Opening Mouth..

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Opening Mouth..

#1 Post by TheUnk311 »

I am just over 2 weeks post-op now and can only open my mouth to about 25mm. The joints feel very stiff and begin to hurt if I try to open up more. Makes brushing my molars somewhat hard, and I can't get a good yawn in either!

I was curious as to how long after surgery some of you were able to open your mouth closer to what you could before the surgery?

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#2 Post by TheUnk311 »

I only just started some jaw exercises yesterday after seeing my OS. He has me putting some warm packs on my jaw and then opening as wide as I can and even suggested using my fingers to open even wider.

Talking isn't getting me to open very much cause these elastics are stretched over 3 brackets making it pretty tight. My Ortho said I could take a break from them when needed but I want them off-off as soon as possible so have been wearing them almost 24/7 since =p

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#3 Post by Gem »

25mm is great! Ortho said pre-op I was at 30mm and as of yesterday I am at 18mm. They want me to get to 25 mm and I am 5 weeks post-op. Fortunately they finally released me from my bands and now I have lighter bands for sleeping. Orhto said to try opening my mouth every night as I watch tv until it starts to hurt and hold it. What size toothbrush are you using? OS gave me a baby toothbrush but I found that last night I was able to brush the best yet with an end tuft brush. Plus I will be doing pt to help the muscles relax and improve my rom. good luck!

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#4 Post by TheUnk311 »

I was using my normal toothbrush. A couple days after starting the jaw exercise with heating pads I can open wide enough now that my toothbrush fits all the way back there. Guess I only needed a couple more mm to fit it back there.

Can also open wide enough now to get a real good look at my stitches, but I kinda wish I didn't look at em lol has made me a little over-cautious brushing back there now =p

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opening mouth

#5 Post by kate0310 »

at 3 weeks I was 16mm
and at 7 weeks I was 27mm

...ok but still lots to go....

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