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Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:32 am
by BracketBaring
Bummer. I had a younger (14 years old) female patient recently who had a hard time getting the bone to heal after an ankle fracture. Surgeon just said it was bad luck/poor genetics or something. Congrats though on quitting the cigs. In my experience, most patients that repeatedly fail an orthopedic surgery are smokers. I looked it up once and the risk of complications following surgery is like 200-300% higher than a non-smoker. Hang in there dude!

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:17 am
by Alicia110613
scraggy - I just had new archwires put in and my teeth are SUPER sore as well. In fact the pain woke me up in the middle of the night on the first night - it's getting better, but it's def. worse than any of the adjustment I had previously. =( (and prob more pain than the surgery itself!)

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:38 am
by scraggy
It's the worst pain ever, I went from starting to chew back to liquids and still can't eat it hurts too much.

Hope it gets better for you Alicia.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:08 pm
by Alicia110613
Yea same, I was JUST cleared by my surgeon for normal food, but back to liquids I go, haha. Oh well, just a few days and we should be good..

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:30 pm
by scraggy
Alicia how do you eat. I can't seem to bite into food or chew it into small pieces its like my teeth are going to break it I bite down too hard. It was like that before they changed the wires but even worse now.

It's really begging to frustrate me now.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:45 pm
by Alicia110613
Well I am eating pretty soft food, like rice, soupy stuff, yogurt, eggs, fish... You know, things where chewing is kind of optional. To be honest, I had problem chewing the fruit pieces in my yogurt this morning. Hope you are seeing some progress! The pain is getting a bit better for me, hopefully tomorrow I can do some more chewing

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:29 am
by scraggy
Chewing is so hard for me. My teeth feel strange and I think I might be a little scared to chew in case my jaw is still broken. It's been 7 weeks now and it feels more solid but part of me still thinks it has not healed.

And there's no way they can tell from x rays. I have to wait till my op to know for sure.

It's really starting to drain on me now, last night was my works Christmas meal. I went but couldn't eat the food I just couldn't chew it. It's left me feeling so very low and down.

I don't know what im going to do for Christmas Day my whole family is having a meal all together. The way I feel right now is all I want to do is hide.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:29 pm
by Mrs v

Just wanted to show my support as you've been lovely to me. I hope you're feeling better since the last post. I actually find being around people is better. I always feel like shutting away but being in the company of people distracts you even temporarily. So hard when Christmas seems to be all about food but try stay focused on the positive and fast forward. Easy to say I know but you will get there.

Thinking of you.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:33 pm
by scraggy
Sorry to all that I've not posted in a while. I've been trying very hard to ignore my teeth and jaw with little success. I had infection after infection which has made me feel very ill.

I'm going in for surgery on the 29 jan. they have waited this long. Because the plates are holding and they believe the bone is healing.

Im now on a low level antobiotic till the operation to remove the plates.

I'm so pleased that I now have a good bite and my teeth are looking really good. I'm hoping to start my elastic to bring down my back teeth so the meet.

I see my ortho on the 24,

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:01 am
by SixFootToo
[quote="scraggy"]Good news,

I have my bite back. My ortho said today that it might have been his fault that he changed my bands to soon for me after surgery. That I wasn't ready for it when others have been.

I'm still banded the way I was straight after surgery with not being able to open my jaws more than 2mm but I can now take the bands off to eat. I have to stay this way for another two weeks.

But the best news ever is that I can now chew soft foods.

I still have that something is still moving on my left side of jaw. But seeing surgeon next Thursday. My ortho thinks it could be muscle rubbing on the left plate.

If anyone reads this thread. I don't Wang to put you off having this type of surgery.
It's the best thing I have ever done and I don't regret it. What I struggled with the most was the isolation of not going out for 3 weeks it left me a little depressed,

Now I'm back working I'm so much happier and feeling great.[/quote]

Im happy that you are getting better!!!

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:18 am
by scraggy
Help, total disspair

I went to my dentist today for my 6 month check up. He was very please all teeth looking good. He said I had a very good bite. Then he told me that on left side I had too much movement, he said it still hasn't healed that it is still very much broken. The right side was healed good.

He also said I have imflamation not cause by teeth but surgery on the left side.

I don't know what to do anymore I don't understand why my bones are not healing them selfs and what can be done.

Is there anything that can be done to help the bones heal. I'm stuck with no where to go as ortho won't start the elastics to close back teeth if jaw not healed.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:25 pm
by Alicia110613
Hi scraggy - are you getting a balanced diet? Make sure you're getting calcium and vitamin D.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:03 pm
by scraggy
I think I have a balance diet. I'm going to ask for test to see if there is a medical reason why I'm not healing.

By this time I should be having my braces removed.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:51 pm
by scraggy
Ok so I saw my ortho today. Who said bite is good and I'm not to worry what dentist said and to wait till I had my surgery on Wednesday to find out what's going on. He doesn't think there is a problem at all and told my braces will be gone in 6 months.

So I'm going to wait and see what happens Wednesday.

Re: Post op and struggling hard.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:34 pm
by sirwired
While I didn't have all the issues you have had (my plates certainly didn't fail), I still had "mobility" six weeks after my surgery, and ending that simply took more time. Even at the end of that time, my teeth were still mobile, but I guess my bone wasn't, as my ortho didn't put the splint back on.

If your ortho says you are in good shape, I think you can trust him.