SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#421 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Delag,
That has got to be so discouraging! I would be having a pity party too! What did they say? What is the new plan? I hate going to the dentist also so I totally feel your pain, over the years I have had a lot of dental work done and it stinks!


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#422 Post by Delag »

Thanks for the sympathy Brandy. I have to have 4 to 5 crowns (due to bite and poor dental care as a child) and assorted other filling changes. I might need another root canal to boot. Add this to the crown lengtheing and I am just plain sick and tired of people messing with my teeth. (Have I mentioned that my dentist looks like a Chihuahua?) This will all run about 6 grand - almost as much as my SARPE. DH has me in the dog house at the moment. Don't get me wrong - he is a GREAT guy - it is just a lot of money at a really bad time. Ok, thanks for letting me vent guys! It really does help A LOT.

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#423 Post by Lina »

I get my rapid palate expander put on today. Can someone tell me their experience with the expander???

I'm really excited but nervous. I dont know what to expect. :(

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#424 Post by Delag »

That is GREAT Lina! You are way ahead of me so I can't answer your question, but I am very happy for you. You are one step closer to being done and I am looking foward to hearing how everything went for you today.

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#425 Post by mia22 »


My new pictures are posted, so get excited, lol!


That stinks about all the stuff you have to go through.. and the cost!! Oh man, mine has been relatively cheap so far thanks to my mothers wonderful insurance... I guess that is the one good thing about being a dependant, lol. I can't imagine how annoyed you must be of people messing with your teeth... and vent anytime, God knows we all have those days! I'm glad your feeling a little better... just keep thinking that it can only get better from here... thats what I have told myself every step of the way!!


You are SOOOO lucky that your gap is closed!! I'm super jealous, but hey at least one of us is there. I have a little over a month!! blah, it feels like forever!! I've lived with this gap for exactly 10wks and 5 days, lol... by the end I will have had a gap for about 15wks, not exactly what I signed up for, but DEFINATELY worth every day!!


Congrats! You are just about one of us now, lol. It feels funny at first, try not to rub it too much with yur tongue because it cause little abrasions on your tongue. Your going to talk super funny for a day but eventually you will get use to it in your mouth. I sometimes forget mine is even there... if you can believe that. When food gets stuck in it, I usually "suck" it out... when it happens you'll understand!! I know it sounds gross, lol... my mom teases me when i do it, because I'll only do it in front of her and my best friend, lol.

Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!! I'm currently searching for a new roommate! It's such a pain, but I have to find one, lol. I'm in a surprisingly good mood, probably because I only have to be at work for another 50mins!! YIPPEEE!! Well I'll be on later, enjoy the new pics!


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#426 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Mia,
Good to hear from you again! I think your gap is looking SOOOO much better! I know it stinks to have the gap but your was quite a bit bigger than mine so its just going to take awhile to heal. I think it is looking better every day though! and as you will be gone before you know it! It was nice to see the pics though, makes it so much easier to really see the progress! Just hang in there.....

I have to laugh as I get my RPE out in about 10 or 11 days. The kids at school are all counting down for me! I keep seeing them and they are like "10 more days" LOL... I don't even need to look at the calendar anymore as they just give me a daily update. he he...

I can't believe it has been almost 3 months since really has gone by pretty fast. Even if this appliance has been giving me daily grief I still wouldn't change a thing, or not do it!


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#427 Post by Lina »

I HATE IT!!!! :( :( :( :( :(

This thing is so unnnnnnnncomfortable. I talk soooooooo funny. I cant eat. And the thing is, I cant turn it until surgery which is june 5. So that means its just in there for a whole month just sitting there. I'm mad but I'll get over it. Ima call my OS tommorrow to see if I can atleast turn it a few times. :(

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Expander woes

#428 Post by Greenidgurl »


I can sympathize with you about the expander. I had mine put in on April 10th and just had my surgery last Friday (May 5). I went on vacation with mine and was justa slurrin and a spittin all over the Carribbean! So I feel your pain! The good thing is that you are going to get a chance to get used to it before the surgery. I thought it was going to be a drag to have it in for so long beforehand, but I could not even imagine going through all the weirdness of the surgery AND trying to get used to the expander all at once!

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Monday Blues....

#429 Post by Kyle »

Well, I was browsing on the web and stumbled on this site and have been reading posts for an hour or two.... Monday is my surgery and even though I'm a 22 year old man, I'm really nervous about the procedure.... today the Doctor went over exactly what he was going to do and where he was going to cut as he held up a model human skull... I just laughed and said "I can't believe I'm doing this to myself..." I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and I know the end results will be worth the pain, but it's easier said then done.... I'm looking foward to future support from this site and I know I can sleep better if someone is also going on the same journey with me..... :D Tomorrow I venture to the hospital for pre-Admission testing and later get my expander put in by my Orthodontist.... Wish me luck and it's good to meet you all.....

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#430 Post by joplin »

Good luck, Kyle and welcome! There are many of us here who have undergone the same thing, you're among friends :)
I remember thinking exactly the same - "Am I really letting them do this to me?" - when I heard the details about the surgery, but trust me, it really sounds a lot worse that it is. You'll be just fine! Keep us posted!
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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#431 Post by mia22 »


I completely understand!! I can't belive you got the RPE in a month before surgery... I think I had mine for about a week. You''ll at least be completely used to it by your surgery which is a good thing, and it might be a lot easier on you.


Congrats on just getting your surgery. If I was you I would start taking pictures of your teeth for you own personal benefit. I didn't start taking mine until 4 days after I finished expansion and I wished I would have documented it sooner than that.

How are you feeling?


I COMPLETELY understand!! I'm 22 also and I thought the exact same thing... I couldn't believe I was actually going to let them do this to me. It will definately be worth it in the end, so thats all that matters. This also gives me a new respect for little kids with braces, appliances, or headgears... Orthodontics suck, but we will all be happy when it's over. I feel like it was yesterday I was posting about just having the surgery and it was 4moths ago, lol. The time will fly. Congrats on deciding to do it!


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Re: Expander woes

#432 Post by Lina »


Soooo true. We all in the same situation. I got my expander May 10 and I get my surgery June 5. You got your expander April 10 and got your surgery May 5. lol Cool. But did you have to turn your key any before surgery??? Cause they told me dont turn until surgery.

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#433 Post by Lina »


I hope I do get use to this thing. Its so annoying. lol

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No prior key turning for me, Lina...

#434 Post by Greenidgurl »

The doc said I couldn't turn the key but that's because I'm older - I just turned 31... He told me that the palate plates fuse together at around age 16 so after that is when someone requires surgery. I'm not sure about everything but it sounds about right. He said if I were to turn the key before surgery it would only tip the teeth outward, not expand the jaw... again, I don't know how right that is, but I didn't want to take my chances!
He would've done the surgery on me sooner but I had already booked the cruise and I was sure gonna get my fun time in before I was going to go through this! It sucked for the first few days but after that I've been pretty good... tonight I'm going to go take my pre-Calculus final and I think I'm up for it.

Kyle - you're in good company... and you are not the oldest one going through this! Just holler if you need some support!

Mia - I started taking pictures back when I had my gang of separators in, so I've got it all covered... I'm a photog-a-holic!

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#435 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Lina,
Trust me when I say I feel your pain. I get my appliance out and replaced with a TPA on May 22, and I"m literally counting the days. I have pretty much hated it every single day! I"m pretty much in the minority, but I have to say that I got my appliance put in Feb 28th and had my Surgery March 3rd ( so I had my appliance for 3 days before surgery) I praise the lord everyday that I did not get that RPE put in a month early! I didn't have any trouble adapting...three days was plenty and quite frankly I have been wearing it for 3 months and cannot imagine having to have worn it an extra month for no reason! I don't think I would've been able to make it! I know others have had to wear it much longer, but I can tell you right now that if I had to wear it longer it would truly not be good! I think I would go postal. I have not had one day where I forget this thing is in my mouth, it is a constant intrusion and aggravation. With that being said I'm very glad I decided to do the SARPE and I'm very happy with the results.

As for turning, nope that is a no no. The surgery will split your palatal suture which will allow for the expansion process to take place and the new bone growth to fill in. You will be expanding probably at least 2 times a day once the surgery has taken place and it will go pretty quickly depending on how much space you need. I got 9mm in 17 days. There are others that have expanded even faster than that, but pretty much 1/4mm per turn is the recommended amount (1/2mm a day.) If you haven't seen my blog yet you might want to check it out. I have followed my whole procedure from beginning to end with lots of pics. Some people think it is helpful to at least know what to expect, and that someone else has been through this and survived! LOL


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