Surgeries with Arnett/Gunson Anyone?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: Surgeries with Arnett/Gunson Anyone?

#31 Post by mksi11 »

I'm also getting surgery with Dr. Gunson. He is the only surgeon I've talked to who seems to have a coherent treatment plan for my open bite. I saw a local surgeon who wanted to do veneers on almost all my teeth (crazy) and Dr. Wolford, who wanted to do total joint replacement. Dr. Gunson's treatment was less expensive than both and less invasive than Dr. Wolford's. Although I haven't had my surgery yet, I think Arnett/Gunson are probably worth the expense and the travel.

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Re: Surgeries with Arnett/Gunson Anyone?

#32 Post by Marisama »

Hey there,

I went to Dr. Wolford first and he wanted to do mitek anchors and a condylectomy. I thought this was more invasive than what I wanted to do. I called Dr. Gunson's office and the first thing he said to me was that "mitek anchors and a condylectomy will cripple you". I thought that was reason enough to see what he had to say about my case. I haven't felt comfortable with any other surgeons treatment plan except for Dr. Gunson's. I am trying to get approved with insurance right now.

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Re: Surgeries with Arnett/Gunson Anyone?

#33 Post by Summertimeolive »

Helloooooooooooooo everyone,

I consulted with Gunson this week and have SO SO MANY questions- lordy where do I begin, but anyhow...

I would love to connect with anyone who has had the surgery with him or will have the surgery with him ! I had a wonderful experience with the consult but Im mostly trying to figure out costs and such, I'd love to hear from most of you. :jump: :jump:

Suzie :) :-1 :-1

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Re: Surgeries with Arnett/Gunson Anyone?

#34 Post by rappstr »

Dr Gunson did facial reconstruction on my daughter's jaw. She first went to Dr Piper in St Petersburg Florida.... He did two extensive jaw operations on her and her lower jawbone continued to get shorter and weaker, thus creating a deformed appearance. Dr Piper said he didn't know what to do and had no realistic hope for her other than operations every couple of years. And these operations took 6-9 months recovery time. We heard about Dr Gunson across the county in Santa Barbara and went to him. He figured out that Lindsay might have a condition called psoriatic arthritis that could be eating away Lindsay's lower jawbone. Sure enough, he referred her to a local rheumatologist who prescribed two different biologics that stopped the deteriotation of the jawbone.... He rebuilt her entire facial features back to normal and her jawbone is naturally gaining mass and she looks completely normal and her bite is restored..... The procedure and recovery is tough.... And anyone who goes through this will need full time care for 4-8 weeks.... Insurance didn't cover it and it cost close to $100,000 by the time all the travel, nursing, and lodgings were figured in, but Dr Gunson earned every penny of it and more..... I owe Dr Gunson a debt that goes far beyond what I paid him... He made my precious daughter whole, which is beyond words for me.... His bedside manner and mastery of the situation, and staff, were perfect.... He gets four thumbs up from this grateful father. When nobody else can do it..... he can get it done.

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Re: Surgeries with Arnett/Gunson Anyone?

#35 Post by lexchomp »

I've had surgery with guns anyone can feel free to PM me.

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