Best wishes Brandy!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#31 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Brandy--I think your new profile is an improvement. It makes you look more 'womanly' somehow--hope you don't mind hearing that.

Just heard via email from my OMS in Costa Rica. Looks like first week of Dec is by D-Day. Still hoping for earlier but won't know till mid-July.

I'm having upper, lower (mandibular setback), genioplasty, and, possibly, two implants for my two, formerly adjacent bottom molars. Asked the OMS how long I would be in surgery, he said 3.5-4 hours.

He'd prefer if I came earlier to do the implants. I'm thinking I might risk the pressure on the jaw to have it done all at the same time. I've been weight training the last week, think I'll keep it up--I just think my bone structure might be able to w/stand it okay.

Getting the RPE out on July 10. Look forward to the day. It first went in around Dec 11th.
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced

Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.

All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.

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#32 Post by anabel »

You do look great--so glad things are going well for you!
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#33 Post by Clover »

Brandy you look absolutely fantastic! I wish I looked that good with no makeup on, let alone having just had jaw surgery :wink: . Thanks for posting all the vitamin and supplement info, I'll definitely be trying that when it's my turn for the chop next year. I hope the rest of your recovery goes well :D .

Regarding the fish queries, if you whizz it up with mashed potato, white sauce and a little dill it will be fine. If it's still too thick just pop some more whole milk in. I used to make it all the time for my baby nephew (I've tasted it myself and it's really nice).

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#34 Post by phil »


It's been great watching your recovery. Every message bolsters me for mine on June 26th. Eight days after surgery, and you are looking super!

Hang in there. You're inspiration to us all.



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#35 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks I will have to give that a try.
This was really good today too! I boiled some organic stew beef, organic green beans, organic carrots, and barley, in organic beef broth until the meat was soft. Then strained the meat out of it. I took some of the meat and threw it into the Magic Bullet, with the broth a few beans, and a few carrots. Got a nice meat mush that was so good! Super high in protein and filling.

Maybe I should start a recipe page huh?

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#36 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

LOL....I guess that is a great compliment since you are the one that had the easy go of it. Considering I had the "triple" I'm thrilled at how things are progressing. I have no idea why I'm doing so well this time, compared to last. I have to believe it is all my pre-surgical prep, and being in good physical shape too. I have been taking the Bromelain religiously (2 caps 3 times a day) since the day I came home also, so maybe that is why my swelling is going down so quickly.

Here is a couple questions for you or other jaw surgery survivors that I forgot to ask and would like to know.

Can I drink out of a straw? I thought I remember hearing that that was a no no so I have not been doing it but just wondered.

I know sleeping upright helps with swelling, I decided the night before last (day 7) that I could not longer stand that so I slept normally in bed, and things have been fine. I've been sleeping only on my back though. I'm totally a side/stomach sleeper. Is it ok to put pressure on my jaw from the side?

When did your stitches come out? and did any of you lower jaw people have trouble closing your jaws tightly? I can close my mouth but it feels rather strained to do it, like I'm having to force it. I prefer not to do it and just let my jaw be relaxed and hang a bit.

Ok I guess thats enough for now.


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#37 Post by kate0310 »

Brandy- from my experience...

I never asked about straws, but I started using them once my wounds were securly closed about 3.5 weeks...but im not sure the actual rule. I LOVE using straws, no mess all over my face!

Sleeping: I slept on my back for 5 weeks, and then started to go on my side. My surgeon said the upright thing is a personal choice depending on how I feel my swelling is.. I certainly still swell more the flatter I am- but its my choice. I am more sore after sleeping on my side, but I do get a better sleep.

My stitches came out in the second week. And yes, I still have trouble tightly closing my mouth on the back molars- I was told thats all just the swelling getting in the way.

Im sure this is different for everyone, but hope that helps :)

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#38 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Ladies!

I have sorta been sleeping on my side, I have a tempur-pedic pillow and things feel pretty ok, if I put my rice bag underneath the jaw part to support it. It is just so hard for me to sleep on my back, I hate it! Don't think I can do 5 weeks of it that is for sure!

I recall that I'm not supposed to use a straw, and truthfully I can drink out of a cup pretty well anyways, but sometimes a straw is nice, like if I'm drinking a frappacino. Oh well....I will suffer til my next post op appointment on the 13th and see what my doctor says then.

Glad to hear Kate that closing my mouth completely is not just and issue for me. I can open to about 25mm now, so I guess I'm progressing quite well for only being 9 days post surgery. I'm going to wait a few more days and then attempt to start bike riding again.


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#39 Post by anabel »

I remember my stitches coming out fairly soon; seemed like every time I brushed after the first week or so there would be a stitch in the sink. I also remember not being able to close my teeth all the way for a long time. In fact it's only been in the last few months that my teeth have met the way they are supposed to. The OS overcorrected my open bite (on purpose) and it took a while for everything to settle. My ortho says the back molars aren't quite touching and that's the way he wants it.'

Speaking of, anyone else have a similar treatment? Where they left you very slightly overcorrected?
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#40 Post by Delag »

Brandy - I just have to say that you look amazing. Your face looks so much more balanced now. Have you noticed how much bigger your eyes look?

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#41 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Delag,
And you know what? I think you are right. I have really been looking at the changes a lot. Of course I'm rather focused on my swelling, especially through my sinuses, but when you said that I went back and looked again and your right. My eyes seem huge! You can actually see them now, as opposed to them sorta hiding! That is kindof cool! I've been thinking that I look a bit different but couldn't really pinpoint what exactly the change was, other then a short looking nose, and a chin. The assymetry does look better though and makes my eyes look so much clearer. Thanks for noticing that! So far, I'm thrilled with my results. If the ortho works goes as well as the surgery then it will have been a phenomenal success for me.

Hey I have a question for all of you. I seem to have noticed a wicked little pop in my jaw joint on the right side. It doesn't hurt, but if I push on it, it feels like it pops. Has this happened to anyone else?


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#42 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Yes, Brandy's eyes now look large and luminous--but I'm not sure why. What, precisely, has changed in her facial bone architecture that renders that particular optical effect?

Also, Brandy, is there any particular reason you haven't asked your Doc for a prescription for a more long-lasting painkiller that can help you sleep thru the night? I assume there's something out there that's good for 7 hours.

You look good--the only way I know there is still significant swelling is because you say there is--otherwise you look pretty 'good to go' to me.
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced

Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.

All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.

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#43 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Beauty,
What I think is that that short distance the Maxilla was moved out has opened my eyes up. I think with the chin it has changed the focal point and shadowing a bit. Making my nose look smaller, and my eyes look bigger. That is my take on it anyway.

AS for meds, I have Roxicet I could take, but Narcotic pain relievers don't work for me. They make me tired for about an hour then I wake up and can't sleep at all. They also don't make the pain go away, and make me groggy and hungover for the whole next day so I prefer not to take them. I'm going talk to my os tomorrow about banding my teeth shut at night. I'm just about positive that my pain is strictly muscle pain from overuse. I'm probably talking way too much, and eating could be making my mouth more tired too. Hopefully the doctor will have some suggestions.

This is probably going to sound crazy, but the whole thought of banding my teeth together sorta freaks me out. I mean I know most people have this done, but it just seems like it would put more pressure on my already fragile jaw bones. I know....I'm weird!

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#44 Post by kate0310 »

Brandy, I totally sympathise with what you wrote about pain! Its EXACTLY how I felt...nothing excrutiating but just the constant ache that you cant escape. You describe it perfectly.

For me, Torodol worked MUCH better than advil. Might be work a try, just taking one before bed to catch up on some sleep.

Your going to suddenly have a day without pain and be like wowww so this is what its like to not be in pain!

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#45 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Ahhhh Kate,
That makes me feel so much better. Actually today may have been that better day you describe, after I posted my dying post!

I went most of the day without any medicine today. I took 3 Advil around 5 and things have felt pretty ok today. I got out and took a walk today and that helped me feel so much better!

Hopefully tomorrow will be so mcuh better! Is toradal perscription? or OTC? I will definitely check it out! Thanks!

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