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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:30 am
by Rach
Hope everything went well for you today Lou, thats another step over now eh?
Lots of hugs :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:36 pm
by loulou123
Im back, minus 1 wisdom tooth. The injection was pretty bad as he struggled to get it in my mouth, but the removal wasnt too bad, no pain at all from the extraction itself, just lots of pulling and pushing, but lots of pain from the having to open my mouth part :?

he had to stop half way through, as i was pretty uncomfortable, but i told him to just carry on and get in over with lol :lol: Couldnt believe how long the root was-have never seen wisdom tooth in real life.

Had to stay for while afterwards as felt faint and went really pale, but then they let me go home, where i had a long nap. Dont feel too bad, extraction site is abit throbbing, but most of the pain is from the lower jaw, as i think it objected to being kept open like that.

Thank you everyone for the advice and support, youve all been a great support and made a horrible time abit easier :D

Oh and one more bit of news, found out today that im scheduled to have BOTH plated removed :shock: will find out when on thursday.

Gonna go and eat some ice cream now!

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:36 pm
by Andantae
So glad the wisdom tooth extraction wasn't too terribly bad. You are quite the trooper.

I will be so glad when those plates are out of you. I imagine your infection will clear up quickly once those are gone, and you will feel so much stronger and healthier. Not that you haven't been an absolutle role model through all this, but your little body and spirit is long overdue for a break!

I hope the ice cream is of an absolute decandent variety and that you have seconds! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:43 pm
by phil
Way to go, Louise! I knew you could do it!


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:19 pm
by Delag
I am glad to hear you are done although I am sorry it hurt. At least it is one less icky thing to look forward too.

Andantae is right - your body has been through a lot lately. Take extra time off to baby yourself a bit if you can. I vote you add chocolate and caramel sauce to the absolute decadent variety of ice cream....well maybe not if you choose peppermint :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:32 pm
by loulou123
Things are still very sore today, woke up this morning and could barely open my jaw :shock: but the surgeon had warned me about this, so it wasnt too much of a shock.

Discovered the new antibiotics i was given on thurday are used for the treatment of mrsa, so that makes me wonder if the hospital are now thinking that is the cause of the infection :? the antibiotics themself are evil, and make me feel bit dodgy, tho im eating and drinking lots of yoghurt and probiotic drinks.

Thanks again for the well wishes, and for those of you following my ice cream intake :lol: it was strawberry with white chocolate sauce last night, and today its been banana! :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:11 pm
by Delag
YUM! I thought of you today and I had a bit of ice cream. It somehow got stuck under my expander and nearly froze my teeth off :shock: You get all of my frozen treats tomorrow - I am too scared to eat them anymore :lol: (Just kidding, my lips would have to be super glued together to give up that tasty treat).

Sorry to hear your jaw is so sore and the antibiotics are wiping you out. Once you get through this and get your energy back you will be amazed at how good you feel. At this point you probably don't even remember what it feels like to be at 100%, but you will. Keep strong.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:32 am
by loulou123
SO its now 3 days ish since the wisdom tooth was removed. It doesnt feel too bad, but still pretty sore, been fretting about a dry socket, but think im ok so far :D guess its only natural to be abit negative and worry after all the stuff thats happened.

Thing thats anoying me most, is that im having to put my life on hold abit, and thats the thing thats getting to me, i really want to book a nice holiday but cant until i know whats going on :roll:

Delag hope your ice cream eating has been a little more uneventful! lol Seriously tho getting it under your expander sounds really horrible :?
Dont think i do remember what its like to feel 100% normal, but i know ill get there eventually.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:31 pm
by tazzle
hi loulou ..... glad things are a little better now and that its not as bad as it sounded it could have been ( if that makes sense :roll: )

The antibiotics are prob ones used for stubborn infections as well as mrsa but I suggest that if you are concerned ask dr outright !!!! ... although they should tell you anyway as you would have to take precuations re passing it on !!!

that strawberry and chocolate ice cream sounds VERY YUUUUUMMM

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:58 pm
by crazybeautiful
Glad to hear things are going ok, loulou :)

Delag- I have to disagree about the 'horrible' situation of icecream under the exapnder- that, along with ice cubes, feels so nice, I purposely do it :P

Maybe I'm just weird 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:37 am
by loulou123
Just got back, from appointment with my surgeon and i now have a date for my plate removal......................14th May. Ok so its still nearly 4 weeks away but the earliest they can do it, was the 5th may, which in the UK is a bank hoilday so im quite pleased. (think anyone with any knowledge of the nhs will understand :wink: )

Although im abit scared, and will no doubt become more so as it gets nearer, it feels great to have an actual date. As fingers crossed after that i can get back to normal 100%. Only concern is that the surgeon didnt re xray, so what if they get in there and its not healed enough, he assured me it would be, and did alot of pressing etc, so guess he knows what hes feeling for.

One weird thing is that, now after 9weeks you can see exactly where the infection is coming through the skin, as i have what looks like a little volcano in the crease of my mouth. Apparently this is where the taste of pus is coming from. So thats good too, as up until today everyone could see the swelling on the outside, but not an exact place on theinside :roll:

The wisdom tooth is healing well, so thats great news. All in all not a bad appointment. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:59 am
by sauerkraut
Glad to hear things are looking up for you a bit, at last. Here's hoping all goes well on the 14th :)

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:48 am
by loulou123
Just realsied i havent ever put pic up of my "new" bite, so here it is........................


Im very happy with it, (please exclude the dental wax on my lower teeth :oops: ) will include a side view once some of the swelling has gone down, as at the moment thats all you see from the side view!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:10 am
by Alex Kelly
Your teeth look very, very good. Surgeon did a good job.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:13 am
by Rach
Hey Lou, glad you've got a date for the removal of the plates now. And it's not long at all considering it is NHS :wink: At least you know that you can recover properly once 14th may is over!
Oh and great bite there aswell :D