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My SARPE surgery is Thursday...thanks, Brandy!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:35 am
by toniz

I am finally getting braced today (Jan. 31) and my SARPE surgery is the next day (Feb. 1). I just wanted to thank you all here for the wealth of information you have so freely provided. :-) This journey is not so scary now and I just wanted you to know how much this website has helped me...and others, I'm sure!

Knowledge really is power! Thank you again...especially to Brandy, whose blog on her SARPE has taken all of my fear and apprehension away!

If I get the chance, I will certainly update on my own experience with my surgery and braces. In the meantime, I will certainly be logging in daily for post-op tips and guidance with my time in braces (esp on hiding the gap!).

Thanks again!
Toni :-)

42 yrs. old
Braces scheduled for 1/31/07
SARPE scheduled for 2/1/07

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:10 pm
by Brandyleigh35
Hey Toni,
I'm so glad the blog helped you feel better! That is why I started it in the first place. I will send some good surgery vibes your way tomorrow, although I'm sure it will all go very smoothly. I found out today I'm surgery ready (I need lower jaw surgery too) I'm so pleased with my SARPE results though, it really feels wonderful having teeth that meet like they are supposed to. You will not regret it and will be amazed at how quickly your palate transforms itself!

Best wishes for an uneventful surgery!




Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:24 pm
by science teacher
I'm hoping your surgery went well!

Here's healing thought headed your way.