The breathing thing is freaking me out as well. I will be banded shut. I mentioned to the surgeon that this was concerning me and he said there is a tube that will be in my nose to keep the airway open (but I don't know how long) and as for breathing through the mouth - he said that shouldn't be an issue.
But I'm assuming that because everything will be moved to where it should have been in the first place, my lips will meet, so I have to remind myself to open my lips.
When is your surgery?
I be back in a minute, I'll post some pics of my teeth for you to see.
My surgery is the 11th. So I have about a week and a half. I have a history and physical appointment on the 5th so I hope to pin them down then about the breathing thing. Odds are though they'll just tell me everything will be ok and not to worry. I hope, like your doc, mine puts in those little breathing tubes in my nose. My surgeon even went so far as to say depending on what happens while I'm on the table he might have to do a Rhinoplasty too if things don't line up right. That's going to really suck if I wake up and my whole freaking' face is broken, not just the jaws!!
Your teeth look really good. The braces worked wonders for ya!! My top teeth are very straight but my bottom teeth in the front are all crooked. I had braces when I was 10 and they were straight after that. But after I turned 18 I stopped wearing a retainer and the bottom teeth got all messed up due to my bottom jaw being so small and recessed. Even though my teeth are messed up my bite is fine so that is why my surgeon said I didn't need the braces to do the surgery.
Beowulf - I will come back on after I get home and let you know what they do. I'm in Australia, so I don't think it'll be too different. I'll be in hospital for about 3 to 5 days.
It's Monday morning here and it looks like the weather is a typical spring day - so I better go out and enjoy it while I can.
I'm about 1/2 hour away from leaving to go to the hospital. Had a melt down yesterday but seem ok today, just extremely nervous.
I'll be in hospital the next couple of days, but when I get home I'll let you guys know how I went.
BTW - I can't remember if I've got it the right way around. But the bottom is being brought foward 8mm, chin is 6mm up. Top is 8mm up and 6mm foward - but don't quote me on that lol Oh and he is also going to widen my nasal passages.
All the best to you, Dani, and to everyone else who goes in while I'm away. I've spent my weekend making soup for the freezer, have just watched a silly film with all the family, and will set off for hospital early in the morning. (It's 11.15 pm where I am now. Time for bed!)
See you all on the other side!
SARPE: Sept 2007 Braced: May 2008 BSSO: Nov 2010 Debraced: March 2011
15 more hours for me til Lefort 1, BSSO and genio. Very nervous but I'm looking forward to getting it done. Finding this message board has been a blessing. Thanks fellas and I'll keep you all posted with my progress.
Just had Lefort 1, BSSO and Genio 24 hours ago. So far so good. Some swelling, but overall not so bad so far. I know to be on the look out for Days 3 and 4 through.
Just a quick message to say that I'm on the other side! Got out of hospital today. Have alot of severe swelling, the only place I don't have any swelling is my forehead.
I'll come back later when the drugs have worn off a bit.
Beouwulf - the breathing isn't bad. It's like having a really bad cold and your sinsuses are blocked!
FTA - day 3 and 4 are the worst! As for day 5, I'll let you know tomorrow.
But just wanted to add, if you get the freezer packs for you face, make sure you get 4 because you'll be using 2 at a time and you'll also have some frozen.
Also make a HUGE note, not to get any standard freezer packs, you need the ones that give a little so it shapes to you face.
Dani- Congrats on being on the other side! Yep, the first week was VERY tough for me but it was amazing the evening of the six night I all of a sudden felt so much better. I felt so rough the first week I couldn't stand to be in a room with any light, watch TV or be on the computer. You are already ahead of me!
Rodney- you sound like you are in great shape as well! Hang in there! The worst will be behind you before you know it!