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Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:17 pm
by Leebie3
mmm have to disagree re working through the pain.. especially if it's an open ulcer. Our mouths are full of lovely bad bacteria that's just waiting for a break in the skin to take hold and cause infection. I think if it gets to the point of ulcer you should use wax and salt washes to prevent infection?

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 2:17 pm
by DisneyNerd
Ok, so... I've given it a week and I still can't eat, talk or brush my teeth properly. (Been surviving on a diet of soup and ice cream.) On top of that, I've been having random crying spurts because it is making me feel so down. The ulcer, "George", hasn't healed AT ALL but hasn't got any worse so I don't think it's infected. The hook is still rubbing and causing discomfort, and I have realised that it's sticking out so I'm going to go back to the hospital for an emergency appointment. My nan actually offered to fix it with a pair of pliers but I'd rather have the orthodontist lol!

Sigh...So fed up with these back and forth trips. :( I've got my dissertation to finish by well, by the operation on the 28th.

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:02 pm
by Helen82
Bl@@dy sticking out metalwork! Hope you get it sorted quickly DisneyNerd. At the end of my regular appointments, my orthodontist always asked if there were any bits sticking out, sharp points etc, and of course I never could feel anything then, I always discovered them later on when I got home! The one advantage of being post-surgery is that my mouth is still too numb to feel any of the new hooks that they put in last week!

After three weeks of liquid diet, the hospital gave me the green light to remove my banding just at meal times so I can move on to a soft diet. This was me - :D - actually more like this :| as I still can't smile much yet...until this evening. Had an almighty struggle to get the bands off, tried opening my mouth, but even with a bit of practise could only open up a couple of millimetres, so had an even mightier struggle to get the bands back on again, and then had to go back to syringing in the soup. Oh well. Will keep doing it to practise getting my mouth open wider so at some point I can finally get some proper food in, even though I'm totally paranoid that everything will relapse now that it's me in charge of the banding. Once I'm through with all the treatment, I shall never touch a d@mn soup again!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:12 pm
by DisneyNerd
Aww I'm sorry to hear that Helen. Hope you can move on to your soft diet soon.

Well I went to the drop in clinic at the hospital and it was all sorted in five minutes! I even ate a packet of crackers on the way home. My lip is still sore, but at least it isn't being poked and prodded anymore. Suppose it's a good thing that I experienced this. It's really prepared me mentally/emotionally for what's going to happen during the recovery stage.

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 3:47 am
by Leebie3
30th May!!!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 1:33 am
by Helen82
Leebie3 wrote:30th May!!!
Great! Suddenly becomes very real when you've got a date to work towards, and not long now too! What surgery have you/they decided on? I know there was a change of plan.

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:02 pm
by Leebie3
lower jaw forward 9mm and chin back 5mm.. can't wait!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:57 am
by DisneyNerd
Not long now!! :)

Had my pre-op assessment today, talked some things over with the doctor, got my medical history down. And...(big shocker!) blood test! I've never ever had my bloods done before (no that's a lie, last time I had a test I'd only just been born :P) So it was an experience. It was bizarre, not completely unpleasant but I never want to have another one :P

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:45 am
by Leebie3
ok, starting to sh*t myself :s

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:16 am
by parsleysage
Leebie3 wrote:ok, starting to sh*t myself :s
Aww... hugs. Don't think about the process, visualize the results. You're going to take a nap and wake up and be done!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:52 am
by DisneyNerd
In hospital tomorrow morning, home by Thursday afternoon. Squee!!!! It is happening people!! :D

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 8:09 am
by Helen82
Reached the six week post-op mark today:

Good News - No bands! Or at least no bands for four weeks - then they'll see if my bite has drifted or not and whether Ineed bands back on again or not. Can't open wide enough for soft food yet but at least I've got more chance of increasing my jaw opening now. However...

Bad News - At last week's appointment it emerged I'd got an infection and so have been on a course of antibiotics. Today, whilst they think the infection has improved, I had my first x-rays done since operation, and they think there may be a problem with upper left plate near my nose. My bones all seem to be healing in the right places (!) but my orthodontists think I need another operation to remove the plate. (On top of the fact that at some point I'm meant to be having another operation to have the genioplasty...) :-+ I've got an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow, so things will hopefully be made clearer then. In meantime, got to try and not tear all my hair out this evening... Just when things should be getting better...

Anyway, DisneyNerd - Good Luck for the op tomorrow and the coming days. :thumbsup: Try and get some sleep tonight!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:02 pm
by DisneyNerd
Oh my God, I'm so sorry to hear about your infection. Things must be very uncomfortable/painful for you right now. *hugs*

Well, it's about 11pm here. So I'm going to have one last mini meal before going to bed. Then I'm up at 5am. Eeeeeppp!!!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:29 pm
by Helen82
DisneyNerd wrote:Oh my God, I'm so sorry to hear about your infection. Things must be very uncomfortable/painful for you right now. *hugs*

Well, it's about 11pm here. So I'm going to have one last mini meal before going to bed. Then I'm up at 5am. Eeeeeppp!!!
Bizarrely/thankfully has made no difference, apart from the site being sore when prodded by orthos! The antibiotics have been worse! Just don't want to go to sleep, 'cos then it'll be tomorrow and I'll find out if I need more surgery.

I wondered if you'd be about; make the most of your last meal! And good luck again for tomorrow - I'm sure it'll go fine, sending positive thoughts your way!

Re: April/May 2014 surgical buddies..

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:40 pm
by DisneyNerd
Two slices of bread (one with butter, the other; jam) and a glass of milk, delicious! Should keep me going until 7:30 (when I'm due to be admitted) AT LEAST. Getting oddly excited now; the nerves will no doubt set in tomorrow. The only down side about the whole thing is my monthly. Nice timing, uterus :-|