T= one month pre-op nerves and ?

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T= one month pre-op nerves and ?

#1 Post by kballing »

hi all,
hope everyone is well. okay, so i am just a little shy of one month from my surgery and i just had a cavity filled, of course with the novacaine, when i went to put on lip gloss after the appt. i couldn't rub my lips together correctly, then i started thinking, wait is this how it is going to be if my face is numb after the surgery. :shock: so, now i would welcome any details about the numbness. i didn't have any numbness whatsoever after my palate surgery except maybe in my front teeth but definitely nothing in my face. is it just like having novacaine, not being able to move lips in the same way. oh, i am getting a little nervous.
also, can anyone share with me what the weight loss was like for them. did you lose any weight at all? again, with the palate surgery, i ate so much, that i never really lost any weight at all even though i was on a liquid diet for awhile. i have gained a little weight just to make sure to keep it covered (and of course the fact that i am eating everything in possible sight right now since i keep thinking about what i won't be able to eat.
and finally, for those of you who had surgery and on liquid diets did a little hand blender suffice or did you use the regular blender. my guess i will be a little too tired or week to clean out a regular blender.
sorry, one more question, did anyone have trouble getting dizzy in the shower afterwards. i just don't know if i really need to purchase the extra plastic chair for the shower.
oh, so many questions. i am making my preparations list this weekend and will share it with the group for comments or suggested addiitons.
thanks for any help/advice etc. that you might be able to offer. happy to do the same once i am on the other side. which won't be long now.
have a great night

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#2 Post by smile2006 »

I had upper, lower and genio (with widening of the palate) on July 13. I can tell you that for me the swelling and numbness feels/felt much like the dentist had numbed me up. In fact when I tried to explain to people what I felt like that is the analogy I used. The upper jaw numbness and facial numbness around my upper lip and cheeks subsided in about about a month. Just below my lower lip and the left side of my chin still have numbness to date. It comes and goes in that area which is annoying but I think I will get back most of the feeling. Selected areas of my teeth both upper and lower still have a numb "woody feel" too. I definately had a weird little crooked smile because of the swelling and numbness for about a month after surgery. Not to scare you but just expect this (numbness). The recovery is long. Until I went through it I really didn't believe the estimates that recovery could take 6 months to a year.

I lost about 9 lbs. in 2 weeks but gained that back fairly quickly especially after 6 weeks when I got the splint out of my top teeth. I'm still down about 2 pounds which is no big deal. I used alot of the Myoplex shakes (buy in a nutrition store) that you mix up in the blender. They had like 45 grams of protien and all vitimans and minerals. Blending them with ice-cream was good too.

Relative to dizziness, i didn't have any problems in the shower at all. I was in the hospital 2 nights and didn't get a shower there. My first shower was day three when I got home and I was fine (can't remember the last time I went that long without a shower but it just wasn't a priority). I did have someone in ear shot just in case for that first shower.

What are you having done?????? Through it all focus on the end result. I think most here, including myself, have been very pleased with the results. There are many trying times after surgery from eating, to how you look temporarily, to the bands they use to limit jaw movement but in the end it's worth it. Except for still having my braces and the lingering numbness July 13 seems like a distant memory :D I'm sure yours will be a distant memory before you know it.

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#3 Post by kballing »

Thanks so much for your responses. So helpful. Had a preview Manual lymphatic drainage appointment today. Really think this should be quite helpful for after surgery. It was so nice and relaxing. Will have one a week before and then 3 each day before surgery and then they said as soon as i can stand touch again on my face. I also got my arnica gel and tablets today, so will use those after surgery. I spoke with a homeopathist who also suggested candelua but i want to be careful of confusing my system with too much. Hoping to speak with her even further about how to organize all of this.
For my palate surgery i got a zero gravity recliner that was fabulous, so will use that again with a mattress pad and massaging pad.
Oh my, so many things to think about.
So, it turns out that i will be out of surgery at noon and in my hospital room. Any thoughts on how long it will be before i sort of wake up. i am hiring a health assistant to be there when i wake up, but my dr. didn't know when i should have someone there. he suggested having someone there the whole time, but i can't afford to pay someone when i am not even done with surgery or around at all.
THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING! you are so very helpful. will post my updated list of materials soon to see if you happen to have any feedback, additional suggestions, etc.
Have a fabulous weekend. Only 3 more weeks to go. YIKES>

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#4 Post by jsenigaglia »

Hey Keli :)

Honestly, the wait up to the surgery is the worst! I just had mine (upper and lower) done on Monday, and it really isnt that bad (I guess easier said than done). But honestly, its not. Its the anticipation.

When you ask about when you will actually "wake up" from your surgery, Im sure it depends on each person. I dont really remember much from the surgery. I got rolled into the room, and was joking with my Surgeon about just having beers instead of giving me the medicine to fall asleep :) Next thing I remember was being asked to take a deep breath through my nose (to get the tube out, when I was done) and then the next thing I remembered was being in my hospital bed. Its crazy how time flies. My surgery lasted 5 hours, and it seemed like 2 minutes! The hardest part is trying to type this without drooling all over the keyboard, hehe. I wasnt aware drooling was such an issue.. Its funny, but irritating at times... Just make sure you laugh at yourself a lot :)

Try not to worry about everything... You will be fine! Just make sure you enjoy your favorite foods for the next three weeks!

Let us know how everything goes :)


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#5 Post by hoca »

Hm, surgery day times...

I got to the hospital for 7 in the morning, and then was prepped for surgery, which started at 8. In the operating room I remember being awake for more preparation then I expected, which was weird, since no one talked to me, they just poked and prodded and strapped me down. I was in the recovery room, and awake at 12:30. Unfortunately I had major complications with my sinuses, so I had to stay in the recovery room until after 6, but this is extremely uncommon. By 7 my mom was visiting me in my room, and I was drooling and writing her notes.

While it was nice to have my mom there, I didn't really need anyone to be with me the first 24 hours after surgery, as I was kept in the Constant Observation Unit. While in the COU there's a nurse 24/7, and they checked in on me quite often, letting me know how I could get their attention non-verbally. If you'll be in such a unit, you might be able to save some money and get the support worker to start after you're moved to the general recovery area.

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#6 Post by hoca »

I think part of the reason they were so attentive is the complications I had in the recovery. After the first 24 hours in the COU I had to fend for myself, but at first I wasn't able to do any of that. I wasn't allowed to get out of bed for a while, because of the sinus problems. Which was all good, until I had to pee. Unfortunately I can no longer say I've never used a bedpan, lol.

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#7 Post by kballing »

Thanks so much for remembering and sending your well wishes, I am certain that this makes all of the difference in the world and it will assist in my smooth uneventful surgery.
Have a great night and thanks again!!

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