Underbite Surgery: April 17

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Underbite Surgery: April 17

#1 Post by arianna »

Hi everyone,
I've been lurking (very obsessively) for quite a while and finally decided to post.
I'm having jaw surgery to correct my underbite in exactly a week, on April 17th. I haven't had my pre-op appointments yet (I'm studying out of town) so I don't know the name of the surgery, but my surgeon thought he would move my upper jaw forward. I hope that original plan sticks since I understand that recovery from a single jaw surgery is easier? I begin a new job on April 30th, 12 days post-op. I've heard of recovery times that range anywhere from 1 week to 6 weeks, but I think my surgeon said I should be ready for work sometime between 10 days and two weeks post op. At least... I hope that's what he said.

I don't have pictures to post, but for some reference... My underbite is not very pronounced, my teeth are basically edge-on-edge instead of the upper teeth falling in front of the lower ones. When I first got braces there were huge spaces between my upper and lower molars, which made it really hard to chew anything properly.. Those have been shrinking for the past 5 months or so, which is great, and makes me look forward to my post-op bite even more!

I have a few questions:
I heard that ibuprofen in the week before surgery is not advised... Is this true or just a rumour?
I've been taking vitamin C and a multivitamin, eating well and exercising a lot... Is there anything else I should do to set myself up for a quick recovery?
Haha I've also been eating a lot of foods that I know will be off-limits after the surgery. Do you have ideas for some specific foods I should stock up on for when I get home? I'm not ordering zip-n-squeeze bags... Anyone have a success story that doesn't involve using these? If I have some thin plastic cups to drink out of will I be able to get by?

I think my biggest concerns right now are nausea after the surgery and if I'm not recovered by the time I have to work. These are both out of my hands though, so I guess I'll just take it as it comes!

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#2 Post by kate0310 »

ahh, my doctor didnt mention anything not to take a week before....
I had ibuprophen today and my surgery is in TWO days.

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#3 Post by michigansal »

My son had upper jaw surgery just 1 week ago (April 3), and can share with you what his surgeon / hospital wanted him to do. But before I begin, I want to thank EVERYONE on this board for all the tips and information on getting through this surgery! I haven't posted before, but can assure you I've been reading posts here for at least 6 months prior to surgery (I'm one of those nervous moms!!).
I heard that ibuprofen in the week before surgery is not advised... Is this true or just a rumour?
The only pain reliever my son was able to take prior to surgery was Tylenol (acetominophen). All others were discontinued 2 weeks prior to surgery due to blood thinning potential.
I've been taking vitamin C and a multivitamin, eating well and exercising a lot
All multivitamins had to be discontinued 1 week prior to surgery. Was told that sometimes there are ingredients that can also thin blood, therefore they just tell everyone to quit taking them 1 week before. Eat everything you want now...and enjoy it! My son is 6'3" and the night before surgery he weighed 164 lbs. One week later he is at 151 lbs. The weight will fall off of you!
I'm not ordering zip-n-squeeze bags... Anyone have a success story that doesn't involve using these?
I didn't find out about the ZNS bags until the day before surgery. However I found something that works great. Matthew has been using plastic squeeze bottles (found at cake decorating stores). They have a 'tip' on them that can be cut to accommodate different thickness of food. Bought 6 of them, about $1.50 each.

Matthew had his upper jaw brought forward and also had the palate split in order to widen it. Don't know the technical name for it...but you got a visual I'm sure! Surgeon we used does over 80 of these surgeries a year so we were confident in the doctor.

As with everyone who undergoes jaw surgery, there is a lot of concern as to what to expect. Matthew spent 2 nights in the hospital, experienced nausea the first night, and said that the catheter hurt worse that his jaw!! After he came home pain medication is only requested at night. Though he doesn't have much pain, it helps him get a better nights sleep. There is still swelling in the upper lip and cheeks, though not much. His biggest frustration right now is the 'splint' that is over his teeth / palate. Very uncomfortable, causes drooling, hard to eat, distorted talking, etc. Matthew is hoping they take it out next week. I don't see how that is possible....but hey, I'm not in the medical field!

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#4 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Just a note on the ibuprofen, it is recommended that you don't use it due to blood thinning issues, however, it also can play a big factor in bruising. It makes you bruise easier. I know that when I had my SARPE, no one told me this and I think I took some a day or two before. I had really bad bruising aftewards.....I looked like I was mugged! LOL... So...do stay away from it.

As for extra stuff you can do. I'm doing exactly the same as you, as I will be having my surgery May 24. (I get the works...upper, lower, and genio) On my blog there is a site link for nutritional supplementation prior to surgery. My doctor gave it to me. She said that her mother recently had surgery and they followed this plan and that her mom was doing better in about 5 days compared with others who are normally at 15 days for recovery. I have been following it with the multi vitamin, vitamin C, B vitamins, for now, but I will be taking the other stuff immediately afterwards this time to see if it makes a difference. Feel free to check it out, might find something on there you want to pursue further.

I also plan to have some MLP treatments pre and post op. Hopefully the will help also.

Good luck to you!


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#5 Post by Eeegsy »

Strange about the blood thining. 30 mins before my surgery then gave me an injection to thin my blood, and I had to wear elastic socks. All of this to stop clotting of the blood in the legs etc. I know they control beeding at the site of the operation with a mixture of some gas in with the anaesthic you breath.

About the weight loss.... I thought I would have lost more but only just over a stone, and I'm athletic, 6.1 with a fast metabolism! I love my food!

Zip n Squeeze are a saviour to say the least! I've still found it hard to get all the calories in, since I've been eating proper foods liquified instead of relying to much on weight gain shakes. I have those once in awhile but they don't taste great through a straw! Get some smoothies made with plenty of icecream, they are great!

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#6 Post by arianna »

Thanks for your replies everyone! My surgery is called a maxillary osteotomy... I don't know if that is the name of the procedure itself, but will find out soon. I am off to appointments at the hospital and with the OS and will have all my questions answered then.
Thanks for letting me know about the ibuprofen and multivitamins. Especially to avoid extra bruising... No fun at all.

I found pre/post op instructions on my surgeon's website. I've actually seen them copied on several blogs. The link is: http://www.argyleassociates.com/patient ... ciates.htm
Hope this can be helpful to some people. I will post more after the appointments when I get more info... I can't believe it's only 3 days away :shock:

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#7 Post by arianna »

Well... After a day of medical appointments I'm a bit more prepared... Maybe.The final word is that my upper jaw will be moved forward 3-4mm and a little bit down. The OS didn't give me an "official" name for the surgery... Im also guessing it's a Lefort 1 from what I've read in these forums. I'll be tightly banded shut with a splint for one week if all goes well, and on to soft foods after that. Looser guiding elastics should be on for about a month. Does anyone have experience with these? I have a job working with a public.. I need to be able to speak very clearly--tell me I'll be able to!!

The appointments went a little less smoothly than I'd hoped. I found it hard to get my questions answered fully at the surgeon's office and it got irritating to hear "It's not a big deal" so much. I understand that it's not a "big deal" and that these surgeries are common and usually free of complications. But it IS a bit of a "big deal" to me... Despite it being a routine procedure, it is still somewhat stressful! The appointment went longer than expected... The records technician didn't realize the camera wasn't working properly and ended up taking three sets of pictures-it took forever! They also showed a cheesy 1980's informational video.. I laughed in spite of myself.

As I was about to sign the consent form, I noticed that the only procedure listed was the "maxillary osteotomy," with no mention of wisdom tooth extraction (I only have the uppers). I mentioned this to the records technician, who then pulled out my films and went "oh... right, you do have those." Um. Yes. So they have to get in touch with the OS, who was in a meeting by that point, and have him add that in to the plan. I need to make sure that the insurance will absorb the extra cost, since it wasn't included in the original estimate.

In any case, I had x-rays, photographs and molds and a wax imprint taken, met briefly with the OS and watched that video. They gave me a bag with small syringes, non-alcoholic mouthwash, a few bottles of boost, a very small headed soft toothbrush and some other info. I got a prescription for nasal spray and liquid tylenol 3 with codeine.

Then I jetted over to the hospital, where I filled in a medical history form and had my weight, height, blood pressure and heart rate taken by a nurse. She was very friendly and explained things about the day of surgery etc to me.. My favourite line: "Remember, your nurse, and that is me, is your buddy." That was cute. After bloodwork a dietitian came in and spoke to me for a bit, then the anaesthetist came in, listened to my heart and breathing and then explained how things will work on Tuesday. Everyone at the hospital was more together so the afternoon ended well.

Has anyone had to take OCPs while banded shut? I forgot to ask while I was there.. I don't know if they can be crushed... I will ask on Tuesday in any case. This can't be an uncommon situation :?

PS: I also find it odd that the site says that the jaw will be weakest after 10 days.. particularly because I'm expected to be able to chew soft foods after only a week... A bit of a mystery.

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#8 Post by Eeegsy »

I guess you mean Over the Counter Painkillers...

They gave me a supply of water soluable pain meds to take home with me. Diclofenac along with some general paracetamol. Although in other countries I'm sure the names are different.

They avoid Morphine type drugs because they have a tendancy to make you sick, and that's not a good thing when you're banded shut! :P

Hope all goes well

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#9 Post by arianna »

Sorry, I really should have been clearer! OCP=oral contraceptive pill. I'll have a splint, but don't know how it works exactly (I assume there's little space to fit pills.. though they are small!).
Unfortunately I'm working on a final paper and marking for a class I TA this weekend, so there won't be much relaxing. But if I'm focused and working I won't have any time to get nervous about the surgery :wink:

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#10 Post by angelgarcia »

hey arianna,

i actually switched to the patch from the birth control pill for my surgery. no swallowing! :)

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#11 Post by arianna »

If I'd thought ahead, I would have checked with my doctor about switching to the patch... It's a little late now, but if for some reason I can't swallow the pills I'll see about switching.

I'm afraid I'm coming down with a cold... I've got a bit of a headache (took tylenol, not ibuprofen!), majorly tired and cold sores in my mouth. It's not bad yet (no runny nose or anything) SO I'm doing everything possible to make it go away. Normally I would load up on garlic, but apparently too much garlic can thin the blood and interfere with clotting. I've been drinking tons and tons of fluids and trying to sleep as much as possible while still getting work done. Any advice? If I do end up having a cold, will they have to delay the surgery?

I can't believe surgery is less than 48 hours away. In all of your experiences... did you remember waking up in the post-anaesthetic recovery room before being moved back to your own room? Or is the first thing you remember being back in your normal room?

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#12 Post by Eeegsy »

If you come down with a full blown cold then chances are they wouldn't do the surgery.

I can't remember anything about recovery, and I was in there for about 2 hours apparently. I just remember being on the ward, and hearing Champions League football on the TV!

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#13 Post by arianna »

Well then... I will have to avoid the cold. At all costs.

This is silly, but the reason I asked about the recovery room is because I'm worried about waking up alone or without familiar faces... Though at the time I'll hopefully be too groggy to know. I'm also worried about spending the night by myself... Silly again, but if I'm not able to sleep through the night (which I rarely do, surgery or no!) then I don't want to be all alone... Oh goodness, I should probably try to worry about things that are under my control for now :oops:

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#14 Post by JJ »

Hi There!
Thanks for all of your posts! I am having a very similar surgery to yours - Leforte 1 moving my upper jaw forward 3mm. However, my surgery is not until Oct. 19 .. so I have a ways to go! I just had my first appointment with my surgeon last week, that was actually his next available surgery date. It sounds like you are very prepared. All the nervousness right now will probably be one of the worst parts. Good luck! I am looking forward to hearing how things go. Hang in there.

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#15 Post by Happysmiler »

Hi Arianna,

I just wanted to wish you good luck for your op tomorrow.
Keep positive and think about all the people on this site who have been through the procedure and said it is not as bad as you think it will be.

Just think, Wednesday will be the start of a whole new you and you will be one step nearer the end of your journey.

Good luck and let us know when you are able to.




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