looked horrified the entire time, my dental nurse kept hold of my hand i think it was more for her benefit than mine! she was sweating and my ortho was puffing and panting with sweat dripping off him so it must have been hard work! My surgeon had to go out the room i dont think he copes very well seeing people suffer! It feels a lot better tonight the bottom jaw does seem to be going behind the top one tonight so fingers crossed it works this time. And yes marian tomorrow is meant to be the day i get wired up but only if the bottom has moved behind the top jaw enough otherwise it means another waiting game possibly til monday. Im a bit nervous about the weekend feel like im being abandoned lol! I havent eaten an elastic yet but a while ago i lost a piece of wire that was holding part of my brace together and my ortho thought i had swallowed that didnt seem to have to done me any harm tho.

My mum and dad are going away tomorrow, they are reluctant but im insisting on it as they need a break. My grandad is going to take me to the hospital and my brother and his fiancee are coming to stay friday til sunday mainly so that i havent got to bend down for the dog or anything like that, ill be getting them doing some chores because thats what id do normally if my parents go away i clean the house for them. My mum is going to leave all the numbers in case of any emergencies with my teeth because apparently i ring the ward that i was on after both operations as they have a maxillofacial doctor there 24hr on call so at least if its really bad theyll know how to put elasitics on to hold it in place. Im pretty sure itll be fine but better to be safe than sorry.

Thought id give u an update on Frank:
Frank has been getting more and more ocean as the weeks gone on, hes got a lovely little bark. Hes very stubborn and knows to come when called but chooses not to depending on his mood! He insists on bothering my 15 year old cat missy who is very set in her ways and has hissed a couple of times but other than that she doesnt seem too bothered, she sits on the sideboard watching the dog on the floor. I think he thinks the cat is another puppy, well i can see why because shes about the same size as him and shes black as well. Earlier the cat came in and went out the back door the dog tried to follow, so i shut the door and then Frank barked and whined at the cat and started scratching at the door. He had his first visitor outside of us 3 yesterday, my friend Liz who he reacted to really well, tail wagging and even rolled over so she could tickle his tummy. The funniest thing is his meal times he eats so quickly its gone in about 3 mins flat, but hes getting fed 4 times a day! Methinks hes going to be one big dog!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#154 Post by underbiter »

it says ocean but its the same word as confident that obviously this board wont let me post any remotely rude sounding words! this morning for once my jaw has stayed in the right place.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#155 Post by Marian »

good grief Jo - you really must have the next best thing to a bionic jaw!!! Well done for taking things into your own hands and adding elastics!

Don't talk to me about dogs! This morning I thought I would take Harv for a slow, peaceful walk up the lower slopes of our local hill. We parked up in what I can only describe as a beautiful Cotswold village, and out popped a shiny, clean and fluffy golden ocean spaniel (Harvey!!) from my car. Off we walked up the road to start our walk, and I was eyeing Harv thinking how beautiful he looked. We got into the first field and so I let my little perfect dog off the lead with an encouraging "off you go then, enjoy yourself" and off he bounded.

An hour later we were returning - to the untrained eye nobody would have recognised my breed of dog as a spaniel!! If they had identified a dripping, sheep poo eating, mud monster they'd have been spot on. He had his favourite kind of walk, where he could leap into a local pond, eyeball sheep in close proximity and eat squidgy sheep poo when I wasn't looking!!!

I hope this little tale of my morning has brightened your day - it certainly did Harvey's and mine (now that he is all bathed and smelling sweet again).

By the way, i went to the ortho yesterday - I have 60% functionality of my mouth and have been advised to eat food which I can actually eat, if you know what I mean. The ortho thinks i will have braces on for another 6 months.

Off to the shop now for a bottle of fizzy wine - I just fancy one.

Marian xx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#156 Post by underbiter »

That made me laugh about your dog marian thanks! I regularly look after a friends dog when they go away and he does the same thing he goes in looking gorgeous and comes out looking like a creature from the black lagoon!

Well went to the hospital (again!) to see surgeon and ortho, managed to get the time wrong and i was an hour late, but they still saw me bless em i was mortified when i realised. Apparently now the problem is that my top teeth are too big and are locking into my bottom teeth making it difficult for my bottom jaw to move back anymore. Just seems since ive had the op they seem to encounter one new problem after another! They were both stood scratching their heads thinking what to do so this time my ortho has done the elastics a different way slightly holding my jaws apart but still pulling on the bottom jaw hopefully that should solve it.

Im not seeing the surgeon or the ortho again til tuesday so hopefully that should give it enough time to get a move on. Im getting impatient now as you can imagine! My mouth constantly tastes like somethings died in it but unfortunately cant get even a baby toothbrush inbetween i can only do the outside of the teeth so im using mouthwash like 4 times a day. Im a bit nervous about having to wait 3 days to see them again but hopefully i should be ok. Ive got emergency numbers to ring if theres a problem anyway. Had a very rare compliment from my ortho who said how patient i was when he keeps pulling and snapping my elastics and shredding my lips to bits i said 'what me patient?' Swore at him again when he snapped another elastic as it pinged me right in the lip ouch! he just laughed.

My dad doesnt help sometimes, i woke up this morning and he said you look tired your eyes are all puffy and bloodshot, bloody charming! he did apologise tho when he realised what he'd said.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#157 Post by Marian »

So Jo, does your dad need your next ortho appt to sort his teeth out after you lumped him one!!!!???? :lol:

I am in complete awe of your ortho/surgical team. They seem absolutely determined to beat this challenge that you've presented them with - I think you've got a good team on your side there. (I know where your patience comes from - I've been pulled about quite a bit (but not as much as you!!) and the ortho has apologised and I think 'I don't care what it feels like, just do what you need to do!!!!'

Please try not to worry too much over the weekend - you are super organised and have everything in place should you need it.

Try and gets lots of sleep to get rid of those puffy eyes before your dad comes back!!!!! :-*

Big chin tickles for Frank!!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#158 Post by underbiter »

I was close to giving him a good smack i can tell you he just got a swear word out of me two words f. off! I decided not to as he had a bit of dental work done himself yesterday 2 crowns and one of them wouldnt stop bleeding so he was in the dentists for an hour an a half whilst they kept putting more local anaesthetic on to stop the bleeding.

I am really glad of the team of people i have on my side, and apparently there were other surgeons fighting over who was going to go in with my surgeon on friday to perform it because my case was really rare and they dont get many surgeries like these to perform! :lol:

Tried to have a nap earlier but stupid jaw was twitching and stretching it doesnt hurt its just really annoying. I know its a good thing plus im getting a weird headache both sides which must mean its working cos i havent had this before. I kept checking my mouth tho feeling with my finger if the teeth are over the top which they are starting to be. Constantly washing my hands lol!

My brother and his fiancee arrived late last night, his fiancee is terrified of dogs but she likes this one apart from when he barks or does his little growl, he growls when he wants attention so i guess if you are scared of dogs its a bit unnerving. I think the dog actually bothers her more because he can sense shes scared! He seems to be missing my mum and dad tonight, hes a bit unsettled walking around then sighing and droppin to the floor. I guess cos my dad was the one to fetch him from the breeders hes got a proper attachment to him.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#159 Post by underbiter »

How is everyone getting on? Anything new to report? Im a bit downhearted at the moment because the elastics arent moving anymore than they did yesterday, hopefully itll move a bit more over the weekend its got til tuesday so im not going to give up hope yet, its not like ive lost anything the top jaw is a tiny bit forward but its probably half a mm, and really need a good 2 mm before theyll put the elastics on and hopefully a bit more than 2 mm.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#160 Post by underbiter »

Still not getting as much movement as id like but my top teeth are over the bottom (just!) so technically im no longer an underbiter. Curious as to how everyone else is getting on presume life has gone back to near normal now


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#161 Post by gothpenguin »

I would say I'm getting along fairly well these days, lips and chin are still numb and I'm not chewing as much as I would like, but I can't complain.

One annoying things right now, is that I'm frequently getting ear-aches. I'm not to sure wither it's because I'm talking/eating too much or what. But dang, they are painful. Any one else have this pain?

Another silly thing, I was on my way home from work tonight feeling rather fragile and I tried to bite my lower lip and I couldn't. It felt very weird not to be naturally biting on my lower lip anymore. I still have a slight overbite(my top front two teeth are slightly larger than all my other teeth so they could never meet at the front).

Anyway, I'm babbling, oh and yeah I'm a nasty cold :(


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#162 Post by underbiter »

Hi jeff sorry to hear you are ill, hope you arent finding it painful with sneezing and coughing. I get ear aches but its more like when your ears pop on an aeroplane, its mainly to be expected because of the movement im getting with the elastics, got another appointment today think they will just put more elastics on cos my teeth are still preventing the movement. Shame they cant take my teeth out now and replace them id have no problem then! I think its normal to have a slight overbite as that is what i am trying to achieve at the moment just so my top teeth just fit over the bottom ones.

Has anyone still got any numbness? i still have an area on my chin that is numb hopefully the feeling will come back eventually. The annoying thing is the swelling hasnt completely gone yet but i think it takes a full 90 days for the swelling to go so im using that as my guideline.
Ill update on here after my appointment hopefully for once ill have good news!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#163 Post by Marian »

Hi everyone

My husband queried my overbite (it was 9mm before surgery and is now about 1mm). As far as I am aware this is what the surgeon and ortho is aiming for.

Ear ache has been a factor in my left ear - it's happening less frequently now, but I found lying my head on a hot water bottle (wrapped in a towel) was very soothing.

And yes, my bottom lip and chin are still numb - I do sometimes have a sharp pain in my chin, just for a few seconds - I had one yesterday that stopped me in my tracks - I guess that's all down to the nerve healing.

For those of you who have gone back to work, were you nervous about going back? What did people say to you? I am pretty apprehensive about going back - I almost feel like the new girl again.

I am going back on Friday (I work in a local college so the students are on half term, so I thought this would be a good time to go back, plus it makes it a very short week). My reward will be a drink down the local on Friday evening.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#164 Post by underbiter »

that sounds pretty successful to me Marian. Well today was a good appointment, saw my surgeon and ortho together again, they are really pleased that tonight is my last night with elastics and tomorrow they are putting wires on at long last! Ortho left the elastics on the left hand side as that side is apparently fine and ready for wiring so he just put new elastics on the right hand side to 'achieve maximum results'. They also brought in the dental restoration guy who will sort my top teeth out and put new crowns and a bridge in which should put my top jaw out a bit more.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#165 Post by boatsink »

This is my first week back to work. Monday when I came back I got mixed reactions regarding my surgery, but I did get a reaction from everyone regarding my hair - after 2 years I cut my hair. For those who knew I had surgery definitely commented on my look stating my face has more balance. A physician I work with definitely saw the subtle changes in greater detail and was in shock and excited for me. Many noted my weight loss (-15 lbs). However, one nurse thought I was off on vacation for 6 weeks.

I saw my ortho today for the first time since surgery and every staff member came by to look at my face and bite. One assistant was intrigued by my chin she kept on touching it. They were amazed at the work that was done by my surgeon. I'm sure they all have seen many surgical cases as my ortho is highly experienced in surgical orthodontia. They were all very supportive. My ortho reconfigured my bands on both L and R side to start closing the open bite I have on the molars. I have to wear them 24/7, which isn't pleasant. My teeth are very sore at this point. He says things should move faster now. I'm to come back in 2 weeks. After closing the open bite, he'll work on closing the gaps he created in anticipation for the surgery. I can't wait to get the braces off!

Yesterday I saw my surgeon and my range of motion has improved! Yes! It was 27 mm 3 weeks ago and yesterday it was measured at 35mm. My surgeon gave me some Range of Motion rulers so I can monitor my progress at home. He also showed me a thumb-finger exercise to get my mouth to stretch out further. He told me I need to feel some discomfort to make sure the exercise is adequate, but not pain. I also informed him I still have numbness to my chin and lower lip; so he did a test to determine my sensation level (close my eyes, he touched me with a qtip and I'd have to tell him where and what direction do I feel the strokes). He said I did good and am in the right track to nerve recovery, could take more months to a year. Lastly, he gave me the OK to chew again!!! Steaks and rough/chewing stuff, he wants me to hold off for a month. Biting into apples and hard stuff he discourages until I feel I am "ready" (whatever that means) or 3 months post-op.

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