10 Day Post- op Newbie with questions, Please help

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10 Day Post- op Newbie with questions, Please help

#1 Post by Gem »

I had a leforte plus genioplasty done on April 26. The biggest complaint I had related to my sinuses, but about 4 days ago they finally cleared. However, Friday night they ballooned right back and they are making life miserable. I am finding it diffucult to eat, speak, drink and SLEEP. Did this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions for opening them up. I am currently using flonase, afrin, saline, nsaids, ice packs, steam showers and prayer. Nothing seems to be helping. I am tempted to call os to see if there is any medication that will help. Is this normal at 10 days post op?
Also when can I use straws and blow my nose again? Thanks for any guidance.

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#2 Post by anabel »

Wow, all that and you still can't breathe? You must be so miserable. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the rebound effect from the afrin is getting you. I've said this before but I always just do one nostril at a time and that way, when the rebound hits hours later, you can spray the other nostril and be able to breathe through that one instead of both nostrils rebelling against you at the same time, which is awful. It's the only way I got through the post surgical stuffiness and am getting through being stuffy all through this pregnancy. Also have you tried sudafed? At my absolute worst, I would take 2 sudafed (the behind-the counter strength), wait 45 minutes for it to finally kick in, then spray a nostril and I'd be OK enough to sleep. The nsaids and flonase are a good idea and should be helping. Are you congested with phlegm or just swollen and stuffy? If you're congested too, robitussin might help thin things out. Hope you feel better.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#3 Post by Gem »

Thanks Anabel! I forgot to list that I am also taking mucinex because initially the sinused felt like they were congested with glue and after a few days of mucinex and nsaids I was able to breath but nothing seems to be working. Also I an afraid to take Sudafed because I tried Sudafed PE for nighttime and it was the worst night of my life. I also tried Alavert with the same result. For some reason it seems any kind of allergy medication I take makes it worse.

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#4 Post by anabel »

OK then don't try robitussin--mucinex has the same stuff in it I think. I guess maybe it's time to call the Dr. Sorry! Also I don't remember the answer to your question about straws and blowing your nose but I bet Meryaten does.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#5 Post by Gem »

Thanks Anabel! I have been putting off calling(don't want to be the pesty patient) but I think when your sleep is being affected something has to be done.

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#6 Post by anabel »

Yep, can't heal if you can't sleep. Good luck and keep us posted.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
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#7 Post by Gem »

Just got off the phone with the dr. and he said I have to find a decongestant that works. If I am not better in the next 24 hours then I need to come in tomorrow to be examined for possible prescription strength meds to help relieve this pressure. Also he said definitely no straws until they say it is ok and no nose blowing only sucking. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope for a miracle. Thanks again.

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#8 Post by anabel »

Also a humidifier can help. Did the Dr. have any suggestions as to which decongestant would help?
Braces on July 2005
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#9 Post by Gem »

Thank you both for the suggestions, however been there done that. I tried to be prepared for this because the os said that for 1 week I would feel like I had the worst head cold of my life, but he was wrong it was even worst for even longer. When I came home from the hospital I did it all and I even, by coincindence have an adjustable bed in my dd's room so I was sleeping in an upright position. I can not even tell you how many times I awoke in an almost sleep apnea kind of way. Anyhow I have been using the q-tips since the hospital and they do provide some relief but this was just like a brick wall in my passages. Anyhow os said to try either dimetapp or sudafed and since I hadn't tried regualar sudafed I am giving it a shot. It seems to be working since I am breathing through my nose again, but my nose feels all crusty. Plus, I don't really feel like talking because it seems to make it worst. I am just in a state of panic because I hate going the thought of another restless night. Meryaten thanks for the suggestion regarding dairy. I thought that only applied to chest colds but I can see what you are getting at, especially since I had a bowl of ice cream Friday night right before the sinuses blew up. It will be hard giving up milk and yogurt especially since I really like the carnation instant breakfast. I guess I will switch back to Boost until my sinuses return to normal. Surprisingly I really don't seem to have much pain only sinus pressure. It feels like I am starting to get sensation in my chin again. How long did it take for the face numbness to go away? Once again thanks for the advise.

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#10 Post by ohmyjaw »

I had some minor congestion after surgery (nothing like yours...it sounds awful!)

I used Vicks Vapour-rub and a saline nasal spray - maybe that could be of some help (although it does sound like you have tried just about everything). Hope it gets better very soon!

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#11 Post by Gem »

Well I finally got some relief and some answers. I started taking Sudafed PE on Sunday that was a big help, but the problem was after 4 hours it was time to take more. So after waking up in the middle of the night I decided I had to find a 12 hour medicine. Fortunately Target had a 12 hour Sudafed but you have to show your driver's license to get it. Now for the answer to why my sinuses blew up a second time after surgery, it was the ice cream. Meryaten I know you told me to avoid dairy but I so wanted some last night. However after the second spoonful I realized what was going on. It wasn't the dairy that was making my sinuses swell it was the cold temperature. Fortunately the Sudafed was able to control the swelling and I don't sound so nasal today. Last night's restless night was due to lack of a comfortable position, but at least now I know that I am currently too sensitive to cold temperatures. No more ice cream for me until I am past this. Thanks for all of the advise.

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#12 Post by anabel »

So glad to hear you've gotten some relief. That behind-the-counter, show-your-driver's licence version of sudafed is one of the only things that works for me, too. That and the fumes from my meth lab. Just kidding.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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