Crossbite, srugery?, and aftermath?

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Crossbite, srugery?, and aftermath?

#1 Post by AKIRA »

New member here. Ive gone through 7 pages and nothing is as precise and simple as I need, so here goes..

Years ago, my oral surgeon who took my wisdom teeth out, wanted to take some xrays on a possible jaw problem. "we might want to worry about this in the furture" I have a crossbite.

Well, I am worried.

I noticed one day I woke up grinding my teeth, only I wasnt grinding as many teeth. I then noticed only my top left side teeth were the only ones that now touch with natural biting force.

I went to the dentist to see if theyd recommend a referral.

After looking at the xray, they recommended I go see an oral surgeon and a orthodontist. The xray shows an ENLARGED right jaw as opposed to my left. Id say its 3-4cm difference in height. That would explain why none of my right teeth touch.

I have a consultation on July 2.

I have no pain, no problems eating, and my jaw has a small 'snap' when I open all the way. However, I look deformed in pictures (no one else notices, but I see it everytime) and I can tell the problem has gotten worse since I had my wisdon teeth taken out.

My simple questions are as follows...

1. I see a lot of threads about surgery, but no aftermath. Will I have my jaw wired shut?

2. If its wired shut, is it true that my teeth will be "knocked out" in order for me to eat? (why would they destroy healthy teeth?)

3. How long does a person with a wired jaw have to have a wired jaw?

4. Braces? If its just my jaw, why would I need braces?

5. Is the pain worth it? Is the expense worth it? (dentists have recommended it)

6. Is there a possibility to not have a wired jaw nor braces?

7. I am a personal trainer, I am 27 years old, and I am fit as a fiddle, so protein shakes are no problem....but does my food intake get gradually better before I can eat, say, an apple?

8. Does a wired jaw mean all the way shut or is it open a little bit? (even though I have a gigantic nose, I can hardly breathe through it)

9. Possibility of regret?

Thanks for feedback. I have over a month until I get to ask my trusted surgeon these questions, but I have panic dissorder. I need some black and white, first case scenarios of what other have gone through. Even though I might be "elite," I want to know what I may be expecting.

Thank you.

Scared Sh.itless

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#2 Post by Delag »

Welcome. Meryaten (as usual) has done a most excelent job with the big info! I just wanted to add that a crossbite occurs when the upper teeth sit behind the lowers. For example, if you have a narrow palate your upper molars would be set in closer to the tongue than your lowers. It is possible to have a cant and a crossbite.

Braces really aren't such a big deal. After a couple of weeks you really don't notice them much except when you have to floss :roll:

Attitude is HUGE if you decide to go through this. Having a positive outlook is perhaps the the single most important factor in how this affects (effects?) your life. My other piece of advice is to take the time to find an ortho and OS that you really trust.

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#3 Post by kate0310 »

Thanks for the intro Meryaten! 8)

ahh yes, the pain.
I did experience pain, but it wasn't nearly bad enough to ever make me reconsider the surgery. You have it, you just deal with it, and eventually it subsides.
Don't let it scare you out of doing this- there are many many important factors to consider before going through this surgery, but I definately would say that pain is not one of them.

As for regret, if this is something that YOU want, and not just something that a medical professional wants for you- I really can't imagine regretting it. Before my surgery, only one back molar in my mouth touched in my bite- and now that I have a correct bite its like WOW so this is what's its supposed to feel like...and now I realize how incredibly wonky my face was before. I was not an extreme case, because aesthetically only me and my doctors and close family could notice the imperfections, and only in recent years had my jaw muscles started to become sore, and I had a constant click and boerings arthrosis- but I really wasnt in a lot of pain from it. So I understand that feeling of "should I, or shouldn't I" when nothing extreme is going on. Just remember If you do it, do it for you.

Hope that helps!

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#4 Post by AKIRA »

Thank you for the supportive comments.

I suffer from anxiety, so information eases the tension.

Glad to hear its not as bad as it seems. Although I have over a month to think and think and think about this... :o

I really dont want braces though. The dentist (there were 2 of them) gave me a scenario about having to do this in my 40s and how expensive it would be, possibly having dentures yadda yadda. I told him: doc, i am in my last 3 years of my 20s..and i am going to go through them with braces? if my teeth fall out when i am 40, my loving future wife will catch them."

I seriously dont want to have these damn things...but I really dont want to see this jaw out and to the left in every single picture. Not to mention, only using 25% of my teeth. Risk > Reward I have convinced myself...

And to answer delag, my upper jaw is mostly over my bottom, but to the left.

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#5 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi there,

I had to reply to this one because I am in my last years of my twenties and I have braces (I am 29). I think it has made a world of difference for me, because I have so much more confidence than I had before. I have clear braces and they are hardly noticeable. Really not a big deal, just like everyone else has said. Also, I had jaw surgery two months ago and I was wired shut for 10 days. As meryaten said, wiring is pretty rare, but yes sometimes people are wired. You need to find out what your surgeon does - he/she may use wires, maybe rubber bands, or maybe nothing. I think I actually got off easy - 10 days is a pretty short time, compared to a lifetime of not liking your appearance.

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#6 Post by TownAndGown »

Your situation sound so much like mine! My dentist noticed a slight cant in my early 20's, then surgery was recommended at 27, but I was first time pregnant and couldn't cope with everything at once! Nobody else knew of the problem as it didn't show.

Unfortunately is has got more problematic, ie. the mandible on one side is very much bigger/longer than the other. It shows now - photos show it a lot.

I decided to go for the op, and got braces at 45. I'm now in my 3rd year of braces, and I understand that this long treatment is because I'm older and the teeth don't move as easily. But really, I promise you, the braces are just fine - I really don't know they are there! I just wish I'd done it when I was younger. I hope it will all be over by the time I'm 50! I could have all been done by now if I'd been braver.

I have an appointment with the consultant about surgery next month. I'm actually quite excited about it. At last, I'm getting there!

I'm not in a position to give you advice, but if I was, I'd say "go for it".


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#7 Post by AKIRA »

Thanks for the replies!

I went to the dentist today to get molded for some mouthguard I can use until I get chopped up...then they gave me 2 fillings. :oops: I am all numb right now on my right side...not fun.
ohmyjaw wrote:Hi there,

I had to reply to this one because I am in my last years of my twenties and I have braces (I am 29). I think it has made a world of difference for me, because I have so much more confidence than I had before. I have clear braces and they are hardly noticeable. Really not a big deal, just like everyone else has said. Also, I had jaw surgery two months ago and I was wired shut for 10 days. As meryaten said, wiring is pretty rare, but yes sometimes people are wired. You need to find out what your surgeon does - he/she may use wires, maybe rubber bands, or maybe nothing. I think I actually got off easy - 10 days is a pretty short time, compared to a lifetime of not liking your appearance.
Clear braces were mentioned...but by my dentist. I really wont know until I get the ball rolling. I called my oral surgeon and told the lady to put me on a cancellation list to get me in there sooner than july 2.

Are the clear braces really not that noticeable?
Can you notice them when you kiss?
Can they notice it?
How was life with your jaw wired shut?
How did you eat, breathe? (even though I have a huge nose, I can hardly breathe through it)
Pain after the surgery?
How long do you have you braces?

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#8 Post by HighandLo »

Hi Akira,

I can contribute to a few of your questions. I have ceramic braces on top and metal lowers. They really aren't that noticeable. From a few feet away, people don't really even see them, I've been told. Usually people look at your eyes when you talk, anyway.

I haven't had trouble kissing at all :wink: It is different, though. After all, you do have metal in your mouth and have to be careful. But. so far, no mishaps. I've had braces for 14 months.

You have to weigh the temporary bother with the permanent results that you want. Most, if not all, things worth having in life require some type of sacrifice.


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#9 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi Akira,

Clear braces are great! They are hardly noticeable. The only drawback is that there are little tiny elastics (I think they are called ligatures) that hold the wire to the braces, and they tend to stain if you drink coffee, tea, or like eating curries.

I do not notice them when I kiss. I have kissed two guys since I got braces, but I did not ask them if they noticed...

Life with my jaw wired shut was okay; the only thing that was really frustrating was eating (rather, trying to eat). I had a really hard time trying to get enough calories. You can't live on fruit juice! But somehow I survived the 10 days.

I did not have any trouble breathing. I had a little bit of stuffiness occasionally, but it was nothing major. Why can't you breathe through your nose? Sinus problems?

As for pain, yes, I had some pain. I think my surgery was pretty easy in every respect, except for the pain. But, to reassure you, I think I am in the minority when it comes to pain - most people do not have so much. Brandyleigh is on day five and she is taking baby tylenol. I was on morphine every four hours for 10 solid days.

I have had braces for 20 months. I don't know how much longer I have left...

Hope this helps!

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#10 Post by kate0310 »

Meryaten- if in your opinion my pain has been one of the more severe cases from what youve heard about (and you know these mssg boards pretty darn well)- than pain is REALLY not an issue.
When I get the bad pain, it really doesn't last more than 10 minutes- and when I say "bad pain" it could still be worse. Otherwise it's pretty dull or nothing at all. I can go like 5 days without pain. I think for me, it is most frusterating because the rest of my body is trying to convince me that Im totally normal, but I still feel held back by my jaw and the pain is just a reminder that I'm not as good as I'd like to be. And I'll be doing really well, and than every so often a bad day comes along. But you just get the day over with, and wake up the next day feeling fine.

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#11 Post by AKIRA »

Jesus, morphine every 4 hours for 10 days?! Meryaten calmed me down until I read that!!!!

I do have anxiety, but I also do like to gather information. I may not get my jaw wired shut, but I wonder, with the jaw wired SHUT, where does the liquid food go? I mean, I eat protein shakes with no problem now, but that might be tough with a wired jaw.

In any case, I hear you on the high chance that it wont happen.

Kinda weird that people would have a pain free day followed by a painful day.

Ugh, Ill try to calm down about this, but I just want it to get it started. Its this hanging around in between things that make me crazy.

The clear braces, I knew someone years ago that had them. They made her teeth looked like butter. This was maybe 8-9 years ago, so I am sure theyve advanced since then, but I did just read they are easy to stain.

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#12 Post by kate0310 »

With the pain - the amount that you:
c)angle you sleep at
will affect the level of pain

In regards to the anxiety- you just have to have faith in your body- no matter what happens you will amazed at how your body adapts and learns to deal with everything.

We've ALL gotten through this here, and lived to happily tell the tale.

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#13 Post by ohmyjaw »

Don't worry about pain - seriously. More than likely, you will find that you don't have much pain. If you do, there are plenty of drugs available! My surgeon's office was pretty clear - they don't want you to suffer. They will give you what you need in order to be comfortable.

As for eating with your jaw wired, you just have to blend everything until it is thin enough to fit through the spaces in between your teeth. There is also space at the back of your mouth, behind your last molars. I ate soup, shakes, pudding mixed with milk, and some blended fruit. My favourite thing was couscous blended with milk. Yes, it actually fit through my teeth! And it's almost like solid food...

As for clear braces - it is only the ligatures that stain, and they get replaced at each adjustment. And it's not that noticeable anyway. I am probably the only person that notices my stained ligs.

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#14 Post by TownAndGown »

Hi Akira

I have full metal braces - I didn't give the exact date to family, and when I had them fitted I went home and waited, and waited, and waited until my kids and family noticed. They didn't. I had to point it out!

I promise - they didn't notice, they weren't just pretending. I think that those that know and love you most see you as YOU, just as if you cut a few inches off your hair, they would see the same person. The same goes for braces.

I live in the UK and very few people here get their teeth braced and if anyone noticed, they wouldn't comment. But I work in the USA often and I get comments - "How much longer until you get your braces off?". I forgot I had them.

So - some people see them, some don't. The people who matter really won't care that much. In the two years I've had mine, my friends still include me - parties, dinner parties, Ascot, Henley. Life is just the same.

For me, it really hasn't been a problem, and as I said before, at the beginning, like putting on a new pair of shoes - a bit uncomfortable to start, and then you wouldn't know you were wearing them.

The surgery I have yet to comment on, but I know it will be okay.


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#15 Post by AKIRA »

Thank you for the responces. I am finally starting to calm down about this (or my mind is tired of thinking of it).

ohmyjaw wrote:Don't worry about pain - seriously. More than likely, you will find that you don't have much pain. If you do, there are plenty of drugs available! My surgeon's office was pretty clear - they don't want you to suffer. They will give you what you need in order to be comfortable.

As for eating with your jaw wired, you just have to blend everything until it is thin enough to fit through the spaces in between your teeth. There is also space at the back of your mouth, behind your last molars. I ate soup, shakes, pudding mixed with milk, and some blended fruit. My favourite thing was couscous blended with milk. Yes, it actually fit through my teeth! And it's almost like solid food...

As for clear braces - it is only the ligatures that stain, and they get replaced at each adjustment. And it's not that noticeable anyway. I am probably the only person that notices my stained ligs.

<WHEW> I was really scared I wasnt going to be able to eat through a wired jaw, if applicable.

Since my fear of this issue, Ive had 2 immediate people say they were close to someone with a wired jaw and said it wasnt that bad. I guess everything is adaptable eventually as Meryaten said.

Speaking of clear braces, I saw a friend last night I havent seen in years. He had braces the ENTIRE time I knew him and last night he had clear braces in and I didnt notice at all. In fact, I was looking AT his teeth while talking about his metal ones and BOOM, he moved his clear braces and I was shocked that I didnt even notice them.

I asked him that it was kinda odd that he was still wearing braces. He said it was cuz he didnt wear his ?retainor? when he was younger? I know what those are, but I thought braces > retainor when it came to permamnt function.

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