SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#376 Post by Delag »

Naw, I don't think we have been abandoned *sniff* just unloved. Don't forget this is Semana Santa - Holy Week - and a lot of schools are out and families on spring break. At least that is the way it works here.

Always more good news to report on my toofers. My dentist just told me that there is yet another tooth he thinks might need a crown. How the #*¿&! did I go from a simple cleaning to 5 crowns, braces and surgery? I think I need some chocolate.

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#377 Post by kballing »

hi all,
well, i got my braces on the upper today. i am feeling a little down though, my positive attitude is wavering right now, i just feel so uncomfortable right now and my gap still hasn't closed even a mm. my od measured it again today and it has been 2 weeks since completion of expansion and nothing. maybe the braces will help it close a little. i am just growing entirely too frustrated with it. how much longer can i expect this to be the case now that i have te braces??????????? she put a light powerchain on, but i don;t feel any pressure at all. i guess the wire she put on is very flexible as well, so my mouth isn't sore nor are my teeth tender at all - maybe this will occur in the morning???? hoping not. my od also made it sound like it was going to be a long long time before the gap closed, i wish i just had an idea of what to plan for. she didn't put bottom brackets on, because she said that they are pretty much already lined up nicely. she will do them next time, i guess. i am happy not to have those as well, i suppose. i feel like i have so much stuff in my mouth. i look hideous though, as i mentioned i already have a malocclusion so my lower jaw is further back and now with these braces it makes the malocclusion look 100 times worse and a gap that makes it look like i am missing a tooth. i have a ton of formal events coming up in the month of may and i just don't even think i can bring myself to go. ughhhhh. in fact, i am starting to lack motivation to do anything. (maybe i am just pms'd and this is all hitting me harder, have been eating non-stop to try to comfort myself, so now am feeling pretty down that i might be gaining a ton of weight in the process). need some inspiration.
sorry, it is just one of those days. i am sure things will be better tomorrow.
hope all is well with everyone. how are each of you doing? progressing well?
thanks again for listening. so so sorry. i know this will pass.

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#378 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

K, I'm sorry to hear you are so down. It is frustrating sometimes and especially so with the gap stuff. You expanded very quickly so perhaps it is going to take a bit for the blood supply and bone to catch up, before the gap will start to close on its own. My is not as big as yours I know, but it too is taking its own sweet time. Tomorrow is 3 weeks post expansion and I still have a gap that is about 1.5mm. It was only 3mm to begin with so in 3 weeks it has only closed 1.5mm. I don't know if the braces will help, mine have flexible wire and my OD said that they really don't want to start moving the teeth around untll the bone heals which is no sooner than 3-4 months. I do think the powerchain will help in that dept though if you can stand it. My front teeth were so sensitive that the powerchain just killed me. I think even today it would still be very uncomfortable. But hey if its not for you then it should work pretty quickly to close it up. Try and hang in there....remember that this is a process, a journey, and that it will be so worth the trip in the end. The hard part is just staying on the road, and not getting derailed by all the changes etc.
I may not be suffering with the gap, but OMG I can't begin to tell you how uncomfortable I am with this bloody appliance! I have definitely had days where I thought I wasn't going to make it, but I have manage to get through them just as you will. You can do WILL be worth it, and shoot look how far you have come already. It is hard when your self esteem is wavering due to the changes, but do remember that we are always much harder on ourselves than others are. People are not staring at your gap obsessing, and now that you have braces on they will be like "oh she is fixing her teeth" and not think much more about it.
I too have an overbite, and have noticed that it appears to be more prominent at this point. I just keep telling myself that things might have to get worse before the get better, that is just the nature of orthodontics from what I have been told.

You are right that this too will pass, but remember to take care of yourself, try not to get depressed, and when you feel like just sitting around eating because you are so miserable, then get on this forum and look at some of the pictures people have posted....they are sure to make you feel better and not so down about what you are doing. DM's story is a good one and her pics are absolutely inspiring. If you haven't checked them out yet then you should! She had a big gap also!

Remember we are all here for you and that we all have bad days. Tomorrow will be better....ask me how I know! LOL! Get some rest and you will probably feel much better. Check in with us tomorrow ok!


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#379 Post by Delag »

K, I am so sorry you are having such a rough time of it right now. Try to remember that good things take a lot of time (learning a skill, having a baby, fixing teeth). People who win the lotto wind up broke and with no friends.

As for your formal events next month - what a great ice breaker! The only person it will bother is you - everyone else will either be very interested in what you are doing or could care less.

As to the eating.... This is also my form of self medication. I have decided to join a pilates class, which I can ill afford, but I want to see some positive changes in my body ( go figure - I can get a massage for next to nothing but pilates breaks the bank). I started making my own mocha smoothies which fill me up, cost less, and have less calories. In the US I am sure you can find all sorts of Slpenda sweetened goodies but I use low fat milk, coco powder, spleda, instant coffee and crushed ice in a blender.

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#380 Post by kballing »

ahhhhhhhhh, you guys are so great!! i can't even tell you how much i appreciated your words of support. it absolutely made my day!! today was, in fact, better. although i already have a wire that is sticking into my cheek, but i am being proactive and have called the od to let them know i will be coming in tomorrow to try to get it clipped (it's interesting when the asst. was putting it on, she kept saying now if this one bothers you, feel free to come back in and have it clipped).
otherwise, all is well. i have decided that i will allow myself to take it easy the rest of the week and not worry too much about the eating or activity and will get back into my purely healthy eating and activity plan next week. i was doing so well with my routine before the surgery, had lost about 5lbs. of what i wanted to lose, and was feeling so energetic, now i just need to get back to that place. you are certainly helping me on that path and i appreciate it!!
thank you for reminding me that this too will change. before i get back into my "healthy me" :D plan on monday, i will spend a little more time just taking care of the things that i can take care of.
how are you all doing? what's new?

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#381 Post by ang »

hello to all!! as most of you know, i'm supposed to be getting my braces put on in a week or two , then evaluating my bite for surgery, but guess what? I'm pregnant AGAIN!! not planned but I know it's a blessing. I have a 4 year old and a 7 month old!! so, i don't know what i should do now because i can still get braces and hope that i like my bite enough or wait another year and let me teeth get worse!! my instincts tell me to just get the braces and correct as much as possible without the surgery since i can't have it anytime in the near future. i will keep you posted! hang in there to those who are going through it! ang

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#382 Post by mic26 »

I'm pregnant too. I'm about 21 weeks along right now. I have a 6 year old and a 18 month old. I'm due August 16, 2006. It's been interesting having braces on and being sick. Thankfully, I'm finally over the nausea part. Good luck with deciding on what to do. I'd start working on it now, that way after you're pregnancy, there hopefully will be less to work on.

Good luck!
Braced and Hydrax expander 8/4/2005
SARPE 8/23/2005
Expander out Oct 2005
Next adjustment 2/16/2006

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#383 Post by ang »

MIC... so did you have your surgery before you got prego? i wonder if i go ahead and get braces and wait to have surgery sometime next year (she told me i would have braces for 2 years anyway) then how much that would prolong my treatment.. .

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#384 Post by mic26 »

I did have my SARPE before I got prego. Thank goodness.... but I think if I'd been prego before the surgery, I would have started treatment, just to get things going. That's a hard decision though. I hope things work out. So how far along are you?
Braced and Hydrax expander 8/4/2005
SARPE 8/23/2005
Expander out Oct 2005
Next adjustment 2/16/2006

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#385 Post by ang »


i'm just 4 weeks or so... i mean , JUST found out. i'm going to call my ortho next week and discuss it with her. i can't imagine having mouth surgery even when my baby is a couple months old and having 2 other kids, but i need it done.
So, were you sick sick with braces?? Because i was very sick with my other 2. After 3 months I was in the clear.

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#386 Post by kballing »

hi all,
hope you are having a good day. okay, now i am having a new dilemna that i need some advice on. i mentioned yesterday that i was experiencing some pain with a wire sticking out. i went in to the od today and saw the same asst. (my od wasn't around at all) who has seemed not to believe what i have said before. shw looked in my mouth and said, nope there is nothing there, no problems. i showed her how when i run my finger over it it actually slices into my finger and makes it bleed and she said well there isn't a wire there. i then said okay, well there is something, can you bend it in and she said, no, because there is nothing there. i had asked a clinician at my office before i left and she said she was worried it would get infected, so i told her that and she said well there is nothing there. she said if i am having problems i just have to use the wax. i told her it hurt most when i eat so i can;t use the wax then and she said that i would just have to get used to the pain and my jaw would have to toughen up. ughhhh. she then brought me wax without gloves on and told me to put it in my mouth. ick. i now have the germs from this next to my wound in my mouth along with the pain. so, i get back to my office and check in with one of the dentists there and she was like, yeah, there is a wire sticking out and it caught on her glove and she showed me how it ripped her glove all the way down and that is what it is doing to my cheek. so, now i don't know what to do. i don't know this asst's name so that i can't call back and say i need to come in but i don't want to see her. i can't bear the thought of going back in and going through this nonsense again, but i can't bear waiting another day to get this fixed either. i don't want to anger anyone in the office as i have to continue treatments for the next year. what can i do? eeek. is there anyway i can cut this wire myself or file it off? the wax doesn't even help since the wire just keeps poking through. eeeeeek. thoughts? suggestions? this is an unfortunate miserable aspect of this. i thought i was turning the corner.
thanks again!!!

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#387 Post by Delag »

Ang - what great news! Ok, maybe the timing isn't what you would have chosen, but you never hindsight things tend to have worked out for the best. A baby is always a blessing and I wish you and your family great health and joy.

K - I don't know a bit about braces (yet) but I do know that you can't continue to have such pain. It isn't a matter of offending anyone at the orthos office, it is a matter of health and quality of life. I would probably camp out at the orthos office first thing in the morning and ask them to check it again. If you get the same assistant insist on another opinion - remember you are PAYING them to provide a service and you have the RIGHT to expect them fix any problem at any time.

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#388 Post by decisionmade »

hey K..have you tried clippping it yourself with nail clippers or at least bending it away from your cheek..depending on the kind of wire..i've done that successfully several times..i've had terrible wire poking issue..I know how terribly painful it is...I agree with Delag.if that doesn't work...insist on seeing another asssitant to get the problem solved..
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

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#389 Post by mia22 »


I have a wire stinking out as well. I just put wax on it all day long. I go back to the ortho on Friday so hopefully it will get fixed!!

Hi Brandy!! I haven't been on here in so long, i know! How have you been doing?

I decided that I'm going to close the gap myself. I know that sounds crazy, but i don't care. I just got an x-ray done and they said that the bone is healed completely, so this tells me that I cannot loose any teeth by forcing them together. My mom just keeps saying... wait wait... and honestly, it has been about 2 1/2 months of this horrible gap... and i just can't really take it anymore.

I had spoke to the main ortho before surgery and he said when the bone heals they will put a rubber band around the braces to pull it shut, so thats what i am doing, lol.

Eh, its pretty painful... feels like the reverse of expansion, but it will be worth it. I go back in on Friday so I'm hopeing that i will be completely done with this horrible gap... I posted a few new pictures, and i'll post more on Friday or if i think there is a significant change.

I hope everyone else has been doing good!!

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#390 Post by kballing »

oh, mia, i can so feel your pain about the gap. mine isn't moving. i keep asking my os and od how long it will take to fill in and they have said everyone is different. i keep saying, yeah, i know, but on average how long will it take, and they just won't give me specifics. this board has been the greatest for information about this. otherwise i would be completely in the dark. it looks like yours has closed quite a bit though. it looks definitely over 75%, no? when will they put the wire on the upper? i got my braces on on tuesday just on the top along with the little power chain, but i still haven't noticed any difference at all. in fact, i thnk they must be using the least amount of pressure possible since my teeth weren't even the slightest bit sore afterwards, only the horrible wire poking out. hang in there, mia. i think we will all just have to get through this together. gap-toothed and all. i am trying my best to continue laughing about it, i really do look hideous. i have decided that on monday i will get back to all of my healthy habits and know this will help me feel good about things again. i just guess i needed the time these past couple weeks to hit the low, so that i can realize how much all of the positive stuff helps. i am also working on booking myself a spa vacation sometime in june so that i have that to look forward to instead of just looking forward to the next procedure that will be happening in my mouth.
hope everyone is having a great weekend. boston has finally gotten some beautiful spring weather and it is certainly attitude-changing if nothing else.
hope to hear how everyone is doing soon.

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