Fully impacted canine extraction plus 3-4 other extractions

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#31 Post by Ashley »

Hi I'm Ashley, and I am 19 years old. I had an impacted right top canine, which is hereditary for my family. It went from my Grandma, to my mom, to me. I've lived with it up until 14 months ago, which is when I got my braces on. I had my baby canine tooth pulled about a year before going into the surgery and braces though, so that part of the experiance was kind've out of the picture. I know what you have been going through!!!

I actually had my braces on for about 4 months before the surgery, to create a sturdy environment for the tooth to come into. Luckily, the tooth was right under the palate, so the tooth wasn't fused to the bone and they didn't have to do any grafting. The oral surgeon perscribed me 5 percocet pills. One to take the night before the appointment, and then he had me chew up the four when I got there for the surgery. It wasn't bad at all, but make sure you have someone to drive you! I had my grandpa drive me home and I don't even remember the ride:P He actually fed me a cheeseburger, which luckily I was still drugged:P I don't remember 18 hours after surgery lol.

Anyways, so 14 months into the surgery my tooth is almost where it needs to be. Two visits ago they finally put a bracket on it, and now they are bringing it forward (it was on the inside of my teeth, not the outside). I'm not sure how far along you are with it, but something I forgot to mention is that they will need to open your bite up so the tooth has room to come down. They did this to me by using 'bandlock'. Which is pretty much globs of blue stuff on my back teeth keeping me from shutting my teeth all the way down. I think that just depends on where your tooth is at though. I think it has been well worth the efforts!

The surgery is not as bad as it sounds. The stitches don't hurt at all. The braces typically are sore after they tighten them. The worst part of it all (so far) is after they put the bracket on the once impacted tooth, and snap the wire in, because the tooth is sensative right now. It's really not that bad though! YOU WILL BE HAPPY YOU WENT THROUGH WITH IT ALL LATER, I PROMISE!:)

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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:14 pm

Re: Fully impacted canine extraction plus 3-4 other extracti

#32 Post by Tduet »

My daughter is schedule for surgery on Monday, for both canine in palate, she is a cheerleader and had three games on the week after starting on Monday exactly 7 days will she be better to cheer and tumble in 7 days??

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