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#46 Post by phil »

I'm doing the happy dance for you, Tori!!!

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#47 Post by ema27 »

Congrats on getting unwired-its a big step to be able to open your mouth(even a little)When i was tightly banded it was hard but now im not its so much easier.My splint was removed 2 weeks ago and i was so surprised how much clearer i sounded.i guess alot of the swelling had gone so that helped..
Only 2 weeks left until the splint is removed..wont be long..


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#48 Post by Kristiana »

You look great! :) This sounds weird, but I think you have very pretty ears, hehe. Isn't it funny they call that device a jaw bra?

Take care, not too long until you get your splint out!

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#49 Post by tortor »

Thanks everyone for your kind words! Eating has been so amazing since getting unwired. Today I had chinese food (my favorite!) and man was it good. Tuesday is 1 week until my splint comes out.

Since I still havent gotten around to uploading my recovery photos, I thought I would take a quick picture for all to see my progress as of 1 month post-op.

I still have swelling around my nose and around my mouth. I've still got the joker lips going on too...I can't seem to get rid of the redness that the cuts and scrapes around the corners of my mouth left. I might have to start using some mederma because I'm afraid its scarring. I know I look all serious :oops: but I was hoping no expression would help you get a better idea of my well as show the lip incompetency that I've been worried about. I'm hoping that its just from my splint, but I'm starting to worry that maybe my lips wont meet even after the splint comes out.

Have a great day/night..

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#50 Post by phil »


You are looking AMAZING!

How are you feeling?

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#51 Post by december08changed »

I think your lips not coming together might be from having the splint in, hopefully it all works out. You look very pretty.

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#52 Post by carissa »


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#53 Post by iBorg »

I saw your picture and thought I should close it before my wife asked questions. :lol:

As soon as the splint is removed and your swelling goes down, you're going to have an absolutely great result. I think I said it before... if look SMASHING!!

The changes to your profile gives a much softer, happier look. Best of luck with your continued recovery.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#54 Post by tortor »

aw thank you all for your responses :) they really brightened my day :)

Phil- as far as how I'm feeling, its been an emotional rollercoaster! One day I think I'm starting to like my new face, and the next day I loathe it. I try to convince myself that I still have swelling but I'm growing more and more impatient everyday and I just want to see the end result already. However, I'm very pleased with my bite and I couldnt be happier that my underbite is a thing of the past! Once my splint is out, I cant wait to be able to smile big!! :D

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#55 Post by Class III Blues »

Trust me, I know all about the emotional roller coaster. Sometimes you get a glimpse in the mirror and you say "oooh" maybe it looks pretty good... and the next view in the mirror is a disaster. You keep telling yourself that you are still swollen, but don't believe it sometimes and think... this might be IT.

As far as the lip swelling, I noticed that my lip protruded less when the ortho took some of the surgical hooks off (which they did at week 7 or so). So I think it will go down even less when the braces are off and the swelling goes down even more. I don't have a splint but right now my lips close if I try but if I just relax my lips with my jaw closed, my lips don't quite meet yet. I'm hoping they do once all is said and done.

I had manual lymphatic drainage last week and do think it help with bringing my swelling down ever so slightly. If nothing else, it feels great... so relaxing. Go treat yourself for one!

Lastly, you look quite fantastic.

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#56 Post by tortor »

Class III Blues wrote:Trust me, I know all about the emotional roller coaster. Sometimes you get a glimpse in the mirror and you say "oooh" maybe it looks pretty good... and the next view in the mirror is a disaster. You keep telling yourself that you are still swollen, but don't believe it sometimes and think... this might be IT.
You really hit the nail on the head!! Thats exactly how my day goes...I'm trying to catch a glimpse of myself every chance I can get. Sometimes I think "hmm not so bad" and other times I'm just like WHAT DID I DO!!? and grieve over the loss of my old face! I do keep telling myself I'm swollen, but others around me, like my mom, tell me that I barely have any swelling! I dont know what to believe. I want to still be swollen though, because I'm not yet ready to accept that this is my face. I'm really counting on the splint being taken out to make a big (hopefully positive!!) difference in my appearance.

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#57 Post by phil »


Things will change...they do take time.

Arvensis has posted pictures which are a good example of how long it takes for swelling to go down.

My face is still changing.

My advice to you is to take a deep breath, and enjoy life where you are

right now.

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#58 Post by Beth85 »

Wow you look incredible!!! The difference is amazing.
I can only hope my result is as fantastic as yours.
Hang on in there & stay positive. We all think you look beautiful and you will no doubt feel better about things in a few weeks or months when it has all settled down properly.

Take care :rose:

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#59 Post by Andantae »

Hey Tor~

Yes, I would be counting down the days until splint removal, too, BUT! I predict with 100% conviction that you will just LOVE your new face and not miss your old one AT ALL once all the swelling goes down and you grow more accustomed to it! (I can still see a little swelling, too, in your photo and it always looks even bigger to ourselves), but you look really good even now!
Braced 5-30-07 for 18-24 months
In-Ovation Uppers, Metal Lowers, TPA upper arch, Lower Lingual arch, no elastics.
100% Deep Bite, Crowding, Over Extrusion
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#60 Post by FuzzyPants »


You really do look good. I can't even see your splint in that photo. Just a few days left and that splint is outta there!

The swelling is not noticeable to others, but because we can feel it every time we move our mouths, it seems so much more to us.

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