March 2012 buddies!

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Re: March 2012 buddies!

#46 Post by PrincessLea »

We haven't been yet, we go on Monday! Everything is so manic atm as its my bf's birthday tomorrow and I have a job application to be in before the trip too! eeeek! Ha. Not even booked any travel insurance yet. Sorry to hear about the trouble you had with yours? Why was that, because of the op? Who did you end up going with?? Glad you had fun though!!

Yeah i can feel the incisions, its horrible. I have lots of flaps of skin. Some of which are attached and its a bit tight. think I broke one of them when I yawned (ewwwwwww) but after felt so much better for it! I went to the docs this week as I have oral thrush (great!!!) Another mouth related illness haha. its because my immune system is down, the op and also you can get it from steroid inhalers which I am on. My ortho said its right down my throat. So I am on the horriblest medication for it atm!! But when I saw the doc this week about it he was amazed at how far I can open my mouth. Its over 2 fingers now! Keep doing exercises and it will come back for you!!!

Saw my ortho actually and he checked my numbness in my gums. He reckons its still bad and their may have to be a plate removal but we shall see. How is yours?

No mention of the hooks coming off. But i am still fully banded shut for around 12 hours a day! Trying to stabilise my bite still - sucks! I think I would feel exactly the same as you in the situation you are in. You will have to trust her though for now and she were you are at when you see her in June!! I am back to seeing the assistant mainly now! Which I don't like.

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