Asymmetry: To Eeegsy or Anybody

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Asymmetry: To Eeegsy or Anybody

#1 Post by murrdock311 »

Hey everyone. This is Ryan. I posted a detailed description of my case under a thread, asymmetry, cast, condylar hyperplasia. Basically I have slight asymmetry due to one side of my jaw being 4 mm longer than the other. Not too big of a descrepency.
I've seen a few surgeons and jaw specialists and they all seem to say different routes to take as far as surgery goes for my treatment plan. One surgeon recommended I have a condylotomy to relieve tmj pain and discomfort, another said upper and lower to fix a cant with a BSSO and Leforte wedge. Another said nothing, and another said braces alone. I'm really confused and wonder if anyone else has a similar problem. I know Eeegsy had asymmetry. What type of surgery did you have exactly? Has anyone benefited from a condylotomy and does it fix asymmetry?

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#2 Post by Eeegsy »

Hi murrdock,

Do you have an underbite or overbite etc?

I'm not sure what a condylotomy is, but I did have some pain in tmj joint area occasionally. Nothing serious I felt.

I had an underbite, and the teeth wouldn't meet correctly when I bit down. So they were like edge on edge, not flush together. My assymetry was due to one side being differnt than the other, and the other side on the bottom jaw has like a very slight bow in it. And I believe a cant in the upper jaw. As well as my chin was assymetrical.

So I had a BSSO, Lefort 1 and an assymetrical genio.

So quite alot there! Everything has been corrected to the best that it can be, apart from the bowing. There isn't much that can be done about that. So my present situation is that everything is way way better than before but not perfect. My surgeon who is excellent and has been in this business for a long time, said that Assymetry cases can never usually be corrected 100%. Although things do get increasingly better over time. The problem is that after the bones have been fixed, you still have the soft tissues attatched to that bone that may differ from both sided of the face. And in some cases there will still be some assymetry present to a trained eye.

I can see why you are confused with all of these people saying different things. I would ask them again and tell them to tell you what each procedure is going to do and how you will benefit... maybe someone else has other ideas hey would like to share?

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#3 Post by HighandLo »


I also have condylar hyperplasia where the right side of my jaw grew more than the left. To me, it is really obvious. I have a more pronounced crossbite now from not having surgery earlier. I've had braces once before and then started again last year so my teeth are pretty straight. But that doesn't mean they meet, since my jawline is off! I have a slight underbite, also.

My OS is planning on a BSSO - mandibular osteotomy at the end of June. He thinks he can fix my bite with just the lower jaw surgery (I hope). I will post as my case progresses as I don't have any other jaw surgery experiences to share.

It may help to have someone go with you to appointments, to ask the questions you forget right after the surgeon says "jaw surgery!" :shock:

Good for you for doing your research!


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#4 Post by WhiteLurcher »


I had condylar surgery about 4 years ago now, on my right side. I had to wait a year to see if it had stopped the growth, which thankfully it had. While it did straighten my lower jaw which had deviated to the left, it also left me with a rather large open/overbite, and fairly recessed chin. I have had braces on for 21 months now and had double jaw surgery twice in the last 3 weeks. I had the condylar shave because my bone was actively growing and it did more or less fix the TMJ pain and locking I was experiencing. The other surgery is to try and regain my bite. Others like Eeegsy get it all fixed at once, it all really depends on the individual case I think!

Like the others have said you really need to ask for the pros and cons and work out what will be best for you, I know it's difficult.

Good luck :D


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