Surgery Date Nov 4- Double Jaw- Excited!

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#76 Post by asmileconnectsus »

From the front I think my face is more symmetrical than before. It's hard to tell how the cheek implants are really going to look with the swelling, but I really think my face looks a lot like me before. I will try to post a before/after side-by-side on my blog soon. My face got progressively worse in the time leading up to my surgery so maybe I can do a progression? I'll try to find pictures that show it.

I've found that doing my blog is a lot more therapeutic for me than I thought it would be...and I'm glad my messages and blog are helpful! It really makes me happy to hear that! :lol:

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#77 Post by asmileconnectsus »

So the latest and greatest is that I am going to have to have Botox injections to shut off my jaw muscles because they do not respond properly to my muscle relaxers...I go into more detail on my blog, but my question is...has anyone else had this done?!?

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#78 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Still waiting on the verdict on the would be great to talk to someone who's had it done.... :?

Does anyone else, while banded shut, feel trapped? I feel like I have lost my voice (figuratively) , it's hard to talk, and when I do people seem to sort of brush me off...I hate it. I am a strong willed person, and to be brushed off like what I have to say doesn't matter simply because listening to me speak is a little different than listening to others makes me upset. I just use this as an excuse to speak more and be heard. Has anyone else had the feeling of being trapped behind your teeth??

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#79 Post by asmileconnectsus »

So no one with botox for tmj, or even heard of it still?

No comment on feeling trapped either??

I am officially 1mo. post-op today and am feeling really isolated, and lonely. I feel like I am now becoming a burden and stress on my family and friends who I have been relying on. Being on a purely liquid diet for so long is so draining. i have no energy, I have been trying to increase my protein and calories in general, but it really hasn't been helping. I can't go onto light exercise until next week, maybe that's the ticket I need to feeling better? I dont know. I just need some reassurance. :cry:

any words of support would be greatly appreciated at this point...

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#80 Post by asmileconnectsus »

So no one with botox for tmj, or even heard of it still?

No comment on feeling trapped either??

I am officially 1mo. post-op today and am feeling really isolated, and lonely. I feel like I am now becoming a burden and stress on my family and friends who I have been relying on. Being on a purely liquid diet for so long is so draining. i have no energy, I have been trying to increase my protein and calories in general, but it really hasn't been helping. I can't go onto light exercise until next week, maybe that's the ticket I need to feeling better? I dont know. I just need some reassurance. :cry:

any words of support would be greatly appreciated at this point...

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#81 Post by cvn »

Well I've heard of it through A and G, but I figure that doesn't help so much lol. I really want botox between my eyes though...does that count?

I do know how it feels to be unable to talk though and exhausted. For my first surgery, I was 15, wired completely shut, with a splint. The only way I could eat was through a crack in the back of the right side of my mouth, and then I only ate ensure and the like for 12 weeks. They almost put me on a feeding tube as I lost almost 50 lbs and looked like Kate Moss. The school system wouldn't give me an elevator pass for the stairs at school (4 story building) and so I would cry on the stairs because I didn't have enough energy to make it up the stairs to get to class. People would get angry at me because they couldn't hear me talk and I'd get exhausted trying to speak. So yeah, I know it really friggin sucks. But it's temporary and if people get frustrated with you, flip them the bird. Pretty sure they'll understand that - it's always worked well for me!

I'm a little lucky in a way that my mom has been through a lot of the same stuff, and she's the nicest person in the world, so as far as I can tell she didn't resent taking care of me (especially as really this is her fault...damn you genetics!), even when I was spewing blood, or when I was so allergic to the codeine and penicillin that she had to give a 15yo teen an oatmeal bath at 2am and then take me back to the hospital because my dad screamed when he saw me swell up, or when I thought I could pee by myself in the middle of the night and fainted straight onto the rug when I stood up. She was there for my second surgery and she's helping pay for and taking a month off work for my third surgery. I'm lucky to have her. But they're your family and you'll be there for them when they need someone to help them through a hard time, and it will get better soon. If you need someone to chat with, drop me a pm and I'll give you my aim or gchat or whatever. I'm usually around the interwebs in some capacity most of the day.

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#82 Post by asmileconnectsus »

cvn- thank you so much for your reply! I think I just need to chill and trust Dr.G and the Dr. doing the botox...they are having a conference call today about it so I hope they call me after! I think I don't give my support team enough credit, I am very stubborn and independent so if they ask if I need anything I generally say "no." I want them to read my mind....haha not helpful. Also I know they have their own personal stresses and I think I see them more now than before because I am around them a lot more now. Oh man...this is an ordeal I am happy to be going through with others who understand on this message board. Thanks cvn!

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#83 Post by cvn »

Yeah I mean you are in pretty good hands and they want you to get this done with correctly. Their methods seem to get better results than most surgeons, to be sure. Also be glad they don't wire shut anymore. That really was awful because I couldn't breathe - I had a nose trumpet(a tube thing they'd push through my nose,, past the swelling, into my throat) in for two weeks that they changed daily, which was an agony I would wish on no one.

Try getting your mind off of it all too. There's some pretty fun new computer games out now that are pretty decent distractions. I think I'm going to save the new dragon age for when I have my surgery because it looks pretty awesome and better than watching daytime tv for days on end or waiting to see what the disgusting crud coming out of your nose looks like. Try to get some other things down - there's no time like now to binge on canned frosting, root beer floats, the high calorie jamba juices (omg orange dream machine!), and mango lassis!

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#84 Post by candycin »

my gosh i am only 1 week post op and already feel like a burden to my is hard to be so dependant on someone.i too have no energy...having a bath tires me outi have already lost 12 pounds in a week ...i read on here about people that are back to work after 10 days and eating is that even possible?

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#85 Post by Marisama »

Hey there,

It's too bad you're still feeling under the weather. I would think things would start to get improve by now. As you know, I'm getting surgery from Dr. Gunson next year sometime. I'm just really worried about missing work. I'm graduating this semester and will be working at my first job in investment banking, which is pretty stressful and involves plenty of talking. After a month, do you feel like working in a stressful environment would be next to impossible? I'm debating delaying graduation to get surgery.
Well, good luck with everything.

Ryan from Utah

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#86 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Hey Ryan,

I think I would be okay to go back to work at this month point. I think it would be exhausting, but not impossible. I think I would probably feel better if I WAS working, or doing something to keep my mind off of my surgery all day. Sorry for sounding so down. It's probably coming off more harsh than it really is...I think that everyone who goes through this process just needs to be patient. Results do come in their own time. I mean my ears no longer bother me 24/7, I am able to laugh without it hurting, and I can yawn now almost always without it hurting which is a huge improvement!

For your surgery just remember that you'll be banded shut full time for 8-10 weeks post-op, so just stock up on protein powder and juices...broths are okay, but they get old. Dr.G has us drink out of a sippy cup then a real cup never using a syringe a straw or anything else like that. It is now easy for me to drink out of a cup. I think you'll be okay!

I also just found out that they have decided that I can get the botox for my TMJ muscles that are so tense and not relaxing to the muscle relaxers. I am calling Monday to make the appointment. I'll let you know how it goes because I know you are concerned about the TMJ aspect as well.

Ryan, if I had to do this 6 times over I still would. I feel so much better now, not only with my bite, but with my joints as well. The TMJ pain now is different than pre-surgery. Pre-surgery my bones were rubbing on each other, now they are actually fitting properly.

I hope this helps encourage you!


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#87 Post by candycin »

need to ask a few questions
1. have the heck do i have a laugh without being in extreme agnony? My children are always doing funny things and i leave the room, hold onto my top lip and cry in pain

2,the dr gave me crap about not cleaning my teeth , 1 week post op,,,,i cant even see my top teeth with all the swelling in my lips how i am suppose to clean them? is normal by the end of the day that my jaw is tight? feel like i lose mobility by around 5

4. i wasnt told to but should i be trying to open and close my mouth a bit ?

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#88 Post by asmileconnectsus »

Hi candycin, I'll do my best to answer your questions. Are you banded shut still? I'm going to answer these assuming you are because that is the way I am.

1. Laughing was HARD for me and painful until probably 2.5-3 weeks post-op...

2. Cleaning teeth...UGH tell me about it, I got crap too! I use a baby tooth brush while looking in the mirror and using my hand to pull out my cheek enough to see in. I also use one of the little braces bush tip things that looks like a mini tree, do you know what I'm talking about? here is a link to a picture, i uses it only around my brackets, again while looking in the mirror- ... leaner.png
I do 8 rinses a day. They are 4 with salt and warm water and 4 with salt warm water and hydrogen peroxide.

3. If by the end of the day your jaw is feeling tight then you are probably doing too much. Try putting heat on your face (I have it on right now) I have Ace brand Hot/Cold Compresses, one for each side. I was advised NOT to use ice, but heat is good and it helps my muscles relax a little.

4. At two weeks was when I got the green light to take off my bands twice a day to do open and shut exercises for 10-15 min. I also practice going side to side and front to back. The rest of the day I am banded shut.

I hope this helps, and your swelling goes down soon!

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#89 Post by candycin »

i worked on my teeth last night for 30 mins and was exhausted by the time i was done, i do think i got lots out though so that is an improvement...i worry about prying up my top lip with the swelling and the stiches in there to brush my top teeth.
my lips are still swollen open and i worry i will never be able to close them face is still swollen as well but not anywhere near as bad as before...still dont look like me but it is coming slowly....sigh

why are you on a liquid diet for so long? is that normal ?

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#90 Post by asmileconnectsus »

The swelling really is the biggest nuisance, isn't it!?! I say be careful with how much you pull on your lip, I didn't brush for the first time till 2 weeks post-op when my stitches were healed for the most part.

For my doctors, the long liquid diet is normal. They want to make sure bones, and bone grafts have enough time to heal. Lessening the risk for relapse, infection, and other troubles.

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