specky wrote:Snap--> They are right along my jawline, pretty closer up to my cheek area. They are kinda hard to see because of my hair (thankfully) I have 3 stitches on one side and 2 on the other. Plus all the stitches in my mouth. They said the only way to get the screws in straight was to go in from the outside.
Very interesting! I don't think I've seen anybody on here who had that. Since it's only a couple stitches, I bet it'll heal up nicely
No braces
1-piece LeFort I + BSSO + Sliding Genio on 10 JUNE 2015!
Partial hardware removal 14 SEP 2018
My surgery is set for August 5th so it's just a waiting game at this point. I'm getting really nervous. Definitely going to ask my surgeon to do a genioplasty during the LeFort I. He also got a BSSO approved through my insurance so he must still consider that on the table. I'll let ya'll know more after my final appointment and measurements in July.
Wisdom Teeth Removal - 2008
Adult Braces - February 4th 2016 Lefort I 3 piece, Septoplasty & BSSO with rigid fixation + Left side IVRO - August 5th 2016
Braces off - February 28th, 2017!!
glennstanzalone - When I saw your posts I thought it was too weird how similar our situations are. I am also finishing up AmeriCorps (mine ends in July), starting (grad) school in mid August, and have a surgery date of August 3. I'm due for my full day workup next week, so not sure exactly what they are doing beyond the fact that I need double jaw. Right now just worried about recovering enough for school!
After 15 months in braces, looks like I will be going forward with a Lefort I 3-piece in late August. I'm so excited to get this behind me, but also very scared. I have never had surgery before and don't know what to expect. I'm also starting a new job in October, so hoping the 6+ weeks gives me plenty of time to recover. I definitely am not thrilled about still having braces this fall, but at least will be on the path to getting this whole process over with.
wisernu wrote:glennstanzalone - When I saw your posts I thought it was too weird how similar our situations are. I am also finishing up AmeriCorps (mine ends in July), starting (grad) school in mid August, and have a surgery date of August 3. I'm due for my full day workup next week, so not sure exactly what they are doing beyond the fact that I need double jaw. Right now just worried about recovering enough for school!
That's too bizarre!!! Keep us posted! Yeah I'm graduating Americorps next Thursday and just studying for the LSAT until my surgery. I'm nervous because the LSAT is Sept 24 and I hope I recover quickly to be able to take it. I hope I also don't have to have braces for too long after surgery....
Wisdom Teeth Removal - 2008
Adult Braces - February 4th 2016 Lefort I 3 piece, Septoplasty & BSSO with rigid fixation + Left side IVRO - August 5th 2016
Braces off - February 28th, 2017!!
Hey guys, so I'm freaking out. I'm getting nervous and I really thought I would be more excited. I feel like my surgeon is being too conservative by wanting to only do a Lefort I because my lower jaw is like non-existent. I look terrible at rest. I have a double chin and serious lip incompetence. 4 years ago he suggested upper, lower and genio so I don't know why he's not still suggesting it. I left a message for him letting him know I really really want a dramatic change and will be getting a genio. We are going to discuss it on the 21st and Im going to be very assertive about my aesthetic ideal. Wish me luck!!
Wisdom Teeth Removal - 2008
Adult Braces - February 4th 2016 Lefort I 3 piece, Septoplasty & BSSO with rigid fixation + Left side IVRO - August 5th 2016
Braces off - February 28th, 2017!!
glennstanzalone wrote:Hey guys, so I'm freaking out. I'm getting nervous and I really thought I would be more excited. I feel like my surgeon is being too conservative by wanting to only do a Lefort I because my lower jaw is like non-existent. I look terrible at rest. I have a double chin and serious lip incompetence. 4 years ago he suggested upper, lower and genio so I don't know why he's not still suggesting it. I left a message for him letting him know I really really want a dramatic change and will be getting a genio. We are going to discuss it on the 21st and Im going to be very assertive about my aesthetic ideal. Wish me luck!!
For what it's worth, I was also pushy about my aesthetic ideal. My surgeon wanted to pull my upper and lower jaws forward 10mm but I talked her down to a lesser movement. I kinda go back and forth on it now that it's said and done but most of the time I don't regret that decision.
No braces
1-piece LeFort I + BSSO + Sliding Genio on 10 JUNE 2015!
Partial hardware removal 14 SEP 2018
Wisdom Teeth Removal - 2008
Adult Braces - February 4th 2016 Lefort I 3 piece, Septoplasty & BSSO with rigid fixation + Left side IVRO - August 5th 2016
Braces off - February 28th, 2017!!
Well. tomorrow is surgery day! I am so looking forward to this all being over, but I am also feeling all the nerves. Nervous about being under that long, nervous if something goes wrong, nervous about the outcome...
KatMarie99 wrote:Well. tomorrow is surgery day! I am so looking forward to this all being over, but I am also feeling all the nerves. Nervous about being under that long, nervous if something goes wrong, nervous about the outcome...
But no turning back now! Wish me luck!
WOOOOO!!! Now you're out the other side! Welcome to Recovery Land!
No braces
1-piece LeFort I + BSSO + Sliding Genio on 10 JUNE 2015!
Partial hardware removal 14 SEP 2018
KatMarie99 wrote:Well. tomorrow is surgery day! I am so looking forward to this all being over, but I am also feeling all the nerves. Nervous about being under that long, nervous if something goes wrong, nervous about the outcome...
But no turning back now! Wish me luck!
Hope your first week of recovery has been as painless as possible!!
Wisdom Teeth Removal - 2008
Adult Braces - February 4th 2016 Lefort I 3 piece, Septoplasty & BSSO with rigid fixation + Left side IVRO - August 5th 2016
Braces off - February 28th, 2017!!
Maybe it's just me but after having 3 jaw surgerys now I can reflect a little. I have found all 3 or surgerys to be for the most part painless.. narcotics were prescribed but defiantly not needed. I'm a glad because I would rather stay away from heavy drugs. The first week after the double jaw was more annoying than anything. But perhaps I went to Hard on myself and took the whole "you can start eating more soft food now" too fast.
Yesterday I had the third surgery to replace a plate and screws that went mobile and loose. Thank God it was just the bottom right jaw. My lefort healed incredibly well as did the left side of my bottom jaw this surgery I had 2 months ago.
So my advice is to take it slow and heal and stick with a good diet.. my deit has never been to great. It's not uncommon to have plates removed so if it happens to you just know it's really a walk in the park compared to the whole experience. Here's hoping I won't be another surgery buddy for anyone else in the future.