
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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dannym 1980
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#1 Post by dannym 1980 »

Last edited by dannym 1980 on Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by TheUnk311 »

I wasn't wired shut and what I do remember when I first woke up is a little foggy, but when I first threw up the nurse immediately got some sucking device and placed it in my mouth which helped.

I guess some went out my nose too because the next day when I finally was able to get up and use the restroom I noticed a thin ring of blood around a nostrel.

I'm sure they will be well prepared for you should you throw up.

Also I think because you haven't eaten X hours before the surgery that it will just be blood and so no chunks and therefore easy to drain through your teeth and sides of your mouth if you are wired.

science teacher
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#3 Post by science teacher »

Throwing up really isn't too bad. I agree that because there are no chunks it's easy to get out. Even if you are wired shut the nurse will be able to suction out gunk and probably shoot some water in to rinse with.
SARPE 11/23/06
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#4 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I did not throw up, but sure felt like I was going to, and definitely wanted to so I could feel better. I let the anesthesiologist know that I was a puker, and they gave me anti nasuea meds during surgery. Once I got the morhpine then I really felt bad, so they gave me some more anti nasuea meds. I tell you those things work, I had three doses, never threw up, and then felt much better.

You will have a suction tube next to the bed to suck out the blood etc. Be sure and look for it and use it instead of swallowing it all. Once I stopped swallowing the blood I felt much better also.

I have a super senitive stomach and puke at the drop of a hat. It was nice to not puke as that was one of my biggest concerns. Talk with your doctor about it, but don't be too worried, even if you do, its all liquid and will come right out they told me.


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#5 Post by Gem »

I was instructed to have a light meal and bedtime snack the night before. In addition I was given pepcid to take the night before and the morning of. When I met the anesthesiologist, I told him my concerns of vomiting and he explained to me that if you have a problem with motion sickness then your are more apt to throw up. He also went on to explain that they would put 3 anti-nausea meds in the iv and before I went to recovery they would place a tube up my nose into my stomach and empty my stomach. Once I was in a bed there was a sign posted letting everyone know I was banded and attached was a pair of scissors. There was also a suction device which helped remove blood from my mouth. Upon discharge they gave me a pair of scissors to take home with me in the event of an emergency (breathing difficulties or vomiting). I did not need them. Once home I did cough up some blood but it was like coughing up phlegm from a bad cold.

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#6 Post by nvcarissa »

First of all, there most likely won't be any solids in your stomach because you will be told not to eat a certain amount of hours before surgery and no liquids prior to surgery as well.

That being said, you may still feel nauseous, and like everyone else has said, they have anti-nausea medicine to help you out. But you need to be sure to communicate that to them or whoever is with you so that they can communicate for you.

My best friend was by my side in recovery when I felt like I was going to throw up, and even though I was wired shut and couldn't talk, I was able to grimace and move my hand to my stomach. They figured it out and got me the anti-nausea medicine. It worked like a charm.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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