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Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:14 pm
by flower
For those who are having to undergo surgery, has anyone else in the family had the same problems?

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:07 am
by KriegeR
I don't know exactly whether or not jaw problems are directly hereditary. However my orthodontist told me something which I didn't believe at first, but he proved it to me in a journal on a subsequent visit.

Apparently deformities of the jaws and open bites were a predominent ailment of the vikings! Historians studying the remains at viking barrows made the discovery after noticing strange positioning of the jaws on skulls.

He told me that it is likely that if I could go back far enough in time through my family tree, I would probably find viking descendents along the way at some point.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:06 pm
by wiredkitty
Yes it is interesting especially as I know I have vikings in my family tree (in fact my brother has long red hair and definitely looks like a viking!!).

I have an overbite with a weak lower jaw which although technically doesn't need correcting, my ortho and surgeon think I would be really unhappy if they just straightened my teeth because they'd have to move my top teeth back to meet my lower which would change the shape of my face and nose to a negative effect. They say my teeth have compensated for my jaw so my jaw is the problem and should be moved forward (by implanting titanium plates).

All my family (cousins/aunt/uncles/grandmother) have the same face shape as me and I've never been unhappy about it - I just want straight teeth! It does seem strange that my cousins have straight teeth and the same jaw shape but not me. But I think my cousins are jealous that I will be getting a chin and they won't!

I've strayed from the topic a bit but basically for me the face shape is heredity but its never been a 'jaw problem' for anyone but me - and at 32 I'm the youngest in my generation.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:58 am
by KriegeR
For me I think things tend to be the other way. I have an anterior open bite, with my bottom jaw protruding outwards from the general profile of my face. Out of all the family I am the only one exhibitting this appearance, which would seemingly throw the hereditary concept out of the window. This is probably why I didn't believe my OS at first!


Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:51 am
by phil
My Class III bite is definitely hereditary, although other factors contributed to its severity.

My brother and my mother are both Class III, to a much lesser extent.

When I was younger, due to chronic problems with my sinuses, I was a mouth breather, which can greatly contribute to all sorts of other maladies--including chronic throat irritation and infections. It undoubtedly contributed to the shape of my maxillary arch and palate, as well as the severity of my prognathic profile. In other words, with nothing at all to restrain my mandible in the least, it had a growth heyday, especially during my teenage years! The genes were there to do it, and the environment did nothing to prevent it.

That's MY two cents.