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Zip-N-Squeeze sux

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:08 pm
by djtarique
I just got my $23 order in. Got two liquid bags and 4 food bags. And first imppresions were a joke. for $23 I could of bought over a 1000 glad freezer bags and went to Mcdonald's and got free straws.. This bags last 2 or three times before they break. Please avoid this product. Believe me your better off buying freezer bags and sticking straw holes in them.. thats what they are. please dont be another sucker

Zip-N-Squeeze rating

1 out of 100%

0 out of five stars



Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:28 pm
by djtarique
trust me. u dont need no seal. just get a freezer bag and a straw. and there u go. soon people will catch on to this useless product

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:01 pm
by Teigyr
Since I received my order the other day, I can remark on what I found. The liquid bags are somewhat thin and I initially thought "wow, these seem flimsy!". The food bags are a lot thicker. Also, however, these bags are meant to be used only a few times due to germs, etc. It isn't like you can run them through the washer and part of the beauty of something semi-disposable is that there won't be the potential for something to get in to infect where the incisions are.

While I haven't had surgery yet, I am happy with my purchase. The seal seems very solid and they work for their intended purpose. :D

Re: Zip-N-Squeeze sux

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:04 pm
by nahky
djtarique wrote:I just got my $23 order in. Got two liquid bags and 4 food bags. And first imppresions were a joke. for $23 I could of bought over a 1000 glad freezer bags and went to Mcdonald's and got free straws.. This bags last 2 or three times before they break. Please avoid this product. Believe me your better off buying freezer bags and sticking straw holes in them.. thats what they are. please dont be another sucker
Zip-N-Squeeze rating
1 out of 100%
0 out of five stars
This concerns me, so I have to ask you a few questions about the product and you djtarique. I was thinking soon i must make a purchase of these products because i am soon to have surgery.

Why did you need to use these bags for? When the bags broke, was it because you squeezed too hard? was the food too thick?

i can exactly imagine using a freezer bag and a mc donald straw would be very efficient, any squeezing of the bag would result in the food popping out of the whole mouth of the bag.

Its god to get different perspective of these items but would be appreciated if you werent so vague.

Re: Zip-N-Squeeze sux

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:30 pm
by djtarique
Listen. paying $23 for six very few lifetime limited products bag just riddled me. I just got Le fort 1 and genioplasty done this last Tuesday un my underbite. My jaws are completely wired shut as I speak. I am amble to suck up thing with a straw. But I figured the Zip_N-Squeeze, would be helpful. Maybe if my $23 purchase would of been better received If they gave me like a 100 bags or something. But these very thin and fragile bags are very non dependable. Just squeezing the bags extra hard will rip the bags, even the water bags..

I mean it didn't take a genius to event these bags. these bags are very simple and straight to the point. A zip lock bag with a straw tube in side.. Just getting my own freezer bag and put a straw inside the bag bag produce almost has the same affect as the zip n squeeze.. The Zip-Squeeze is not the wheel, its just a counter fit
nahky wrote:
djtarique wrote:I just got my $23 order in. Got two liquid bags and 4 food bags. And first imppresions were a joke. for $23 I could of bought over a 1000 glad freezer bags and went to Mcdonald's and got free straws.. This bags last 2 or three times before they break. Please avoid this product. Believe me your better off buying freezer bags and sticking straw holes in them.. thats what they are. please dont be another sucker
Zip-N-Squeeze rating
1 out of 100%
0 out of five stars
This concerns me, so I have to ask you a few questions about the product and you djtarique. I was thinking soon i must make a purchase of these products because i am soon to have surgery.

Why did you need to use these bags for? When the bags broke, was it because you squeezed too hard? was the food too thick?

i can exactly imagine using a freezer bag and a mc donald straw would be very efficient, any squeezing of the bag would result in the food popping out of the whole mouth of the bag.

Its god to get different perspective of these items but would be appreciated if you werent so vague.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:12 pm
by Kimberley
I had my surgery almost 3 months ago now and I didn't use a zip and squeeze bag. I might have ordered them had I known they existed beforehand but I did fine without them. What I did use, when I was wired shut and afterwards when it was still difficult to open, was a syringe. THey gave it to me at the hospital and it worked great, I was able to clean it well. I did have to make sure that the food was blended well enough to fit in it okay. In the beginning I used a piece of tubing stuck on the end of it to place at the very back of my mouth so the food was easier to swallow. Anyway, it was very reusable and it didn't cost a thing.

Hope this helps,

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:25 pm
by Ga_N8V
Well, after reading the OP's negative comments on the Zip-N-Squeeze bags, I decided to dust off my new blender and try one of the bags out (I've had Zip-N-Squeeze bags for a couple of months now in preparation for upper/lower/genio surgery that isn't even scheduled yet!).

When I opened the box up my first impression of the bags was that they were smaller than I thought they'd be ... I'd guess they hold about 8 oz (or a glass) of liquid "stuff."

I whipped up a strawberry smoothie, filled the bag to the "do not overfill" line, zipped it up, and squeezed the juicy goodness out of the bag and into my mouth. I'm not yet banded shut so I kept my teeth together to simulate that and ... it worked just fine. No spillage, no tearing, no sucking required, and cleaning the bag afterwards (with soap and water) was a simple process.

Now, could a person make a similar product out of zip-lock bags and McDonald's straws? Sure. But you'd better either be sure you can suck the liquid out of the bag without injuring / irritating your jaws OR find some way to reinforce the hole you made in the zip-lock bag so the liquid doesn't spill out of it when you squeeze.

My take ... the Zip-N-Squeeze bags work well for their intended purpose and I, for one, plan to use them when my surgery takes place.


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:30 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I ordered some of these, thought they might be helpful with my SARPE and eventual jaw surgery. I did use one a few times after my SARPE and found it to be useful. Granted they are not super thick, but they definitely did the trick for me and were pretty convenient. I didn't have any problems with leakage or anything, about the hardest part was filling them, however it didn't take long to master that technique either. I used them for smoothies for a few days and I tell you what, they were awesome since sucking on a straw hurt! I have all different sizes and will definitely be using them when I have my lower jaw advanced next year. I didn't find them to be that expensive.....suppose it all comes down to how much you are willing to pay for conveniance, or less grief.

Anyway....that is my two cents worth, do with it what you will! :)

Oh, I ordered a couple of their Jaw bra's (wraps) also. I liked the ice packs that went in these but found I could not make them tight enough due to the velcro setup so I didn't get much use out of them. I have kindof a small head though so that may have been the main problem. They were good quality though, and nice smooth, non abrasive material.


Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:40 am
by nahky
Quesiton to the poeple who have used it. When you ahve hot food, do you ahve to let the hot food cool down before putting them in the bag?

Im thinking about soups. Hope this quesiton isnt too stupid. I guess one wont be squeezing the bag if its hot. That how the bag works right, u squeeze it? Like a tube of toothpaste yea?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:05 am
by Ga_N8V

The Zip-N-Squeeze instructions tell you not to use the bags with "hot"
liquids ... the liquids should be "warm." And, yes, the bag is meant to be

When I tested one the other night I both squeezed the bag and sucked
liquids through the straw. Both methods worked okay ... I'm just
concerned that I won't be able to use the straw in the normal fashion after
upper/lower/genio surgery.

Again, for me, it's convenience over price. The Zip-N-Squeeze bags
allowed me to get the job done with little to no inconvenience and they're
easy to clean up after you're finished.


Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:39 am
by dubnobass
Is there any advantage over these things over just putting the food in a zip-lock freezer bag and snipping the corner off it, then squeezing the food into your mouth that way?

Seems like an awful lot of moey for something you don't really "need" in the first place.

Zip-N-Squeeze Bags

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:20 am
by Ga_N8V

While I haven't tried the "snip the zip-lock" method, I have a few
questions of my own:

1) Do you plan on squeezing the snipped zip-lock bag and, if so, how
do you ensure the liquid goes into the straw instead of out of the hole and
down the outside of the bag? Or were you planning on just squeezing the
liquid straight out of the bag into your banded shut mouth?

2) If you plan on sucking liquids out of the snipped zip-lock bag, are
you absolutely sure that you're going to be able to do that
after your surgery?

The Zip-N-Squeeze bag has a reinforced straw "hole" with a "sleeve" for
the straw to prevent spillage while also giving the flexibility to "target"
where you want the liquid to go (side or back of mouth).

As I mentioned in a previous post, from my (albeit limited) test of the
Zip-N-Squeeze bags, they worked as intended. And for me it's
convenience or price.

And, no, I'm not a paid endorser for the Zip-N-Squeeze bag :)


I don't know

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:49 pm
by dubnobass
I honestly don't know.
I've been warned that post-surgery, I'll have very little feeling in my lower face for at least a couple of weeks, so eating is going to be a mess-fest whether it's squeezed into my mouth via a straw or squeezed into my mouth via the snipped-off corner of a bag. Sucking will also be a no-no, so I gather, which means the straw does become a squeezy-tube and cannot be used as a straw normally would be.

With teeth banded together, I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to get any liquid food into my mouth anyway. I'm having lower wisdom teeth dug out from under my gumline at the same time as my saggital split, so I don't imagine squirting food into the corners of my mouth is going to be do-able for at least a week or so anyway.

At this point I'm planning to spend a few weeks on fruit juice/slimfast/ensure/milkshakes etc and forgo liquidised food altogether :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:58 am
by nvcarissa
Let me add my 2¢ to this debate. I bought the "hospital" set of ZNS and like Meryaten, having it in the hospital for water consumption was great. I was wired shut and the straw from the ZNS allowed me to direct my broth, water and milk to the back of my mouth (alongside my teeth). I too, could drink from a cup fairly early because my lip was not numb on the right side, but if I had been numb on both sides, I would not have been able to tell if the cup was properly placed on my lip to prevent spilling. AND, since my chin was numb, I could not feel when I dribbled down my chin. Lovely.

Cutting a hole in the bottom of a zip-lock bag doesn't sound like it would work for a mouth that is wired (or banded) together and is numb. You would be putting the liquid at the front of your mouth and, I suspect, getting more dribbling down you than actually into your stomach.

I used my ZNS at home too for water and juice. Worth every penny. And I still use the solid plastic straws that came with them.