Updated everyones arguing over me - oops

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#46 Post by JayC »

say you do wait for the bone to heal.. thats probably gonna be another 4-6 weeks of the swollen cheek/pains etc. if you were to get the surgery done now and be wired shut.. you would be wired shut for what.. 6 weeks or so as well. so in the end its basically not really getting much out of your mouth for 4-6weeks rite? im assuming youre on a pretty soft diet as is rite now neways? would it be that much worse to be wired shut for about 6 weeks and be on liquid? heheh. the infection would probably get better a lot sooner too if you were to be wired shut as you would have those infected screws out.

it is a tough decision though. i would probably flip a coin btu i would lean toward being wired shut as mcuh as that would really suck mainly bc i would be afraid the infection itself is preventing proper bone healing

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#47 Post by loulou123 »

No exactly what you mean jayC im concerned that if i leave it another 6 weeks ish that the bone will still not be healed and ill end up being wired shut anyways. But as im having it done on the nhs the final decision is theres and there decision at the moment seems to be too hope it heals and then take the plate out :roll:

im still on a no chew diet, tho being wired would obviously restrict that even more, think im beginning to forget how to chew! Tho i also know there are people (phil springs to mind) who have been on a restricted diet for much longer than me.

Still i have 2 hopsital appointments next week, so ill see what is said then i guess.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#48 Post by phil »


Hang in there!

I have not chewed solid food for nine and a half months! I think I could write a recipe book of delicious, nutritious blended foods, although I'm sure Arvensis wouldn't buy a copy, because a lot of the food would be BROWN! :lol:

How are things going with your swelling?
There are no ordinary moments.
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#49 Post by loulou123 »

Thanks phil :D

cant imagine how aweful it is after 9 and half months of no solids, have they given you any undication at all how much longer your be restricted for?

Perhaps you should write tht book :D tho i have to agree with Arvensis on the BROWN front :lol:

the swelling is still pretty much the same, people see me and go "oh your still swollen then" as if there disapointed! Have noticed my midline is slightly off to one side, so am hoping its not the swelling causing that :?

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#50 Post by Arvensis »

although I'm sure Arvensis wouldn't buy a copy, because a lot of the food would be BROWN!
Loulou and I will add lots of cream to make it TAN and then from there we'll add food coloring to make it BRIGHT BLUE!!!


No brown.

I still can't eat brown food. Literally. It has to be green, orange, yellow, red, something. I tried eating sausage, no way, no how, too brown. I bought turkey sausages that had blueberries (breakfast!) - no problem!

Phil, you could customize it to be non-spicy and make it a baby food organic book - IE how mom and dad can cook for themselves and make baby food. You'd have to hire a nutritionist to work on it, but I'm assuming the high vitamin stuff you've probably been making would count well in baby food arena;) THAT, I might buy a copy of, as I'm a big believer in homemade or organic, but if I had to eat it there might be some problems ;)
[8 Months, 4 days with Braces]
Braces off 4/17/2008 - Rockstar!


Before and After.

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#51 Post by loulou123 »

Discovered in last couple of days that it is possible for my face to get even more swollen :? have been trying to contact someone on my oral surgeons team all afternoon, as have app with ortho tomorrow and kinda hoped that someone surgical could see me at same time. But theyve had phone on answer machine all the time :roll:

have also got an appointment friday to have my wisdom tooth removed, but cant see how there do that now, with the swelling even worse, so was hoping to speak to someone about that too.

Its all starting to pee me off now but i keep telling myself it will eventually all be over and hopefully worth it.

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#52 Post by loulou123 »

Managed to get an appointment with one of the surgical team before my ortho appointment, finally.

The surgeon basically said that now my jaw is showing signs of rejecting the plate, not 100% sure what that means, but it doesnt sound too good :? and hes given me extra strong antibiotics (which app are likely to upset my stomach and make me nauseaus) and ive now got an appointment next thursday wih my surgeon himself to arrange the removal of the plate as soon as possible. Also slightly worryingly, he said if things suddenly get worse or im in alot of pain to call the hospital AandE even if its 4am and theyll get the on-call doctor to see me. Hope he just said that "just in case" not because he thinks it may happen. :shock:

Orthodontically, i had the lower archwire changed, which quite franky was not pleasant, due to all the swelling, but does mean goodbye surgical hooks :D :D (on the bottom anyway) apparently we will decide after the plates been removed how much longer i need the braces on for. But orthodontically things are still looking good :lol:

Im back to the hospital tomorrow, for the wisdom tooth removal :shock: with the same surgeon i saw today, hes a really nice guy which makes me feel abit better. Hes confident he can do it, but the issues may be the opening of mouth for injection and biting on the gauze afterwards to stop the bleeding, im getting very nervous and my bottom teeth are hurting now from the adjustment too :roll:

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#53 Post by tazzle »

oh lou lou you are having a time of it aren't you :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hope once the plate is out you will feel much better and that orthodontiacally things still go well.

as for the wisdom tooth removal ..... i would do ANYTHNG that might help distract you .... Listen to music , meditating, deep breathing ( I get the odd comment when I do this but it does help me :wink: ). ...... nice mental pics of walks on sady beach ( or whatever floats your boat :wink: )

Unfortunately dutch courage not to be encouraged despite the relaxation properties of alcohol :(

I will be thinking of you tomorrow



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#54 Post by clairet707 »

loulou123 wrote:Managed to get an appointment with one of the surgical team before my ortho appointment, finally.

The surgeon basically said that now my jaw is showing signs of rejecting the plate, not 100% sure what that means, but it doesnt sound too good :? and hes given me extra strong antibiotics (which app are likely to upset my stomach and make me nauseaus) and ive now got an appointment next thursday wih my surgeon himself to arrange the removal of the plate as soon as possible. Also slightly worryingly, he said if things suddenly get worse or im in alot of pain to call the hospital AandE even if its 4am and theyll get the on-call doctor to see me. Hope he just said that "just in case" not because he thinks it may happen. :shock:

Orthodontically, i had the lower archwire changed, which quite franky was not pleasant, due to all the swelling, but does mean goodbye surgical hooks :D :D (on the bottom anyway) apparently we will decide after the plates been removed how much longer i need the braces on for. But orthodontically things are still looking good :lol:

Im back to the hospital tomorrow, for the wisdom tooth removal :shock: with the same surgeon i saw today, hes a really nice guy which makes me feel abit better. Hes confident he can do it, but the issues may be the opening of mouth for injection and biting on the gauze afterwards to stop the bleeding, im getting very nervous and my bottom teeth are hurting now from the adjustment too :roll:
Crikey Lou, you are suffering, hope things go well for you tomorrow and it doesnt hurt / bleed / get infected too much

good news about the hooks and braces though

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#55 Post by sauerkraut »

My, you're having a tough time of it. I'm very impressed with your philosophical attitude.

You may already know this, but natural yogurt (especially, I think, the probiotic type) is supposed to help your stomach cope with antibiotics. Just a tip, in case they do disagree with you. (I'm assuming you can slurp yogurt down somehow :wink: )

Hope it all goes well tomorrow.

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#56 Post by loulou123 »

Thank you everyone :D couldnt sleep its nearly 1am in the uk, so at least ill be nice and tired for extraction!

Tazzle have been keeping myself busy all evening, and ill definately be trying the deep breathing tomorrow! Which i could have some dutch courage, but dont think mixing it with the antibiotics would help my tummy! Damm it :lol:

Clairet707 thanks i hope so too! Worst thing would be an infection in the top as well-ahhhhhhh!! Fantastic news about the hooks, am so glad at least some of them are gone. By the way, not sure if ive said it but congratulations on your debracing date :D

Sauerkraut thanks for the tip on the yoghurt, have been trying to drink a probiotic yoghurt drink daily, but am planning to increase the uptake now, as these antibiotics are supposed to be particually bad :roll:

Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#57 Post by Andantae »

Hey there, Louou,

I use the deep breathing technique too-just remember very slow inhale until you can't anymore, and then try to get a little more in, and then very slowly exhale. It really seems to help.

Wow- already talking about how much longer you'll be in braces--music to your ears, no doubt. I am SO GLAD you feel better about this doctor and that he feels no worries about gettting that tooth out. Fingers crossed that the new antibiotics will do the trick.

I'll be sending all my most postive thoughts your way tomorrow! Do let us know how it goes!

Get some sleep!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
BSSO & Genio surgery June 4th '08!


"Truth is a bully we all pretend to like." Gregory David Roberts -SHANTARAM

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#58 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi Lou,

I agree that the yoghurt will definitely help with the effects of the antibiotics.
Also you could buy some 'Multibionta' tablets in the chemist which also help a lot. I had erythromycin antibiotics once and they definitely helped me.

Hope everything goes smoothly, you deserve it!

Best Wishes



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#59 Post by Delag »

loulou, I hope you are all done by now and resting. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around all that you have been through. Remember that each day that goes by is one day closer to being done with this whole ordeal. If you need a distraction you should try books on tape - they are really nice when you don't feel up to reading and the TV is anoying.

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#60 Post by JayC »

It's a bummer things had to get to this point before they step in to do something. But I guess that's always the gameplan. You always want to treat things like this wth the least invasive technique unless otherwise required. I am glad they are scheduling to get that pesky plate removed asap. even though if it means to have your jaw wired shut for 6 weeks I 'm sure it will be worth it. The painand pressure of the infection being relieved will make not eating solid foods for another 1.5 months worth it i think.

im surprise they will even take out the wisdom tooth. since itll increase the healing time of the jaw. actully wait.. is it the upper wisdom or lower? itf its upper then i take back my comment :)

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