did anyone find there outcome hard too deal with

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did anyone find there outcome hard too deal with

#1 Post by freerideuk »

i noo alot of people go through othodontc surgery for functional problems

but alot of people go through it too improve there appearance did anyone on here find it hard too deal with there new self??


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#2 Post by freerideuk »

yea am having double surgery i think with alot of movement am starting to worry all be disappointed with my outcome and what doo i doo if i am


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#3 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi freeride,

I was nervous about my outcome too. My suggestion would be to ask your surgeon to explain very specifically what the outcome will look like. Then you can be prepared (as much as possible) for the changes.

I am happy with my outcome - the changes are pretty minimal and there is still some swelling, so I think that once the swelling is gone I will be pretty happy with my face.

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#4 Post by Nicki003 »

Hi freerideUK,

I am going to have my surgery tomorrow and I too am worried about what I will look like after the surgery. I know the surgeron is going to widen my upper palate and move my lower jaw forward significantly. I guess I will see. I haven't heard of anyone not being happy with their results which gives me some reassurance and I have talked to many people. My brother actually had to have 2 surgeries and he said he would do it again in a heartbeat. His jaw and profile look great. (I am going to the same surgeon he went to, but his surgery was back many years ago). I think you will be very happy!!

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#5 Post by Yarr »

After I had a double jaw surgery, I realized that other people saw more difference then I do. I dont think I have changed that much. However some other people say I dont look like my old self. Actually today my friends brother thaught I was my own unknown brother or something even though he knows I dont have any. We had a good laugh of that one. I can promise you that you wont be satisfied with your new look the first weeks because of the swelling, but as tine passes you will see the difference in a positve way. And like Nicki said, the vast majority are satisfied with their new look.

Good luck with your surgery Nicky!! See ya on tha otha side!

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#6 Post by MazingerZ »

The day after my surgery, I thought my surgeon made a mistake and moved my chin too forward. I was a bit depressed. Good thing I watched all those Extreme Makeover shows on tv and I remembered it's not unusual to feel a bit depressed after the surgery and that you can't see the eventual results until months later. It's been 3 weeks since my surgery and I've been seeing slight changes week after week.

Since I hated my appearance for the longest time, I thought I'd be ecstatic after the surgery. So far I've only been modestly happy. I know objectively speaking I look better than before but somehow my mind hasn't catched up and I still feel as ugly as ever. Now I know what those obese people meant after they lost the weight, that they still feel like a fat person. :roll:

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#7 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi MazingerZ,

I had surgery seven weeks ago and I definitely remember feeling a bit panicked at 3 weeks because I thought I was seeing the final product. In reality I was still swollen. I am still swollen a bit even now, but it is getting so much better. I am quite sure you will be happier about your appearance in a few weeks, but I think you raised a good point about how tough this process can be, and how we have to deal with our own expectations.

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#8 Post by freerideuk »

thanks for all the replys guys

its just i have been thinking lately i have built it all up soo much in my head

and now i have relised the final outcome might not match up and i don't want to be disapponinted lolz

but i guess all just take all expectations out of my head and just take it as it comes =]


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#9 Post by MazingerZ »

Thanks for the kind words. I am happy with the result and think this is one of the best decisions I ever made. :)

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#10 Post by chrisk »

I went into my surgery to correct my functional problems with any cosmetic improvements being a bonus, but even so, one of my big concerns was not liking the final outcome. I needn't at worried. At 10 days post-op I was happy with my result and now at 9 months post-op and 3 months post-braces, I am ecstatic with how things have turned out.

The first few weeks were hard to adjust to, since there was a stranger in the mirror staring back at me. I didn't dislike my new look, it was just very different from what I was used to. I now look more than 10 years younger (and didn't look 41 as it was) so have knocked quite a few years of my appearance. (But the greying hair gives it a way a little - lol.) I have teeth that meet how they should, lips that meet how they should, a chin and a smile that is not all teeth.

It is all so worth it.

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