SARPE Video Clip

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SARPE Video Clip

#1 Post by JenNicole »

For those interested I have video of my SARPE procedure linked to my Blog Journal. They are very short clips (taken on my digital camera) but interesting. Please don't look if you are squimish of blood.

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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Those were awesome! You hardly bled at all it seems! Very interesting to see how they do the release etc. Thanks for posting those! I'm definitely going to have them video tape my jaw surgery. Going to bring my video camera and a tri pod so the can get the whole thing!

I wanted you to know I posted a big ole reply to your latest blog entry about finishing your expansion and then it just disappeared! I didn't have it in me to retype it all, but just wanted you to know that I really did drop you a note! LOL...


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#3 Post by JenNicole »

Well it is the thought that counts! I just love the fact that I even found your blog...I would have never had my head on straight walking into the hospital for my SARPE if it wasn't for you!! Your blog helped me tremendously. Who needs TV when you have blogs to read??

Well if you do get that video I would love to see it. I will send you money to make me a copy. :) The OS and OD are already talking about my next surgery(I'm only 13 days post-op!). Fortunately, the forecast has now went to only upper rather than both, can't complain there.

Your surgery is scheduled for Spring of next year...right? I still can't believe you need another surgery. Your bite already looks like a dream to me. I can't belive you have made so much progress in five months! I hope I get those kind of results. It's funny how it seems like I've had braces on forever(three monhts), but then again time seems to be flying. I guess it just feels slow b/c of the RPE(did I mention I hate this thing!!)

Hope all is well...I'm glad someone else was able to admire my surgeons work. :)


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#4 Post by phil »


I couldn't find the video. Where is it????

Tomorrow I learn how to activate my expander. How did it feel at first? Does it hurt?


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I found em...

#5 Post by phil »


I can't believe we had that done to us!!! Boy, am I glad that I wasn't awake for THAT! YIKES!!!

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Thank You!

#6 Post by phil »


OK, now that I'm over the initial shock of contemplating what exactly happened in my mouth (and yours!), I would like to say thank you for sharing that with the world. Amazing!

And isn't it wonderful that we can get this done!

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#7 Post by JenNicole »

Yes it is amazing that we can get this done! I never thought pain could be so worth it!! Don't worry about expanding(even though I know you will). I was so nervous the first time that I had to lay down b/c I felt like I was going to pass out. All you feel is pressure. I had no pain on any of my 26 turns. I think seeing the space develop in my teeth really helped me to feel better also. It's like seeing progress changes your metality of recovery to excitement. I'm sure that aides in recovery itself. Good luck tomorrow.

Do you have to have any other surgeries?

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#8 Post by phil »


Thanks for reassuring me about turning!

Yes, one more big one. I am a skeletal Class III, with a 13 mm discrepency between my upper and lower front teeth. My upper arch is also underdeveloped, and short. Part of that is being taken care of now. Next summer (hopefully), I will have a LeFort I osteotomy on my maxilla to move it down and forward, and a bilateral saggital split osteotomy on my mandible to move it back. My surgeon will do it all at once, and the surgery takes between four and five hours.

So, SARPE is a piece of cake, compared to all of that! I'm just happy to finally begin this journey! :banana:

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How long?

#9 Post by phil »

By the way, how long is your OD making you wear the expander? Are you switching to something else to maintain the space eventually?

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#10 Post by JenNicole »

I will be wearing the expander for three months. I asked about placing the TPA after two or so months. No such luck. I will be in this bad boy the whole time.

I will also be having a second surgery. I will only have the Lefort I. So I am hoping it will be only slightly worse than the SARPE. Did they make an incision along your entire upper jaw, or three seperate incisions? Just curious. Happy Expanding!

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#11 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Jen,
My case is similar to yours only I will be having lower jaw surgery (BSSO) instead of a Lefort 1. My SARPE was three separate incisions.


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SARPE, etc.

#12 Post by phil »


First of all, I just got back from the OD, and did my first turn ALL BY MYSELF! Freaky feeling, but a piece of cake to do. He said I have to do 24 turns and then evaluate.

From my SARPE, the side incisions are so long that he might as well have done one big incision. There is only a little stretch in the front on either side of the midline that remains intact.

I snuck a peek on my chart today--my plan says that I will wear the expander for 2-3 months, and then a TPA after that (probably until you-know-where freezes over!).

A nice side effect of the SARPE is the feeling that I can breathe more easily! So far, anyway. I understand that for some folks, it does end up being a lasting benefit, but my surgeon and OD said that they couldn't make any promises.

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#13 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Phil,
That is a side affect for some people and I definitely have experienced that. I'm having all of this done because I have sleep apnea, since having SARPE I can sleep and breathe all night. It has increased the space in my mouth and made my airways wider! I still will have to have the lower jaw surgery to align my bite, but I no longer need it so that I can breathe and sleep at night which has truly made this whole journey totally worth it!


Svensk Tiger
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#14 Post by Svensk Tiger »

Thanks for posting that, it's really interesting. I'm having LeForte 1, BSSO, genio and possibly SARPE so it's really good to see exactly what goes on!
Metal upper and lower: 6th Sep. 2005
Quad helix in: 1st Dec. 2005
Quad Helix out: 31st March 2006
Surgery (upper/lower/genio): 11th Nov. 2006
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#15 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Meryaten,
Definitely I think my apnea can still improve. When I lay on my back I still snore which should be completely eliminated by the lower jaw surgery. Truthfully I can't wait for it to all be done. I'm already so tired of my teeth not coming together or my bite being out of alignment. I just want them to be perfect and done! LOL...

Also if you are interested in seeing some actual pictures step by step of a BSSO (and you haven't seen this yet) I have one in the links on my Blog. Mind you it is very graphic but it is definitely informative. Its the one that says "Warning extremely graphic" There is also one on there for a Lefort I think also in case JenNicole wants to check it out.

Phil, you probably don't want to see these if you are squimish....they are bloody!


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