I looked like a zombie but not anymore!! Braces off 11/12/07

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#46 Post by phil »


Ah, yes. If you look at the picture on the link you sent us, you can see a little piece that sits on the bridge of your nose. Well, sort of.

It is the one part of the orthodontic process that I have considered barbaric and archaic, but I guess it works, huh? I have sophisticated tailor made archwires, ceramic brackets, digital radiographs, but the Medieval facebow still stands! :ThumbsDown:

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#47 Post by WhiteLurcher »

The latest is there's not much changed really.

Had another app. on Monday, only three folks this time yea! The two surgeons and my Ortho Mr G.
Mr K seems awfully keen to get at my wisdom teeth! The discussion with my ortho was getting rather complicated :roll: It started with removing my wisdom teeth, then they mentioned my 7's, grinding?, fixation?, extruding and finally extruding and intruding???? I'm not sure if those are the exact words as they weren't talking to me. My ortho, didn't seem to think the result would be worth all the effort, so we will continue with the elastics for the next three months and then decide. Mr G plans to remove my braces by then as orthodontically there's nothing more he can do. I think at the next meeting in November, I will ask for another appointment to be made for six months time and just see how things go minus braces.
By then if my bite is comfortable and things are stable, fine. If not then I'll still have options. I don't want to walk away in November only to regret it later on! :roll:

I asked again about my slightly wonky face, Mr G acknowledged it and asked if anybody else had noticed??? Mr K never said anything and changed the subject back to my bite! :Questions: Even my mum noticed that.
So I guess it's for keeps as he didn't say otherwise! I'll get use to it, I've seen worse. I just think they could have warned me before hand. I did ask more than once, how the surgery would effect the rest of my face not just my profile!

Believe it or not my new face is still an improvement on the old one, just a bit quirkier than I expected! :-*


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#48 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Hi all!

As the title says 11/12/07 is when I will have my braces removed and replaced with a nice new pair of essix retainers. I've had similar when I wore a splint on my uppers for a few months. I'm not sure what it'll be like with both upper and lowers covered in acrylic! :roll: Guess I'll need to check out the retainers forum for that one! :lol:

That is my future alas at the mo' I have rather hefty elastics to wear for the next 8 weeks :soremouth: , in a last ditch attempt to improve my bite. My orth is trying to close the over bite as much as pos. but admits there's nothing he can do for the openbite on the right. He said Mr K my surgeon is still keen to remove my wisdom's on that side, but he doesn't think the minimal gain would be worth the lose of a good tooth/teeth. I tend to agree! My teeth look way straighter than they ever did and I can eat, what more could I possibly want! :-*

So that's my latest for anyone who cares to know! TTFN :-1


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#49 Post by Rach »

aww i feel so happy for you! your journey is nearing an end :) I agree with you about the tooth, whats it worth pulling it out when youve spent ages straightening it! :lol: and you must post pics when youve been debraced! wow you will have smooth teeth again!
Congrats :-88

Rach :rose:
Feel free to take a look at my SurgeryBlog




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#50 Post by sweetpea »

Hi WhiteLurcher

I've been watching your story from the beginning. It's been a long road but suddenly looks like the end is not that far away. Can you take out the retainer/elastics when you go out?
Let us know how you get on and good luck :-#

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#51 Post by HighandLo »

Good for you, WhiteLurcher! It's so nice to hear when someone's at journey's end.

I hope you're happy with your new bite and post pics for us sometime?!?


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#52 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Thanks all!

Sweetpea the elastics are 24/7 for the next eight weeks, well technically 12/12/7. I've to wear one configuration during the day and another horribly tight one for 12 hours at night. The tight ones make my jaws and most of my head hurt and the daytime ones are rubbing the insides of my mouth raw :soremouth: But hopefully things will settle down in a day or so! If they work it will be worth it though. Just have to wait and see! :lol:

:banana: :banana: :-1 :banana: :banana:


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#53 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Hi all it's me again!

I saw Mr K last Monday he's really happy with the results of Mr G's elastics. My openbite on the right has closed quite a bit. He was grinning like a cheshire, probably pretty relieved too! I thought that would be my last appointment but no, I go back again in three months.

My debanding was yesterday and I now have Essix retainers top and bottom. My G said he would prefer a different retainer for my top but that wasn't possible at the time, possibly at my next appointment. But that is for 10 mins on January 22nd, so either he changed his mind or he forgot. :roll: I can't remember what he called it but I didn't recognise the name, are there other names for Hawley retainers? I've only heard of Essix, Hawley and fixed, I should have asked! :?

Well now after 7 years including 3 chops and 27 months in braces my old bite here:-
Image Image
Just a bit of an openbite showing! :-*

Now looks like this:-
Image Image Image

Not perfect but way better than it was! :lol:
My bite is technically still open as only my last mollars and wisdoms touch, but it ain't half as bad as before!!

I still prefer soft food as chewing just doesn't feel good especially crunchy things like crisps and I can't bite too great either but hey that's why they invented knives and forks!! :lol:
Last edited by WhiteLurcher on Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:45 am, edited 2 times in total.


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#54 Post by HighandLo »


What a big difference and you have such a nice smile! You must be so pleased! I also have Essix retainers and they work well for me.

Enjoying munching!


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#55 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Update:- [3/3/08] So much for elastics closing my bite. It has taken less than three months for the mollars to relapse, I'm now back to only my wisdom teeth meeting and my overjet has increased slighly too! Ah well, I guess that's as good as they get! :roll: :lol:


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#56 Post by ssspidermom »

So sorry to here about your re-do. I hope all goes very well this time!!

What did you have done the first time around? Your "before" pix looks like mine. I'm scheduled for my upper jaw 4/22.

Now you know what to expect from the surgery, anyway. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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