SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#511 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Miss Mia!
Long time no hear from! Do you have any new pics of your teeth? I would love to see how you are progressing with the rubberbands! Thanks for the compliment on my teeth. They are far from finished but definitely coming along so that is a plus!

I'm surprised that your doctor has not removed your RPE yet. You poor thing! You are totally going to love it when its gone though! You will be amazed at how big your mouth feels. I told my husband the other day that I have to relearn how to eat, because I keep taking bites now that are too big (since there is so much room in my mouth now) and almost gagging. Its pretty funny really!

Well it was good to hear from you! Keep us posted on your progress!


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#512 Post by mia22 »

WOW! No one has posted anything in a long time!!

Well, I haven't had the RPE in a few months so that is awesome! I do have springs and rubber bands on my teeth right now and it makes me want to die!!! UHHHH I'm in so much pain that I can't even eat anythig. that might be a good thing since I gained a little weight, but let's be serious... i'm hungry, lol.

How is everyone doing?

I'm going to post some new pictures soon too!


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#513 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I have been wondering how you are doing and where you have been lately. I would love to see some new pics of how you are progressing. I'm sure your teeth must be looking wonderful by now. Mine are moving right along too!

Been there done that with the springs....they are not fun. Haven't done rubber bands yet and I don't think I will have to hopefully, as I have not heard fun stuff about them either! LOL...

Post some pics....I want to see!


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Thank you Brandy

#514 Post by Selims »


I haven't written in a while and now that I am writing I don't know where to begin.

First of all, I would like to thank you!!! BIG TIME!!! I got a second opinion from 4 different orthos and they all agreed that my ortho was not up to scratch (it was a funny experience looking back on it - one of them who wasn't as candid as the others (i.e. didn't want to get involved) said that he didn't think that my ortho was "sadistic" ... I didn't think the ortho was sadistic but I didn't think that they were competent either). Anyhow, I got my money back (after going through an arbitrator) and have a new ortho.

After 7 months with the expander in and 5 months with a huge gap, the new ortho remove the expander and closed over the gap in the front (I now have a gap on the sides) in a little over a month. (If you remember the other ortho wanted to leave the expander in for another 6 months ... 13 months in total ... the real irony, if you can call it that, is that my palate is over-expanded and they will have to do some work to get it to relapse slightly, so much for leaving the expander in for another 6 months).

A lesson to all who read the messages on this forum. The first question to ask your ortho is how much experience they have with SARPE (mine was referred to me by my dentist and I thought that it was a standard procedure). SARPE itself is not too uncomfortable but it can really be dragged out by some one who is not experienced in the procedure.

I have another few questions for you. How long after the expander comes out do the braces come off (typically, I know that it is different for most people)? When you had the power chain, where multiple teeth closed over, or did you have "pairs" of teeth closed over. Now that I am back on the right road, I would like the procedure to pick up pace.

Anyhow, thanks again and keep on posting. You are doing the rest of us a real service.


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Good for you!

#515 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Selims!
OMG you must be so thrilled to finally have that bloody appliance out of your mouth! You are a freakin saint to last that long with that thing! Anyway, I'm glad that you found a new ortho (one that has a clue) and that things are back on track. I had the same problem (being a bit over expanded) but mine relapsed pretty quickly once the TPA was removed. I, however, was only in the RPE and TPA for 3 months, no where near as long as you. I would guess your bones are pretty well healed and they are going to have to do some work to fix it, it shouldn't be a huge problem though as long as you are not super over expanded.

I did have a few gappy areas which the powerchains have closed pretty quickly. I would guess if your teeth aren't too crooked it should go pretty fast now. Mine are just about done, I have a bit more leveling on one side and my left canine is still slightly rotated, but other than that things are getting very near to finished. I would be getting mine off in the next few months if I didn't have to have jaw surgery. Now that your doctor has closed your gap, I would think they would start using powerchains to close your open spaces, and then place the big, leveling wires in. It has been 6 months for me, so I would say that you should see significant results within the next three months, especially since they are totally doing the ortho work now and finished with all that SARPE buisness!

Good luck to you, and keep us posted on your progress. Got any new pics without your gap now?


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#516 Post by jma295psu »

Hello all,

I am sure most of you don't remember me as I rarely post. I read the board every day, though.

I guess I am just looking for a little reassurance at this point. My SARPE is set for November 21. I go on the 20 to get the appliance cemented as I had it once, and I couldn't bear to deal with it until I had the surgery.

During the week that I had the appliance in before, I lost 10 lbs. Now, I am not complaining about the weight loss, because I know I can stand to lose quite a few lbs, but I also know that it was not healthy. I was unable to eat anything other than pureed fruit. I think this is due mostly to my horrible gag reflex, so the thought of 6 months of this torture is not appealing.

Also, is it pretty sure that the appliance will be out in 6 mths or so? I am supposed to graduate from college in May. While I don't mind having the brace face, I really would love to be able to look forward to not having that contraption as I begin my real adult life.

So, I probably sound like a big baby right now. I am 21 years old, and after this surgery, I will have had nine surgeries in nine years. Over last summer, I had my ankle reconstructed, and I am still not fully recovered from that as it is a pretty major surgery. I am just scared to death as any time I have had anything done to my mouth, it has been horrible. I had my tonsils out at 16 and wasn't able to eat anything at all for 9 days only to find out later that I wasn't healing as I was supposed to. Well, we had called the doctor to ask and were told I was fine.

Anyway, sorry this post got so horribly long. I know that the surgery is the right decision in the end. But, I am sooo worried about going under the knife again only 4 months after my last surgery.

Thanks for any advice anyone might have.


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#517 Post by Selims »


I didn't have a gag-reflex, I had oceans of saliva in my mouth and washed everybody who I spoke to (I am a professor, so it was not convenient when lecturing) but that went away after a few weeks.

Also, don't worry your appetite and ability to eat will return.

If it is a necessary procedure, go for it. It appears shocking from the outside but it is not all that bad to experience; the best way that I can think of describing it is that it is inconvenient.


Thanks for the comments. Yes, it all worked out well in the end. I got the refund because the new ortho said that the braces that I had were not appropriate and so I had to be rebanded (essentially I had to start from scratch). As the old ortho provided no value added, they were very quick in refunding me my money.


Here is an updated photo:

Thanks again!,


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#518 Post by science teacher »

My SARPE is scheduled for 11/22/06.

I am getting the RPE cemented 11/08.


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#519 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

OMG! Selims,
Your teeth are looking wonderful! You have to be so happy to have that gap finally closed eh? I know I sure was! I'm still in awe that you lasted as long as you did with that appliance, you are a serious trooper! Anyway....that is over and done with (Thank goodness for you!) and now you are on the downhill side. Your teeth really are looking so good! Won't be long now I bet before you will be getting them off. You don't have any other surgeries scheduled right? Just aligning them now? It will go quick! I'm so happy for you!

To the others soon to be having SARPE. If you haven't had a chance to check out my blog yet, please do so. It has a ton of info in it on the whole SARPE procedure. Don't let all the bruising in the pics fool you. I just bruise very easily, but like Selims stated, the whole process is really not that big of a deal.
I did not have to wear the RPE for 6 months. I had Surgery March 3rd, the RPE was removed and replaced with a TPA about 2.5 months later. Then I wore the RPE for 8 weeks and had it taken out. Should be less than 6 months for the whole ordeal. Ask your OS, and ortho, but many put the TPA in within 3 months as it is far less aggravating then the RPE and holds the space. Ask about it, as I think some doctors don't offer the option unless you request it. IT is amazing what they can accomplish with it, you will not be disappointed! Make sure you have a good ortho and OS though as Selims story is a perfect example of SARPE gone bad, in that he had to wear the RPE for so long!


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#520 Post by jma295psu »

Thanks to everyone for the kind responses. I am anxious to get the surgery done as I want my teeth fixed. I just worry with school. I have a hard enough time as it is with my major (that'll teach me to study statistics).

It's comforting to know that everyone worries just like I do. I can only hope that this is going to be the last surgery for a while.



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#521 Post by mia22 »

Hi Everyone!

Wow! It has been a long time since i posted. Right now I'm about 4ish months away from being done with braces!! I go to the ortho on Thursday and i'm hoping they will remove my springs... and then i will post some new pictures.

I TOTALLY understand! I'm 22 and i'm graduating in May as well... this is a really hard thing to go through but it is SOOO worth it! I know how scared you are, but you will be so pleased when you're done. It feels like i just had surgery and now i'm so close to being done.


WOW! Your teeth look AMAZING! I'm so sorry you had to go through that whole ordeal!!


Congrats on joining the club! You'll love the results! Good luck to you!!

Well, I'll post sooner the later ;)


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#522 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Mia, you have been gone too long! I want to see some new pics! I go to your blog all the time hoping you have updated it!



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An Old member coming back to say hello!

#523 Post by RachelP »

Wow- I ran across this website in my favorites, and can't believe it has been so long! I had my SARPE last year - Nov 1 2005 to be exact... A date I will never forget. If you look through some of the first pages on this website, then you can see my struggle.

I was lucky to get a good orthodontist, who figured out a way to let me do all of this with invisalign braces... So - I had the surgery - expanded to 7mm - and then had to wait for my teeth to come back together on their own, because they couldn't use braces to pull them back together since I didn't get metal braces. That took what felt like forever - but the gap eventually closed (at least enough to start with the invisalgn). I change the invisalign aligners every two weeks, and I am now on set do the math if you want to. The point is - now, for the first time in my life, I am starting to be proud to smile!

To all of you out there starting or finishing this process - I say good luck to you. It is so times you just want to sit and cry and feel sorry for yourself...and maybe you should. But you can get through it and in the end you will be SO HAPPY with your decision. So keep your chins up and keep going for it! And in a year or a couple years or whatever (depending on all the stuff you have to get done) you will look back at this time as maybe something rough, but definitely something worthwhile, and you will feel stronger and more confident for it! :D

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#524 Post by mia22 »

Hi Brandy!!

I know! It has been forever! you're progress is amazing! I just posted pictures from today... definately lots of changes!!

I'm going to try and post more often :)



I completely agree with you! This process makes you such a stronger person! I'm starting to smile again and I love it! I can't wait to be done!

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#525 Post by 4beauty4symmetry »

Hello All,

I tried accessing this listserv yesterday but it was down.

Could someone please tell me the following:

After I start wearing the SARPE appliance, how long will it take for me to stop salivating?

Some people seem to start wearing the appliance after surgery, and some before?

I can deal with the speech impediment and forgo the pleasures of gourmet food for a few months, but the saliva makes it hard to do anything except. . . salivate.

Btw, I'm scheduled to go to Costa Rica for my SARPE proceedure. Don't have insurance, the OMS has studied under Larry Woford (sp?). I'll be getting jaw surgery for my underbite in about a year and a half.

My ortho didn't tell me about the drooling. He just told me my mouth would "adjust." Had no idea how intrusive it is--it looks like I'm on a liquid diet BEFORE the surgery!

I read quite a few posts--some people seemed to stop drooling after a few days, others a few weeks!!!

I might have to reschedule my week, to accomodate the fact I have to stop and mop the inside of my mouth every few minutes and that I'll be feeling weaker from not getting solid food.

Thanks for whatever information anyone can offer.

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