Best wishes Brandy!

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#46 Post by kate0310 »

Oh glad to hear!!!

Torodol is a prescription- and its basically a "super advil". The only thing with it that I found, is you MUST take it with a meal or it will likely be hard on your stomach. Otherwise, its just like taking advil but better. I hate taking things for sleeping that make you groggy the next day, so that's why this was my thing of choice if I needed to get a better nights sleep.

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#47 Post by iheartmypanda »

Hey Brandy!

I remember being at your stage... not fun! I'm 5 weeks post op and although it's not too far (like I can't chew for instance) it's far enough that it's all feeling like a distant memory!

The rule is no chewing and that's really not as restrictive as it sounds! You seem to be healing really well and probably don't need to blend your meat up anymore. At around the time that you are at I got SICK of liquids and started eating normal food cut up into small pieces I could mush with my tounge a bit and swallow whole. So I eat lots and lots of pasta, chicken, rice, hamburgers. All soft stuff. Boost has juce boxes of 3 differnt juice flavours (juice- not milkshakey stuff- actual liquid non milky juice!). I honestly think this is the best invention since sliced bread as the stuff tastes good!

What I did is ate whatever the heck I wanted (again, lots of pasta!! whee!) and drank boost juices for nutrition. They're little juiceboxes and awesome for on the go! I think I'll always keep some around in case I don't have time for breakfast!

As for the sleeping and such, your jaw is screwed (ha ha ha ha!). Seriously though, it is screwed and it's not going anywhere! Bands are for dealing with the muscles not the bones.

So go ahead and sleep how you like and use a straw if you want (the rule I was told was to wait 2 weeks- you have to leave the incsions some time to heal).
Basically do whatever you want as long as you're not in danger of hitting your jaw (ooowwww). It significantly helps recovery to get back into the swing of things when you feel ready. For me this was 4 weeks.

The one thing to consider is discomfort! Swelling will last longer if your sleep low on your side. It was the sacrifice I had to make to finally get some sleep!
Meds work terribly on me! (lucky you! at least advil gave you some relief!)
Since you're way before week 3 I really suggest asking your doc for some coedine. It was the only thing that worked! Basically I took two at night before going to bed (11pm or latest 12am) and pretty soon I was asleep!
It helped me to sleep upright the first two weeks (cannot do it unless I'm drugged!!) and I would go zzzz until as late as 2pm the next day!
Which would put me in a struggle to get all my nutrition in but it was soooo worth it because all that sleep after surgery felt sooooo gooood!

I really wish they would have given me another prescription after week 2! Sleeping upright is hard! And the pain is still bad!

Since you're only 11 days post op I do recommend sleeping upright if you can (again, ask for coedine!) because it really helps with the discomfort and swelling.
Something that should help if you don't have it is a neck pillow (like they use in airplanes). With all the swelling and screws your head will feel heavy and a neck pillow gives support wherever you are and keeps your head upright. It makes a huge difference! I could only sleep upright with my neck pillow. Then my head could tilt to the side if it needed to.

Ok so I wrote a book! I'm gonna go but I hope something I said hepled you! (I also got "the works" done)

Have a great day! It gets better from here. It always does.


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#48 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Mariana,
Yes that was helpful. I sent an email to my OS asking him many of these same questions today also, so I will see what he says.

As for eating, my muscles are too sore and tired right now to do much chewing. Even moving my tongue around too much makes me achey. Swelling is really coming down though, and last night, I relented and slept on my side. Got some sleep but still not a ton. I'm going to try the neck pillow you suggested tonight. Perhaps that will make a difference.

Thanks again for your detailed reply!


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#49 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Are the jaw muscles tired from being pried open for the several hours of surgery? Or from being pulled forward as, and when, your upper and lower jaws were brought forward?

Wondering if mandibular setback leaves the lower jaw muscle less sore than mandibular advancement--unless the soreness is from the jaw being propped open for the surgery.
Dec 2006--RPE followed by SARPE surgery
Jan 2007--Braces
Nov 2007 BSSO mandibular setback, genioplasty, and two implant anchors. Surgery-eve reprieve from Lefort.
May 2008--Debraced

Surgeries in Costa Rica, Orthodontics in Massachusetts.

All to fix an openbite, crossbite, underbite, and two missing bottom molars.

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#50 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I don't know either, but I do know my lower was only advanced 4mm and my jaw muscles are SORE! I'm sure it mostly due to the fact that they were stretched so far, but man it is really annoying. The only thing that really makes things feel better is exercise, If I walk for 20 minutes I'm good to go on no pain for over an hour. Any kind of movement really helps me a Lot. It's strange but it works.

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#51 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yeah, I'm sure that has got to be a big part of it. Its like I know but, but I think it is just really incomprehensible to me that my jaw was held open to the extreme for 6 freaking hours! I understand, but don't really get it...know what I mean?

Anyway....I gave in and took a Vicoden last night. Got 6 glorious hours of sleep. Woke up, took 3 advil, and got 6 more hours. I can't believe how much better I feel today! Man I was so tired! I don't feel hung over either so that is a big plus. Not being a drinker, or someone that ever even takes pain relievers, I have zero tolerance for the after effects of drugs. I would almost rather suffer with the pain, then deal with that groggy hung over feeling (I know I'm weird that way) Anyway....I feel great today and the pain does seem to be settling down a bit. My recovery seems like it is running about 2-3 days ahead of everyone else. Most people said by day 14 they were starting to notice a big difference so I figured mine must be coming soon. Today is day 12 and things feel substancially better so that is really great! I was so ready for it!


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#52 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yeah, I'm sure that has got to be a big part of it. Its like I know but, but I think it is just really incomprehensible to me that my jaw was held open to the extreme for 6 freaking hours! I understand, but don't really get it...know what I mean?

Anyway....I gave in and took a Vicoden last night. Got 6 glorious hours of sleep. Woke up, took 3 advil, and got 6 more hours. I can't believe how much better I feel today! Man I was so tired! I don't feel hung over either so that is a big plus. Not being a drinker, or someone that ever even takes pain relievers, I have zero tolerance for the after effects of drugs. I would almost rather suffer with the pain, then deal with that groggy hung over feeling (I know I'm weird that way) Anyway....I feel great today and the pain does seem to be settling down a bit. My recovery seems like it is running about 2-3 days ahead of everyone else. Most people said by day 14 they were starting to notice a big difference so I figured mine must be coming soon. Today is day 12 and things feel substancially better so that is really great! I was so ready for it!

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#53 Post by anabel »

That's awesome--I'm glad you got so much sleep! You are doing so well!
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#54 Post by Brandyleigh35 » was my turning point. No more pain in my muscles and jaw joint. Now it is just dealing with my lower lip, that is partially numb but feels like it is freezing all the time, and my semi numb, but tingly tongue. My lower teeth are a bit achey too, but OMG all of this is so much more manageable then all of that horrible jaw pain I was having. It's all down hill from here folks!

I feel like I'm a surgery survivor now! LOL..


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#55 Post by iBorg »

So good you feel like you've turned the corner. I'm in the beginning stages so all I can do is read your information to learn and prepare.
I appreciate the way you've been so willing to share to help others.

My one thought is Go Girl GO!!!

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#56 Post by anabel »

Wahoo!! That's great!! Your recovery has been phenominal. You should be so proud of yourself and your team of doctors.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#57 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Yep, last night was a good night. Slept all night with no pain, other then a slight mild headache. Things are feeling better and better each day, and I"M thrilled with my surgeion and the work he has done.

I already feel like it was worth it!


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#58 Post by Delag »

OMG Brandy - I just saw your latest pictures on your blog. YOU LOOK SO PRETTY! I am so glad that you had a pain free day and I do hope those horrible looking elastics don't give you too much grief.

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#59 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Delag!
Things are definitely getting better for sure, pain wise that is. The swelling is starting to come down a lot more and I'm finally able to recognize my old face. I'm feeling happier with my results for sure though!

OMG those rubberbands are killing me though! I have put them on and taken them off about 3 or 4 times already today. My right hand teeth are really feeling it. Is this normal? Things feel a bit achey in my lower jaw and I'm wondering if it is my muscles, or actual pain from my BSSO advancement. I'm sure its probably muscle, as the rubberbands are very lightweight. Crazy how something so small can be so painful!

I have never worn rubberbands before so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. My son says that your teeth are really sore for about 2 days then it gets much better, so I'm trying to hang in there. The ortho said he didn't want me fighting against them, but man that is hard to do when you feel your bite changing and getting all achey. I feel like I try to move things to change the pain spot. Hopefully I will be able to get through the night with them and by tomorrow things will start getting better. I think that rubberband configuration makes me look like the monster from the movie ALIEN. LOL...

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#60 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Anyone ever seen a rubberband configuration like this? My teeth are killing me!


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