SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#406 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey K,
Yes I'm getting a TPA (Trans-palatal arch) it looks like this:
I have no idea how long I have to wear it for....I would guess at least 4 more months. But it is a whole heck of alot better than this RPE I have right now so I'm thrilled. Amy (another girl on this board who had SARPE) had a TPA and said it was much better than the RPE. My ortho says it is a lot less invasive and is changing it on May 22 as he knows the RPE's are not very pleasant to wear.

My son had a pendulum appliance which is about equally as bad as this RPE and he now has a TPA. He says it is way better and that he doesn't even notice his anymore.

Glad to hear your gap is closing. I know you must be thrilled, albeit impatient! I think 5 or more weeks is about right. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks for me and mine is still not completely closed. Still have 1mm left to go. I didn't get a big gap (only 3.5mm) but it has been slow to close. less than a mm a week. is your gap doing?


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#407 Post by mia22 »

Hi all!

My gap is slowly closing. The wire actually has helped them straighten out a little... it's a little weird. I am going to post new pictures tomorrow, lol... I've just been super busy with final projects and finals.... last week of school!!

They put a spring on my teeth, because I'm missing a tooth... and the spring is really pushing the one tooth in, which is super nice. MY gap is still decently big, but I continue to put wax in it, lol.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

K, it will close soon... and in a few months we will laugh about all this!!


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#408 Post by mia22 »

Hi all!

The wire they put on last week has actually helped my teeth straighten out a bit. The spring they put on one side is definately helping my gap close... but the process of course is still super slow! I'll be posting new pictures tomorrow!

K, one day we will look back at this and laugh!

Brandy, I would do anything for your size gap, but eventually mine will close too. I think thats awesome about the TPA. I was so excited for the wire, I stupidly forgot to even ask about it!! I'm going to call the ortho tomorrow!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


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#409 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Mia,
You are right your gap will eventually close, just like all the others on this board have. I didn't have to say anything to my Ortho about the TPA it was his idea so that was cool. I would call and ask your ortho though, it sure can't hurt, worst he can say is no right? However, if he says yes then you will be happy like me! :)

My gap is small but annoying I just want it to close already! I'm confident that it will get there eventually and really I'm fine with it as Im too busy to really pay attention to it these days with all our packing and painting stuff going on at home.


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#410 Post by Delag »

Brandy! How dare you post in your blog about all the changes in your face and not give us some before and after shots :lol: Now you will have me checking your blog every couple of hours waiting for a photo update :oops:

I had my crown lengthening on Monday. The general wasn't as bad as I had feared - I woke up very alert and with no nausea. I got a bit puffy and bruiesd and am eating soft foods still. The stitches are bugging me a little, but I only needed advil for a few days.

In sympathy with Brandy I am cleaning out closets, drawers, my freezer etc... I think I will skip the painting though.

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#411 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Ok Delag,
I posted a couple of pics just for you! LOL... They are nothing amazing and it was hard to find ones that you could really notice a difference in, but hopefully those will work for you! :) I know I can see the changes!

OMG I have been so busy. Worked a straight 10 hours today, and will probably be doing the same tomorrow! On the up side though...our house will be ready to show and on the market as of Monday! Woo HOoo! We have done so much packing already that it shouldn't take much to actually move out of this place when we are ready to go so that is a plus.


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#412 Post by Delag »

:D Thaaank you Brandy! Wow! You are right - there is a big difference in the shape of your face. Your cheekbones look awesome! I honestly don't see that much difference in the nose though. Like you said, if you wern't looking for it you probably wouldn't notice - but the change is definatly for the better. My OS said he puts stitches in the nose flaps to keep it in place and that it is the most uncomfotable part of SARPE for his patients. I will have to ask about it again.

Kudos to you on the packing! Can I hire you if I ever move? Then again my house is the size of a thumb nail so I could probably just stuff everything in a few ziplock bags.

Today in Mexico we celebrate Childrens Day! There are parades, shows, toy sales.... We dropped Daddy off at the airport this morning and headed straight for Burger King for breakfast and ice cream. In other words - today the kids rule the roost. Happy children's day for the kid in each of you - don't forget to eat your ice cream and candy :lol:

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SARPE Surgery

#413 Post by csdunn »

Hello Boriqua 306,

I couldn't help but send a message to you first of all because of you log in name I am assuming you are Puerto Rican. It's nice to see some of us on this site. Second, I am soon having surgery and I'm not sure if SARPE surgery is a fancy name for a paletal expander surgery. Is it?

I just registered to this website but because I am still waiting for all my treatment to get started I didn't post anything about my treatment.

I was in bracea for two years and just had my braces removed in January. The orthodontist that did my treatment really messed me up. You might have seem my story posted on named "Tales of Woe". He really messed me up and now I have to have the surgery which should have happend two years ago.

Everything I've read about your ordeal sounds really scary, maybe that is why the first othodontist discouraged me from doing it. I don't feel it was right for him to do that since how I am missing four teeth which I will probably will need when I have the surgery. I had really straight teeth but I had a slight overjet and crossbite.

If you didn't have a chance to read my story let me know and I can send it to you.

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#414 Post by 10101 »

Oops, havn't posted in awhile :P

My gap is closing. Quicker than I would've imagined. It looks significantly smaller than it did at its biggest right now. However, as my left front tooth is moving in, it seems there is a gap developing between my left front tooth and the one beside it (not the right front tooth :P). So as one is disappearing another is starting!

I don't think I've noticed much change in my face except for the area around my nose. Then again I wonder if it's possible it's still a bit swollen? It still feels kind of strange in there and my nose seems... bigger (which my nose DOESN'T need :P). I've pretty much gained feeling back everywhere in my face though, which is a plus.

I go for bottom braces on May 11.

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#415 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey All,
I hope you are doing well and that everyone is starting to feel better! I'm doing well, been super busy and exhausted with all this moving stuff but other than that I'm doing fine.

I'm so looking forward to this weekend so I can just sleep in. We put our house on the market and so people will start making appts to come see it now (hopefully) Cross your fingers it sells fast....send us some good selling vibes! LOL..


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#416 Post by Delag »

Happy weekend everyone! Glad to report that I have healed up well from the lengthening surgery and had my two temp. crowns put on yesterday (4+ hours at the dentist office...boy is my jaw sore).

I bought some Billy Bob teeth at Spencer gifts and have had a blast this week taking them to all my different dental appointments. I told the nurse at the OS office that I was a bit worried about how I was healing from the surgery and then popped in the fake teeth while she was geting her instruments to check me - I have never heard anyone laugh so loud.

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#417 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Delag,
Nothing like some good comic relief! I bet that was hilarious! Glad to hear everything is going well for you!

I'm doing ok, my mouth is kindof sore and torn up at the moment but for the most part all is good. Only 15 days til I get this RPE out! I so can't wait!


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#418 Post by mia22 »

Hi all!

I haven't posted in forever! I'm doing pretty good... my gap is still closing slowly but surely, I have an appointment in 2 1/2 weeks!! During this appointment they will do the work needed to close the space COMPLETELY (or that's just what they tell me to keep me coming back, lol).

Other than that, I just fill the gap with wax and go along my merry little way... I cannot believe it is taking this long!! I just have to keep reminding myself to think of the final result and how happy I'm going to be when this is all over...

Well, I hope everyone is doing good!


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#419 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Where are those new pics you were going to post? Just and FYI, my gap just got completely closed and it took 3 days short of 7 weeks. Yours was twice the size so I'm not surprised it is taking longer.

Last edited by Brandyleigh35 on Tue May 09, 2006 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#420 Post by Delag »

I'm feeling terribly sorry for myself today. Went to the dentist again (today to fix a fractured tooth) and of course of all possible complications that could arise mine was the worst. I am getting really sick of going to the dentist.

Mia - I am so glad to hear that your gap is on the move! I check your site every day and keep my fingers crossed that I will see a nice, almost closed gap. Be happy that you are over the worst and things can only get better and better.

Brandy - YIPEE So glad to hear that your gap has officialy dissapered!

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