
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1 Post by iheartmypanda »

My name is Mariana and I'm 21 and 4 weeks post op today. I had upper/lower/genio.

I still have a lot of pain and right now I'm having sleep issues. I want to sleep on my side but it hurts and I get scared I'm hurting my jaw.
I've had an awful recovery (read about it at but despite that I still think it was worth it.
I know it's a hard descision to make but now that I had it done I see all the un alligned wear I've done to my teeth. I might even need some filed.
I can't imagine what my teeth would have been 20 years from now.
Maluccosions (sorry if spelled wrong) are not good for you and if you can correct it then do. It affects neck muscles, which then affects your back, it also causes headaches, you can't chew right and that affects your digestive system.

So yeah, I'm glad I did it.

Feel free to ask me questions, I know I will be asking some!

Nice to meet you all!


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#2 Post by Delag »

Always nice to see a new face! (Love your name - same as my dd). Welcome aboard. I am sorry to hear your recovery has not been on the easy side. I'm going to hop over and check out your blog!

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#3 Post by kate0310 »

Hi Mariana,
I just read your blog, and you recovery sounds VERY similar to mine- the closest I have found yet to what mine felt like.
It was frusterating to keep reading about people who had such an easy time with it and I kept wondering if my pain wasnt real because I felt like I shouldn't be in pain.

I'm sorry to hear your having a tough time with it, but trust me you are going to have a turnaround point soon! Im feeling really really great this past week, and just two weeks ago I was begging my surgeon over the phone for a better painkiller.
Advil didn't work for me very well, but Torodol (which is like a super advil) was much better. You need a prescription for it but you could ask your surgeon or family doctor for one?
Your profile results look amazing too, you should be very pleased. And the sleeping thing, thats normal. Week 5 was the first week that I got any sleep, and the last few nights I have finally switched to my side from my back and it feels less and less like im wrecking my jaw lying that way, and OH SO NICE to sleep!!!
I also reccommend getting Arnica cream from shoppers drug mart or a health food store- its good for the muscle stiffness and just all round' healing. Excersize will get some circulation to you head as well and reduce the swelling.

Keep us updated! Things are going to get better :)
and again, your picture results look fabulous
(I'm a Torontonian too! but wasn't at Mount Sinai)

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#4 Post by iheartmypanda »

Hi Kate!
Wow! Thank you soooo much for your reply!
I almost started crying. It's just nice to hear that I'm not some awful recovery freak. I think on the yahoo group I scared some people away from surgery! That's why I'm always so quick to say I don't regret it! Especially when posting my candid blog link. lol.
Surgeons don't normally prescribe pain killers after week 3 which doesn't help. I go in tomorrow and maybe I can get some coedine out of Dr. Clokie. I can sleep upright if I'm drugged!

How far along are you? And where did you have your surgery done? Dr. Clokie is the head of the OMS department at UofT so he's at a teaching hospital. I was told he is the man to go to for this sort of thing though. He is an awesome surgeon and I couldn't recommend him more.
The hospital though... yeah.. not so much!
Only the night nurses took care of me! The day ones didn't.

Is it only a Mt. Sinai thing though? I sure hope your hospital expirience was better!

Anyways, thanks so much for your kind words! I really appreciate them! It's hard when everyone else at week 4 seems to be off partying. lol.

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#5 Post by iheartmypanda »

Thanks Meryaten and Delag (btw.your daughter has an awesome name. I have always loved having it! ^_^).

And Meryaten, you're right. Hindsight is 20/20 and there really is no pont dwelling in the past!
I read back really far and my heart broke for people who had questions a year ago that maybe I could have answered. I'm late in joining this forum. I hang out on the yahoo group and it's amazing what a difference support from places like these makes!

It's such a tough surgery to go through but such an important one at the same time! I'm so glad I didn't have to go through it alone!

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not a surgery freak

#6 Post by kate0310 »

just imagine the poor people who get loose screws or infections and need the metal taken THAT would suck! and even they get through it fine in the end too.

Yea I guess it would be hard to get the painkiller from him now. Mine offered to prescribe me a sleeping pill last week, but I said I would hold off one more week and let him know- but im getting sleep now finally.

My surgery was done at This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to This is Spam please report to Administrator! General Hospital because I couldn't get room in any Toronto hospitals. All my nurses were great, and the care at This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to Administrator! This is Spam please report to This is Spam please report to Administrator! was A+ for the most part. My surgeon is absolutely fabulous, and that made all the difference too. He is one of the best- and has a crazy waiting list- but it's worth the wait.

I am 6 weeks exactly now. I've got ortho next week which im scared about because I was in agony after the who knows what they will do to me this time. There is no mercy there. :shock:
I just repeat to myself pain is temporary pain is temporary pain is temporary and in a year I'll have a BIG WHITE hollywood smile to flaunt around and my clicky lockjaw will be history!

Posts: 151
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#7 Post by kate0310 »


there's the link to my pictures too. there are lots....all throughout it

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