Hi candycin, I'll do my best to answer your questions. Are you banded shut still? I'm going to answer these assuming you are because that is the way I am.
1. Laughing was HARD for me and painful until probably 2.5-3 weeks post-op...
2. Cleaning teeth...UGH tell me about it, I got crap too! I use a baby tooth brush while looking in the mirror and using my hand to pull out my cheek enough to see in. I also use one of the little braces bush tip things that looks like a mini tree, do you know what I'm talking about? here is a link to a picture, i uses it only around my brackets, again while looking in the mirror-
http://costaricadental.cr/wp-content/up ... leaner.png
I do 8 rinses a day. They are 4 with salt and warm water and 4 with salt warm water and hydrogen peroxide.
3. If by the end of the day your jaw is feeling tight then you are probably doing too much. Try putting heat on your face (I have it on right now) I have Ace brand Hot/Cold Compresses, one for each side. I was advised NOT to use ice, but heat is good and it helps my muscles relax a little.
4. At two weeks was when I got the green light to take off my bands twice a day to do open and shut exercises for 10-15 min. I also practice going side to side and front to back. The rest of the day I am banded shut.
I hope this helps, and your swelling goes down soon!