Surgery with Arnett/Gunson scheduled, no insurance. : (

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Re: Surgery with Arnett/Gunson scheduled, no insurance. : (

#31 Post by CaliforniaKid »

He is without doubt one of the most competent surgeons, if you can afford him go with him, he is the one of the best. A consult cant hurt, it can only give you options and a better understanding of what you can do next.
a consult is important, but know that w/o insurance consults typically run $600-1,000.

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Re: Surgery with Arnett/Gunson scheduled, no insurance. : (

#32 Post by cvn »

Summertimeolive wrote: Hey cvn, have you had surgery with them already?

Im coming for an appointment with Dr. Arnett on 4th of April, traveling from abroad just to see him after two orthognathic surgeries also. I wish I had known about them before too. I would have payed happily. I have a few questions if someone could be so kind to help:

How much do you think they charge for a redo? Is it usually more expensive than a first surgery? Including hospital fees, anesthesia, plates, screws and everything, how much should I expect to pay if they say I do need another surgery?

Im booked with Dr. Arnett. Will Dr. Gunson be there too? From what I hear here on this forum he is great too.

After all I've already been through, Im hoping to hear that my problem can be fixed with braces only. Lets see. Fingers crossed!! :)

One thing Im very unhappy about is the way my nose now becomes broad when I smile. The last surgeon put a nylon stitch on the basis of my nose to make it stay in place but it only lasted about a year.
I had my surgery about 2 years ago.

I think it's hard to estimate how much your redo would cost as it's very dependent on what's being done. You will be better off just going to your consult and finding out from the source rather than just speculating :)

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Re: Surgery with Arnett/Gunson scheduled, no insurance. : (

#33 Post by crislopes »

Hi cvn, thank you, sure thing the best is to ask them directly, Im seeing them next month so I will have all these questions answered hopefully.
@Sumertimelove, thank you so much for your feedback too. I will post again when I see Arnett in April to tell you how it went.
Thanks all!

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