September 2011 Buddies!!!!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#31 Post by Marian »

Danny, I bet your eyes are smiling even if your mouth isn't joining in :lol:

What are you managing to eat now?

I just tried blending some pasta in our blender to see how well it would work - hmmmm, wasn't the most successful experiment. The pasta just looked like it had been attacked with a pair of scissors!!! I think I might be stocking up on baby food!!

Jo - I got my hospital dressing gown from Primark - only a tenner - great bargain and very cuddly - I'm sure it'll be to heavy for hospital so I might just cuddle it!!!

Danny are you still on any pain killers? And are you able to sleep ok?

Best wishes both


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#32 Post by boatsink »

Hey Marian,

Journey Summary:
I didn't notice my unusual bite until maybe 12 or 13? I'd smile, but my teeth never felt right, my face was off more to one side. At that time, I thought getting braces would fix everything. Heck, I thought getting braces was cool at that time. Most of my friends had it, why couldn't I? My parents took me to on ortho who promised to fix everything w/ braces alone. I was very excited as I could be "normal" and accessorized w/ bling on my teeth just like everyone. Before pursuing further, my parents pulled out d/t financial constraints. At that time I was upset, but looking back, I'm happy things didn't pan out because my case couldn't be fixed w/ braces alone as I later discovered. At 17 I decided to pursue braces again. At that time I met my current orthodontist. He went on to explain my issue had to do with my skeletal abnormality and braces alone will not be able to fix my bite completely. From his explanation and care he took with me, I had confidence in his work as he specializes in surgical orthodontics. Unfortunately for me, as soon as I turned 18 I fell off of my parent's health insurance so there wasn't a point to pursue it further; additionally, the maxillofacial surgeon I met during this process thought I may not be done growing. So what did I do? That summer I worked for ortho-to-be making study models, setting up elastics, etc. I went on w/ my life thinking about it less and less for 8 years. Once I got myself establish into adulthood I decided to pursue the whole process all over. I'm finally independent and won't be a financial burden to anyone except for myself.

Finally, I've gotten to where I am now. I'm not done w/ this journey yet, but feel like I'm at 2/3rds until the finish line. Never once during this experience - braces and surgery - did I ever regret it (despite being an adult w/ braces.. or to feeling crappy because of the surgery). I look forward to the results =).

Pain killers: I'm not on any pain killers anymore. I stopped all pain meds on 9/14... so that's post op day 4? I didn't have any pain when I stopped the meds nor do I have any at this time. Slight tenderness inside my mouth at certain areas, but on a pain scale from 0-10, it's a 0. Post-op I was telling the nurses my pain was at a 3, but they rather want me comfortable then to be in pain later (if any) so that's why I continued pain meds that long.

Sleep: is much, much better than the days immediately after the surgery. To be honest though, I only get about 5 hours of sleep. Before surgery, if my day was free I could sleep a whole 8 hours. I'm still sleeping upright, which is not the greatest. I plan to transition back soon to less elevation, but I'm worried I might automatically roll on my side or stomach as these are my usual sleep positions.

Food: I haven't progressed. I'm still on my usual - super thinned out soups, broth, chocolate milk (and strawberry milk), and milkshakes. If I'm in the mood, I'll do pureed fruits thinned out with fruit juice. I'm waiting for Wednesday - I bet that's when my diet will be more advanced. Soft, but no chew. Sounds boring, but hey any chance to through away my feeding syringe I'm all for it =). I'm looking up recipes periodically for my first soft, no chew meal plan.

Good luck w/ experimenting w/ pureeing foods. Sounds like you are getting prepared for your up and coming surgery! At work, we do pureed pastas for elders w/ dysphagia - trick is to get it to the appropriate consistency with broth and gravy. I'm sure your diet will be more balanced and more exciting than mine =). By the way, I stocked up on baby foods =). Hey, it's all good.

Talk w/ you soon!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#33 Post by Marian »


How did your pre-op appointment go (and the afternoon in the spa????)


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#34 Post by underbiter »

Hi Marian,

My pre op was a bit of a farce to be honest, my surgeon is away until monday so i was unable to get answers to questions i have, and the doctor that was supposed to be giving me this information didnt have a clue!

Feeling a bit nervous because my orthodentist who i saw in the morning before the preop seemed to think that they were planning on only doing upper jaw surgery, and not doing my lower jaw at all, which i definately wouldnt agree to as i went through that last time and it didnt work! my upper jaw would have to be moved a full cm in order for my jaws to be properly aligned which i cant see the surgeon being able to do, surely it would be better to move the bottom one as well. I feel a bit let down by my surgeon as i havent got the opportunity for a proper consultation with him before the op, i may get some time in the morning before the op but it wont be for long. argggh lol i feel stressed now! Hopefully it will all come good in the end. The spa was lovely tho and definately helped alleviate some of the stress i had.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#35 Post by boatsink »

This day couldn't come any sooner! Met with the surgeon and had my wires cut today! I feel so liberated, despite having the rubber bands in place currently. It was such an awkward feeling opening my mouth. When the surgeon asked me to open my mouth so that he could remove the splint, I opened with glee. I felt so proud at the same time because it felt like my range of motion was great - could have at least fit two fingers. He then asked me to push it out with my tongue because I barely opened anything. It was weird! It felt like one thing, but in reality it was just the exact opposite. I came home, determined, to work on my range of motion. Towards the evening I got my mouth to open wider than at the doctor's office. Woot!

4 weeks on a no chew, soft diet. Much better than liquids :P

Here's some pics:

My mouth wired: post-op day 6
wired for metal mouth.jpg
Unwired and smiling, post-op day 12
teeth post wired 2011-09-21 smile.jpg
Current range of motion unwired, post-op day 12
post surgery range of motion 2011-09-21.jpg
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Last edited by boatsink on Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#36 Post by boatsink »

This is a picture of what my bite looked like before everything:
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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#37 Post by Marian »

Well Danny, I don't know about Jo, but I am dead jealous - your nashers are looking great!!!

How on earth do you keep your teeth so white too????

You sound over the moon that you are doing so well - I am very, very pleased for you. I can't get my head around the relief you must have felt having those wires cut off!!

Poor you though Jo. You build yourself up for these appointments, but I know that you can get disheartened so easily when an appointment doesn't go as expected. It seems that all ortho medics seem to change their minds at each appointment - it seems that they keep moving the goal posts. Can you have a telephone appointment with your surgeon before next Wednesday? It might put your mind at rest a little.

I have a little worry too at the moment - on my pre-op assessment the surgeon said there are 2 things that mean the op might not go ahead on Tuesday - 1. There might not be a bed. 2. If you have a throat infection.

Guess who's husband woke up this morning with a stinking cold. He never gets colds!!! I am gargling TCP (antiseptic lotion) like a woman possessed, and I'm sure I've overdosed on every cold remedy available to man. Also went to the docs today and to be on the safe side he has given me some anti-biotics. I can do no more but I will be very cheesed off (that's me being polite) if the op doesn't go ahead because of a sore throat!!!!

As a treat for you both - here's a little piccie of my dog (in the background) and my friend's dog in the front. They've been a good distraction this week.


Very best wishes to you both.

Marian x

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#38 Post by underbiter »

Hi marian thanks for sharing your doggie company that did cheer me up i love dogs! Ive been trying to get hold of my surgeons secretary to leave a message with the surgeon that id like to see him/speak with him over the telephone, but unfortunately the secretary is off work until monday as well, isnt it blooming typical! Will try again monday and hope for success. Hope your other half's cold didnt spread to you, and that you managed to ward it off earlier enough. Ive been on a trillion vitamins for a week including 2000mg vitamin c and 30mg zinc among others due to a website i found (I cant post it here as apparently i havent posted enough, but if you put naturodoc surgery protocol into google it should come up) about the recommended vitamins and minerals to take before during and after an operation
Jo xxx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#39 Post by Marian »

Hi guys

I hope you're ok Danny - we haven't heard from you for a few days...

Well Jo, here we are - our week has finally arrived - just typing those words has made my stomach clench in a knot.

I've got all my hospital stuff laid out on the spare bed upstairs - I keep putting off actually putting it in the bag - that will make it all seem a bit real!

The dog is clipped and bathed ready to go for his holidays at my mum's tomorrow (I need to pack his bag too!!).

Hubby and I have just been out for a slap up Sunday lunch (which felt like the 'last supper') and now we're watching the Grand Prix.

Luckily my cold didn't come to anything - although I'm still gargling with TCP - not that I'm paranoid or anything!!!!

Jo, I hope you manage to speak to your surgeon tomorrow morning, and that he puts your mind at rest.

Roll on Friday when hopefully all three of us will have our operations over and done with and be safely home :gavel:

Very, very best of luck for Wednesday Jo - I will be thinking of you.

Danny, thank you very much for supporting me and Jo so far.

Best wishes to you both.


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#40 Post by underbiter »

Hi Danny as Marian said, hope you are doing ok and thank you for your support x

Marian, i know what you mean about it seeming more real, i wasnt nervous at all before, now im starting to be a bit nervous, im sure when i have to leave for the hospital i will be a jibbering wreck! Ive been treating myself to all different sorts of foods this week, particularly foods that require serious chewing like steak and the like, purely because i dont want to feel like i didnt make the most of it whilst i could! Am sure everything for my op will be sorted by tomorrow (touch wood!) and then roll on wednesday! If i dont see you on here again before your op hope it goes very well and your recovery isnt too bad painwise

lotsa love

see you on the other side xx

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#41 Post by Kristyar0 »

Hi guys! I haven't updated my braces story in a couple of months (kristy's Story!) but thought it was about time I posted in September 2011 buddies as my mandibular osteotomy is booked for today! I have to be at the hospital at 1pm but got up nice and early at 6am so I could have some breakfast because I'm on no food or drink from now (7am).
I'm starting to get quite nervous now, but excited that this surgery brings me a step closer to the end of my braces story!
Can I please ask you guys how long you took off work? I was originally thinking 2 weeks, but the surgeon told me I'm on a liquid diet for the 1st 3 weeks, so now I'm wondering if I'll still be tightly banded closed then, so my work as a radiation therapist which involves a lot of talking may be difficult.
Anyway September buddies, thanks for sharing your experiences and wish me luck!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#42 Post by Minerva »

Good luck, Kristyar0 :rose:

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#43 Post by boatsink »

Hey Kristyar0! Goodluck! You'll be fine! You definitely have a spot to share your experiences, frustrations and concerns here. I'm taking 6 weeks off from work. I'm just a little over 2 weeks post-op. My energy level has much improved, but I do get days when I'm fatigued. I'm also not eating too well I suspect, at least I have some time to work on that. Can't wait to hear back from you.

Hey Jo and Marian! Thanks so much for your concern. I'm still around =). It's been rather uneventful for me. Life for me is much, much better since being unwired; however, the rubber bands is not that great either (but I'm not complaining!). My teeth ache and feel as if my braces were adjusted. With adjustments to my braces, usually after 2-3 days my teeth adjust and get used to the ache and goes away; however, with the bands and changing them daily my teeth ache.... and ache. Both of your surgeries are coming up! That's so exciting and nerve wracking I know! You'll both be fine and I'll be here waiting to hear/read your stories =). PS: Marian, the dogs are cute!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#44 Post by Marian »

It was all going too smoothly. I rang up today at 12midday to confirm a bed was available for me so that I could go in this evening - and it was. Me and my husband went out for a drive in the car - whilst I was gone the hospital called - no beds available.

I have to ring tomorrow morning at 6.30am to find out if the op is going ahead.

I can't tell you how p*£sed off I am!! When I think what has been put in place at work to cover my sick time it is just unbelievable that the op could be cancelled.

I'm feeling very down at the moment.


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#45 Post by Kristyar0 »

Hi Marian,
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience today. I don't understand how this happens. If your surgery is scheduled, surely a bed is kept for you? I really hope that when you call back tomorrow there will be one so everything can proceed as planned. Otherwise, how frustrating! I hate feeling like my journey is extended for no good reason so I can only imagine how you must be feeling.

You were right, I am fine. I have been out of recovery and in my room for about 12 hours. I have been connected to a morphine pump the whole time but have never used it as I'm in no pain. It just hurts a bit to swallow. The muse said that may be due to the breathing tube scratching my throat a bit when it was inserted during surgery. I have also developed a bit of a cough. I'm not sure whether that is surgery related or if the cough my brother and boyfriend have had has caught up with me. The worst thing right now is that I look like a toad trying to pick up another toad! The majority of my swelling is below my jawline and my neck is HUGE! Just like when a toad puffs it out! My parents will be here in around 4 hours to take me home and I can't wait. Sleep and hospitals don't really go hand in hand!

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