Soft Food

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Soft Food

#1 Post by kate0310 »

I got the OK from my surgeon today to begin soft chew, after 5 weeks of liquids.
Not really sure what types of things are good to start on other than maybe pasta...
Ive never really chewed on my left this should be interesting.
A small part of me is going to miss the ease of the liquids!!

Any suggestiong for soft chew would be appreciated. THanks!!

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#2 Post by anabel »

Congrats on the go-ahead! Fish is good. Pasta like you said. Gosh it's been so long I can't remember. How helpful of me. I remember not so much chewing stuff even when they said I could, as much as I did mush stuff with my tongue on the roof of my mouth. Chewing was just too weird for so long.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#3 Post by Delag »

If you like fake crab.....

Chop up the crab quite fine - 1- add mayo and chipotle to taste (or) - 2- add mayo, fresh lime juice and jalepeño (or) -3- add mayo, a grated apple and fresh lime juice.

The last one gives you a little sweet and salty action :lol: You can eat any of these plain or turn them into a sandwich with soft bread (or thow it on some Ritz crackers when you are up for a little crunch).

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#4 Post by Delag »

Shucks - if I could get real crab here..... I kind of forget the real stuff even exists...*sigh*. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen crab, lobster in the fish section of any of our supers. We do get shrimp, but it is from the Gulf and I much prefer Pacific. You would think in Mexico we would get decent sea food, but you need to be close to the coast.

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#5 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Here are some of the foods I have found to be compatible with the SARPE

Pancakes (these are awesome! Filling and easy to maneuver around)
Potatoes (white or sweet, soft boiled, hashbrowns, mashed, or baked.
Spaghetti (cut up into small bits and eaten with a spoon) or just about any other kind of Pasta (particularly good with cream sauces or ground meat sauce.)
Hamburger patties (cut up small)
Link Sausage (cut into small pieces)
Chicken (soft, cooked in the crockpot is best)
Tuna (mix with mayo and pickle relish, great protein and easy to eat)
Surimi or artificial crab meat (mix with mayo, cut up small. Great source of protein)
Bread (soft french bread is good. Do not eat the crust, as its very hard to chew, and gets stuck easily)
Blueberry muffins (Made from a box, are easy to eat and taste good with little effort.)
Macaroni Salad (ok, can swallow mostly whole if necessary)
Taco Bell Chicken Quesidilla (I was able to eat this pretty easily. It took a bit of manuevering but I got it down and it tasted pretty good)
Cheesecake (yum this is an awesome food to eat, and tastes even better because you don't have to work too hard to get it down)

Hope this helps!


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Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:38 pm


#6 Post by kate0310 »

thanks for the help! i'll report back after this week on how it went

Brandy your list was fabulous! Panacakes are going to be perfect...and a good excuse for extra CANADIAN maple syrup.

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